Biltmore was amazing! I came back so psyched about it...even talking about getting a job there giving tours. My highlight of the trip was taking the Rooftop Tour while my friends did a winery tour/tasting. They had a blast at the winery, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself on the rooftop tour. I took loads of pictures and got different views this time. As the guide lead the tour, I kept saying to myself “I could do this.” Yes, I could!
The rest of April and now most of May have just flown by. I’m so busy at work that there is little time for else, and my blog, family and friends have suffered because of it. Seriously, I work 9-11 hour days throughout the week and often come in on weekends, too. I’m still working the two different positions and trying to keep both things moving on both desks! Lots of shuffling to do...
Just in the last couple of weeks, I would say that I am definitely noting how much all of this has taken its toll on my mental and physical state. You can only burn a candle at both ends for so long, I guess. I’m whipped. I feel like I don’t care as much as I should about certain things. I’m anxious at times about other matters, and carefree or snippy at other times. I’m ready for some rest. I’m not the best me I can be—that is for sure. I’m very much ready for my office cohort to come back from maternity leave. These past 4 months have been a real learning experience, and I wouldn’t change the learning aspect. It is just the sheer volume of work that is starting to over-tax me. I’m ready for a “less is more” scenario.
I’ve even been contemplating a vacation all on my own. I’ve traveled alone before, but it’s always been to see friends or relatives. I’d travel to Tennessee to visit my Aunt Laura or drive to Pennsylvania to visit friends. But here I am actually fantasizing about a trip alone to a beach or something. That’s not like me. I usually want to get away to DO THINGS. I like to see the water and visit new places, but the key is that my idea of a vacation usually involves going places. I like to explore new territory, museums, nature, etc. And here I am pondering an actual relaxing vacation at the seashore reading and writing in a lawn chair. It’s a bit of a crazy thought for me. I’m sure the moment will pass, and I'll return to my normal self...