1. I got my flu shot today. WOOHOO!! I'm never sure if it works. I mean, who can really say. I'll probably still get the flu, but would it have been worse without the shot? I guess we'll never know. Maybe if I ever get cloned, we could experiment on my clone and see who would be worse off with or without the shot. Hmmmmm...
2. I think fall is officially here. The temps dropped down low enough for frost this morning. However, it is supposed to get up to 68 degrees by Friday. Is it any wonder that people are getting colds and sore throats? Not good to have such fluctuating temps like that. But I swear that I could smell cider in the air when I walked out to my car last night. YUM!
3. I'm craving peanut butter and chocolate lately. I've been fine for these 6 months on my diet without peanut butter, and now, all of a sudden, I'm dreaming of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Reese's Pieces, Butterfingers, Baby Ruths, Snickers, etc. Is this what my life has come to -- I'm now going to dream about foods I can't eat? HA! So sad. I'm on the hunt for some low-calorie, low-fat, delicious-tasting peanut butter. Any suggestions?
4. Remember how I was scheduled to go to Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin last weekend with my friend and co-worker, Heidi. Well, we had to cancel our trip for this year, but our friend Barb sent us a link so we could view her husband Lee, the master pumpkin carver, do his magic on a local Wisconsin morning show. The man is a genius! He has made pumpkin carving an art. I love it.
So, Heidi, can we try to make it next year? Pretty please??
Not quite like the small, square yellow sticky notes at all really...think legal size post-its!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Are You Pondering What I Am Pondering?
Lots of pondering going on in my head right now...
1. How did I manage to get sunburned in 60-degree weather? I'm still a bit red from my weekend in Missouri. Now, I know I'm a fair-headed child, but really now, should a person get a sunburn in October? Seriously! It seems odd. It's not severe. There won't be any nasty skin peeling or anything like that, but I actually got a slight sunburn along with a few more freckles. Hmmmmm...I don't get it. Maybe I should have worn a hat, but then again, have you seen me in a hat before? It's not a pretty sight. Hats are just all wrong for me.
2. How did the loss of 4 pounds over the last couple of weeks suddenly cause my new jeans to be so big on me? It's just 4 pounds. Not 40...just 4 more. Now, I realize 4 pounds is 16 quarter pounders, but come on, my jeans almost fell off while I was walking around the Mizzou campus last weekend. I'm thinking of going shopping for a belt now, and I don't even like belts. But it does seem rather important for one to keep their jeans snuggly around their waist while in public. AHEM!
3. Am I a freak? That's a rhetorical question, people. No need to feel compelled to answer. I asked my doctor this question last week, and he declared with a laugh that I should think of myself more as unusual or unique rather than a freak. I think he might have just been being nice. He's a charmer like that.
OK, I never said I was pondering anything severely brilliant here...it's just odds and ends floating around in my head. HA!
1. How did I manage to get sunburned in 60-degree weather? I'm still a bit red from my weekend in Missouri. Now, I know I'm a fair-headed child, but really now, should a person get a sunburn in October? Seriously! It seems odd. It's not severe. There won't be any nasty skin peeling or anything like that, but I actually got a slight sunburn along with a few more freckles. Hmmmmm...I don't get it. Maybe I should have worn a hat, but then again, have you seen me in a hat before? It's not a pretty sight. Hats are just all wrong for me.
2. How did the loss of 4 pounds over the last couple of weeks suddenly cause my new jeans to be so big on me? It's just 4 pounds. Not 40...just 4 more. Now, I realize 4 pounds is 16 quarter pounders, but come on, my jeans almost fell off while I was walking around the Mizzou campus last weekend. I'm thinking of going shopping for a belt now, and I don't even like belts. But it does seem rather important for one to keep their jeans snuggly around their waist while in public. AHEM!
3. Am I a freak? That's a rhetorical question, people. No need to feel compelled to answer. I asked my doctor this question last week, and he declared with a laugh that I should think of myself more as unusual or unique rather than a freak. I think he might have just been being nice. He's a charmer like that.
OK, I never said I was pondering anything severely brilliant here...it's just odds and ends floating around in my head. HA!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Rocks Will Rise Up
Tonight I was feeling a bit tired and just wanted to stay home from Bible study. But at 6 PM, I headed out to the car, CD in hand and started on my drive to Plainfield anyway. I listened to "In Christ Alone: New Hymns of Prayer & Worship" by Margaret Becker, Marie Brennan and Joanne Hogg. My sister gave me this CD a couple of years ago, and I am only now discovering the depth of the lyrics and enjoying the songs.
Now most of you know, I grew up in a rather strict, fundamentalist Christian home. Church was very serious, and our worship followed suit. There was no raising of holy hands to heaven, no moving or swaying to the rhythm, no tapping of toes or clapping to the beat. Worship was solemn and serene.
I love hymns. I always will, but as an adult, I have really come to love praise songs and contemporary worship as well. And lately, I've been fighting the compulsion to get a bit more physical with my worship. My legs have suddenly started to move on their own, and I've caught myself more than once clasping my hands in front of me to prevent me from raising them high. WHY?
Tonight we read Luke 19:37-40 about how Jesus said that if the disciples failed to praise him the rocks would rise up and do it. And suddenly, I knew the scripture where the song "Hear All Creation" on my CD came from, and I knew without a doubt that I was meant to be at Bible study tonight. I needed to hear that reference.
Now most of you know, I grew up in a rather strict, fundamentalist Christian home. Church was very serious, and our worship followed suit. There was no raising of holy hands to heaven, no moving or swaying to the rhythm, no tapping of toes or clapping to the beat. Worship was solemn and serene.
I love hymns. I always will, but as an adult, I have really come to love praise songs and contemporary worship as well. And lately, I've been fighting the compulsion to get a bit more physical with my worship. My legs have suddenly started to move on their own, and I've caught myself more than once clasping my hands in front of me to prevent me from raising them high. WHY?
Tonight we read Luke 19:37-40 about how Jesus said that if the disciples failed to praise him the rocks would rise up and do it. And suddenly, I knew the scripture where the song "Hear All Creation" on my CD came from, and I knew without a doubt that I was meant to be at Bible study tonight. I needed to hear that reference.
Hear all creation lift its voiceLORD, please teach me to worship with my whole being. To bow and surrender to YOUR will alone. Remind me that worship is not about those around me...it's about YOU and only YOU!!
Hear mountains sing and the rivers rejoice
For the name of Jesus
For His name
And we His people saved by grace
We bow our hearts and we bring our praise
To the sweet redeemer
For His name
So with everything we are
And everything we have
We pour out our offerings
And if ever we should fail
The rocks will rise up
And crown Him the King of kings
He mends our hearts, He keeps our ways
He lights our nights and He leads our days
All for His glory
For His name
There's nothing greater than to be His
To bring Him glory and to fully live
For the name of Jesus
For His name
Missouri Photo Shoot
OK, so I got a bit carried away with photos on my recent trip to Missouri. It was bound to happen. I had a new toy, and I wanted to experiment, you know. So, I pulled together some of my favorites and am ready to share them now. I know it's a lot...but I am only posting less than half of the actual photos taken. So, it could be worse, don't forget that. HA!
All in all, I love my new camera. I'm still just using the point and shoot settings because I figured I needed to start in easy. I love the 15x optical zoom. I also took along my old camera on my trip and took well over 100 shots with it as well. I can sure tell the difference. Can you?
All in all, I love my new camera. I'm still just using the point and shoot settings because I figured I needed to start in easy. I love the 15x optical zoom. I also took along my old camera on my trip and took well over 100 shots with it as well. I can sure tell the difference. Can you?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Weekends Reshuffled!
My third-in-a-row Girls-Only Weekend got canceled for this coming weekend, and so I will be staying in-town. I'm sad that we had to reschedule and miss the pumpkin festival this year [sigh!], but in a way, I'm glad to have a weekend at home, too. I don't know what trouble I'll get into yet, but it is bound to happen.
I definitely feel refreshed and good about my time away. Sure, I came back to a couple of new piles on my desk, more new projects with my name written all over them, a new attorney assigned to my desk (YIKES! that makes 4 for those of you keeping track), BUT, it's all good. Because I just came off an awesome 4-day trip to Missouri. I got to spend lots of time with Becky, one of my favorite people in the world. I got to sight-see in St. Louis, was introduced to more Mizzou alumni, learned a bit more about the Ozarks, rediscovered my love for hills and dips, found out about the tons of colleges in Rolla, fell in love with the Jefferson City Capitol building, etc.
So right about now, I'm still rather high from my travel adventure, which makes my first day back in the office a good day in my book...
Thank you, LORD!
I definitely feel refreshed and good about my time away. Sure, I came back to a couple of new piles on my desk, more new projects with my name written all over them, a new attorney assigned to my desk (YIKES! that makes 4 for those of you keeping track), BUT, it's all good. Because I just came off an awesome 4-day trip to Missouri. I got to spend lots of time with Becky, one of my favorite people in the world. I got to sight-see in St. Louis, was introduced to more Mizzou alumni, learned a bit more about the Ozarks, rediscovered my love for hills and dips, found out about the tons of colleges in Rolla, fell in love with the Jefferson City Capitol building, etc.
So right about now, I'm still rather high from my travel adventure, which makes my first day back in the office a good day in my book...
Thank you, LORD!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Girls Weekend Number 2
I got back late this afternoon from my whirlwind trip to Missouri. Over 520 photos later and lots of hours in the car, I am back home, doing laundry and relaxing before going back to work tomorrow. WOW! We did have a blast!
FRIDAY: My friend Becky and I drove to St. Louis in the afternoon, toured the St. Louis Museum of Art, walked down to the Grand Basin and then headed to dinner before driving another couple of hours to Becky's parents home in Rolla. I immediately liked her Mom and Dad. They made me laugh. Maybe I'm crazy, too?!
SATURDAY: Becky and I went to Columbia and met up with her 2 college guy pals for some lunch at Cracker Barrel. Becky's friend Thad had 3 of his 5 kids with him, and while the other adults caught up on life over the last few years, "Aunt Mel" found it much easier to bond with the kids. Timothy (8), Benjamin (6), and Matthew (5) were lots of fun. We played the peg game and then started making up our own games with the pegs as well.
After lunch, we all drove over to the University of Missouri Columbia (aka Mizzou) for a tour of the campus. The "boys" gave me my own tour as we lagged a bit behind the other adults. All drainage grates became "dungeons," the student center was a "castle," etc. I don't know that there ever has been quite another tour to match it. It was in a word magical.
On our afternoon drive back to Rolla, Becky and I stopped in Jefferson City to walk around the capitol building and take lots of photos. You know me and my love of architecture. It was awesome! I really enjoyed capturing some of the fine details of the building. Love those columns!
SUNDAY: After church, we celebrated Becky's bday with a cookout. We had some awesome barbecue burgers and chicken. There was also a special segment that Becky and I hosted in the kitchen called "Cooking with Becky and Mel," where we got put in charge of the macaroni salad and got a bit creative since neither of us had ever made the salad on our own. AHEM! But it turned out rather tasty in the end.
We took a drive into Rolla after lunch and walked the lake trail at Lion's Park. It was a breezy but pretty day. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on a puzzle in the basement and then played Bible Trivia after dinner. It was a fun relaxing day.
MONDAY: In the morning, we all headed back to St. Louis and the Missouri Botanical Gardens. We toured the large fabulous gardens courtesy of Henry Shaw. Becky enjoyed the enormous rose garden, I fell back in love with dahlias, and her parents started planning their backyard renovations in style. There were special sculptures on display throughout the gardens. I found them rather disturbing, but I think you'll understand why once you see the photos.
We had lunch in the cafe and then headed to Forest Park. We stopped at Turtle Park for some awesome photos. I have a thing for turtles...not sure why, but I do, and so we took lots of fun photos of the turtle playground and then headed to the zoo.
I love the fact that the St. Louis Zoo is FREE. It's awesome! I got to see lots of live turtles, enjoyed watching a snoozing 33-foot Burmese python, wanted to cuddle a polar bear, felt sorry for the caged big cats, chuckled again at the caymans and how they don't move for hours at a time, and thoroughly had a wonderful day! We had dinner in the city and then headed back to Rolla for the night.
TUESDAY: Becky and I headed back to Indianapolis. It was a nice day for a drive.
I'm a bit tired, but it really was a wonderful weekend. I needed to get-away and recoup for a bit before the start of the busy holiday season ahead, and my idea of a good vacation is seeing new places and learning new stuff rather than just hanging out at the beach or something like that. I relax and unwind better with discovery and enjoying new places, and that's what Missouri got me the last 4 days. Thanks for an awesome weekend, Becky! Your parents were great hosts, and the whole weekend package was just what the doctor ordered. I'm ready to go back again...just say the word. Hee hee!
P.S. I'll post a link to the photos soon...
FRIDAY: My friend Becky and I drove to St. Louis in the afternoon, toured the St. Louis Museum of Art, walked down to the Grand Basin and then headed to dinner before driving another couple of hours to Becky's parents home in Rolla. I immediately liked her Mom and Dad. They made me laugh. Maybe I'm crazy, too?!
SATURDAY: Becky and I went to Columbia and met up with her 2 college guy pals for some lunch at Cracker Barrel. Becky's friend Thad had 3 of his 5 kids with him, and while the other adults caught up on life over the last few years, "Aunt Mel" found it much easier to bond with the kids. Timothy (8), Benjamin (6), and Matthew (5) were lots of fun. We played the peg game and then started making up our own games with the pegs as well.
After lunch, we all drove over to the University of Missouri Columbia (aka Mizzou) for a tour of the campus. The "boys" gave me my own tour as we lagged a bit behind the other adults. All drainage grates became "dungeons," the student center was a "castle," etc. I don't know that there ever has been quite another tour to match it. It was in a word magical.
On our afternoon drive back to Rolla, Becky and I stopped in Jefferson City to walk around the capitol building and take lots of photos. You know me and my love of architecture. It was awesome! I really enjoyed capturing some of the fine details of the building. Love those columns!
SUNDAY: After church, we celebrated Becky's bday with a cookout. We had some awesome barbecue burgers and chicken. There was also a special segment that Becky and I hosted in the kitchen called "Cooking with Becky and Mel," where we got put in charge of the macaroni salad and got a bit creative since neither of us had ever made the salad on our own. AHEM! But it turned out rather tasty in the end.
We took a drive into Rolla after lunch and walked the lake trail at Lion's Park. It was a breezy but pretty day. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on a puzzle in the basement and then played Bible Trivia after dinner. It was a fun relaxing day.
MONDAY: In the morning, we all headed back to St. Louis and the Missouri Botanical Gardens. We toured the large fabulous gardens courtesy of Henry Shaw. Becky enjoyed the enormous rose garden, I fell back in love with dahlias, and her parents started planning their backyard renovations in style. There were special sculptures on display throughout the gardens. I found them rather disturbing, but I think you'll understand why once you see the photos.
We had lunch in the cafe and then headed to Forest Park. We stopped at Turtle Park for some awesome photos. I have a thing for turtles...not sure why, but I do, and so we took lots of fun photos of the turtle playground and then headed to the zoo.
I love the fact that the St. Louis Zoo is FREE. It's awesome! I got to see lots of live turtles, enjoyed watching a snoozing 33-foot Burmese python, wanted to cuddle a polar bear, felt sorry for the caged big cats, chuckled again at the caymans and how they don't move for hours at a time, and thoroughly had a wonderful day! We had dinner in the city and then headed back to Rolla for the night.
TUESDAY: Becky and I headed back to Indianapolis. It was a nice day for a drive.
I'm a bit tired, but it really was a wonderful weekend. I needed to get-away and recoup for a bit before the start of the busy holiday season ahead, and my idea of a good vacation is seeing new places and learning new stuff rather than just hanging out at the beach or something like that. I relax and unwind better with discovery and enjoying new places, and that's what Missouri got me the last 4 days. Thanks for an awesome weekend, Becky! Your parents were great hosts, and the whole weekend package was just what the doctor ordered. I'm ready to go back again...just say the word. Hee hee!
P.S. I'll post a link to the photos soon...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Meet Me in St. Louis
I've always wanted to say that, and now I have. Hey, you know what? I've never seen that movie/musical all the way through. Interesting!
I'm leaving for Missouri in a couple of hours with my friend Becky, and I'm giddy with excitement. I've got a serious photo bug to cure, and I'm stir crazy for some much-needed vacation time away from the office. This is Becky's birthday weekend trip, and I'm sure we'll have a blast. She and I always have lots of laughs together.
1. St. Louis: We're going to spend some time in one of my favorite cities. I can't wait to tour the SLAM (better known as the St. Louis Museum of Art) again, meander through the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and stroll with the animals at the St. Louis Zoo. I love Forest Park with a passion, and I hope we can finally find that turtle playground thing. Pretty please?? Let it happen. I love turtles.
Sadly, we're passing up on the opportunity to eat at the Cunetto House of Pasta and gobble wildly on their scrumptious dishes this trip. [sigh!] We're both watching our caloric intake right now, but I'll sure we'll find other ways to splurge.
2. Rolla: I'm pretty sure I've never been to Rolla, MO, but Rolla, watch out 'cause here I come. Becky's parents recently moved to Rolla from Kokomo, IN, and so we'll be staying with her family there. I'm looking forward to getting to know her parents better. She keeps warning me that her family is crazy. "No, Mel, you don't understand. They really ARE!" So, I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into here, but I can identify with crazy. HA!
3. Columbia: We're going back to Becky's alma mater, the University of Missouri Columbia, to visit some of her Mizzou friends. It should be interesting to meet people from Becky's college days. Oh the delicious stories I hope to share when I get back...
I am armed with 2 digital cameras now, and so I will be taking photos like a mad woman. WOOHOO!! My new camera's 4GB memory card says that I have over 2,500 shots to take on it yet, and that is with one of the higher pixel settings. I opted to go with that medium high range because I have yet to need a 16 x 20 reprint. HA! Let's see if I can handle such a volume range of photo-taking-opportunities this weekend. Will it be enough memory for a 4.5 day trip? Stay tuned.
WOOHOO!! Well, I'm outta here until Wednesday. Have a great weekend, all!
I'm leaving for Missouri in a couple of hours with my friend Becky, and I'm giddy with excitement. I've got a serious photo bug to cure, and I'm stir crazy for some much-needed vacation time away from the office. This is Becky's birthday weekend trip, and I'm sure we'll have a blast. She and I always have lots of laughs together.
1. St. Louis: We're going to spend some time in one of my favorite cities. I can't wait to tour the SLAM (better known as the St. Louis Museum of Art) again, meander through the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and stroll with the animals at the St. Louis Zoo. I love Forest Park with a passion, and I hope we can finally find that turtle playground thing. Pretty please?? Let it happen. I love turtles.
Sadly, we're passing up on the opportunity to eat at the Cunetto House of Pasta and gobble wildly on their scrumptious dishes this trip. [sigh!] We're both watching our caloric intake right now, but I'll sure we'll find other ways to splurge.
2. Rolla: I'm pretty sure I've never been to Rolla, MO, but Rolla, watch out 'cause here I come. Becky's parents recently moved to Rolla from Kokomo, IN, and so we'll be staying with her family there. I'm looking forward to getting to know her parents better. She keeps warning me that her family is crazy. "No, Mel, you don't understand. They really ARE!" So, I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into here, but I can identify with crazy. HA!
3. Columbia: We're going back to Becky's alma mater, the University of Missouri Columbia, to visit some of her Mizzou friends. It should be interesting to meet people from Becky's college days. Oh the delicious stories I hope to share when I get back...
I am armed with 2 digital cameras now, and so I will be taking photos like a mad woman. WOOHOO!! My new camera's 4GB memory card says that I have over 2,500 shots to take on it yet, and that is with one of the higher pixel settings. I opted to go with that medium high range because I have yet to need a 16 x 20 reprint. HA! Let's see if I can handle such a volume range of photo-taking-opportunities this weekend. Will it be enough memory for a 4.5 day trip? Stay tuned.
WOOHOO!! Well, I'm outta here until Wednesday. Have a great weekend, all!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Girls Weekend Number 1

On Saturday, we got a bit of a late start, but we still managed to get lots of consignment and secondhand shopping done during the day. I think Lisa and Barbara especially purchased some cool finds. I did get a couple of things, but secondhand shopping is a hit or miss thing sometimes. I don't always find lots for myself, but I enjoy getting out anyway. It was a fun day, and hey, we got some WW exercise points for all that walking we did! HA!

After the shower, my brother-in-law and I headed to the Best Buy in Kokomo to look at digital cameras. I did buy a new camera (see my last post) after all. Then I had dinner with my sister and her family and then headed back home to Indy. Yeah, it was a fabulous weekend.
Thank you, LORD! I needed that.
Strike a Pose
I have a new weapon of choice. I bought a new digital camera yesterday! Can I get a big WOOHOO please?? Thanks! I've been researching cameras for a couple of months now. I needed to upgrade before my trip to England next May, but I wasn't sure how far to go. I nearly went with a DSLR [Nikon D40], but then I decided I wasn't quite ready to take that plunge. Call me chicken, but I'm just not ready for that yet.
Instead, I went with a new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-H50, which was still a hard choice to make. I had several digital favorites to choose from. I particularly love Nikon cameras, but the one Nikon I had my eye on got some seriously harsh reviews, and I was torn what to do! No camera is perfect, but the fact that the camera is rated as sluggish doesn't sound like a good thing. So since, I have been using an older Sony Cyber-Shot model for a couple of years, and I've been rather happy with it, I chose to do a SERIOUS Sony model upgrade, and I think it was the right choice for me.
I'm sitting here at work just dying to go home and take that camera out for a spin! I need to visit the IMA gardens this week and experiment with shots and lighting. I can't wait to play with the 15x optical zoom. I'm giddy with excitement actually. It doesn't take much for me to get all excited. After all, I'm such a kid at heart, and photography winds me up on most days anyways, but I'm overly excited today!
So...consider yourself warned!! I'll probably have my camera with me next time we meet. I'll probably smile sweetly and say as charmingly as I can muster: "Can I take your picture? Pretty please??" Hee hee!! Come on. You know you don't really mind. Just strike a pose already.
Instead, I went with a new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-H50, which was still a hard choice to make. I had several digital favorites to choose from. I particularly love Nikon cameras, but the one Nikon I had my eye on got some seriously harsh reviews, and I was torn what to do! No camera is perfect, but the fact that the camera is rated as sluggish doesn't sound like a good thing. So since, I have been using an older Sony Cyber-Shot model for a couple of years, and I've been rather happy with it, I chose to do a SERIOUS Sony model upgrade, and I think it was the right choice for me.
I'm sitting here at work just dying to go home and take that camera out for a spin! I need to visit the IMA gardens this week and experiment with shots and lighting. I can't wait to play with the 15x optical zoom. I'm giddy with excitement actually. It doesn't take much for me to get all excited. After all, I'm such a kid at heart, and photography winds me up on most days anyways, but I'm overly excited today!
So...consider yourself warned!! I'll probably have my camera with me next time we meet. I'll probably smile sweetly and say as charmingly as I can muster: "Can I take your picture? Pretty please??" Hee hee!! Come on. You know you don't really mind. Just strike a pose already.
How to Perform a Tracheotomy
I love the interesting conversations that swirl around the office first thing in the morning. Today, Carl’s survival calendar gave how-to instructions for a tracheotomy. He left them on my desk to tackle first thing. I read the directions squeamishly, and then honestly confessed to both of my attorneys that I didn't think I could do it. They were very disappointed to hear that I would not be able to administer this life-saving technique, but I just don’t know if I could make that first incision. YIKES!!
One of them said: You mean, you’d just let me die?
Me: Ommmm...no, I’d run for help and find someone else to do it. I just don’t think I have it in me to cut open someone's neck.
Him: I don't like hearing that.
Me: Well, maybe it’s a good thing we are having this conversation then. At least you know ahead of time that I can’t do it.
Then we started talking about whether or not a person could do it to themselves. I said I’d hold a mirror up so that Carl could see to make his own incision, and then we realized that he’d probably be unconscious, and that could pose some problems for this self-surgical procedure. Hmmmm...
OK, so maybe I could do it if I had to, but I certainly wouldn’t like it. It’s not like CPR. I doubt they have practice dummies that I can rehearse this on. OOPS! You just cut a major artery! Your patient has 2 minutes to live. See, there’s a reason that I didn’t go to medical school or become a nurse.
So what about you--could you do this procedure to save a life?
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
One of them said: You mean, you’d just let me die?
Me: Ommmm...no, I’d run for help and find someone else to do it. I just don’t think I have it in me to cut open someone's neck.
Him: I don't like hearing that.
Me: Well, maybe it’s a good thing we are having this conversation then. At least you know ahead of time that I can’t do it.
Then we started talking about whether or not a person could do it to themselves. I said I’d hold a mirror up so that Carl could see to make his own incision, and then we realized that he’d probably be unconscious, and that could pose some problems for this self-surgical procedure. Hmmmm...
OK, so maybe I could do it if I had to, but I certainly wouldn’t like it. It’s not like CPR. I doubt they have practice dummies that I can rehearse this on. OOPS! You just cut a major artery! Your patient has 2 minutes to live. See, there’s a reason that I didn’t go to medical school or become a nurse.
So what about you--could you do this procedure to save a life?
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
1. Find the person’s Adam’s apple (thyroid cartilage). Move your finger about one inch down the neck until you feel another bulge, the cricoid cartilage. The indentation between the two is the cricothyroid membrane, where the incision will be made.
2. Using a razor blade or knife, make a horizontal incision about half an inch across and half an inch deep.
3. Pinch the incision open or place your finger inside the slit to open it.
4. Insert a tube in the incision, roughly between ½ and 1 inch deep.
5. Breathe into the tube with two quick breaths. Pause five seconds, then give one breath every five seconds. You will see the chest rise and the person should regain consciousness if you have performed the procedure correctly.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Update on the Life of Mel
CHURCH: I have decided to continue attending College Park Church for the time being. I’m now enrolled in the November membership class to learn more about the church doctrines and direction and to get a fresh perspective. I have attended this church for 5+ years, but I never went through a membership class or really ever considered joining the church. Hmmmmm...I guess I have committal issues that I didn’t know about. HA! Anyway, we’ll just have to see how GOD directs and where HE leads me, but I’m actually feeling better about things--just deciding to commit to attend for the next few months. I’m kinda excited to see what will happen next. Don’t stop praying!
JOB: Work is insane right now, the piles keep building, the projects keep arriving, and I keep getting stretched into a million different directions at once. I’m an organized freak. I like things tidy and orderly, and it’s hard for me to deal with clutter and chaos. But I’m working through it and trying to keep my sense of humor.
FUN PLANS: I have 2 weekends away with girlfriends coming up after this weekend, and so my October has really gotten busy. I can’t believe how quickly November will be here, and that means Thanksgiving. I’m hoping to make it to Michigan for the festivities this year, but I’m not sure yet (see “JOB” above).
Well, I hope everyone is well and enjoying the start of fall. Drop me a line, call me or comment on my blog any time. Sorry if I have been bad about communicating or returning calls and emails lately. I’ll try to do better, but…(see “JOB” above).
JOB: Work is insane right now, the piles keep building, the projects keep arriving, and I keep getting stretched into a million different directions at once. I’m an organized freak. I like things tidy and orderly, and it’s hard for me to deal with clutter and chaos. But I’m working through it and trying to keep my sense of humor.
1. I need to be thankful that I have a job. Yes, I confess, at this moment, I envy all those who are independently wealthy or married into money and don’t have to work, but a pampered life probably gets old quickly, right? [Come on, just nod your head and agree with me!] So that just wouldn’t work for me. I’d be bored silly.COMPANY COMING: My friend Lisa from Cincinnatti and my sister Barbara from Kokomo are coming to my place for a girls-only-weekend tomorrow. We’re going consignment and secondhand shopping on Saturday, which is fabulous since Diet Girl is in need of a new fall and winter wardrobe. Since starting on this diet, my sister and I both had to get rid of most of our colder weather clothes. I’m excited and am hopeful that we will find some great bargains. WOOHOO!! We always have a good time together, and I’m looking forward to having visitors. [Just a small side note here: Lisa and Barbara, I cleaned last night, but it was a quick once-over job,and so please don’t go looking for dust…(see “JOB” above).]
2. This is not just a challenge. This is an opportunity to develop character.
3. A paycheck is a pretty nice thing to have, and I feel pretty convinced right now that I prefer working to destitution.
FUN PLANS: I have 2 weekends away with girlfriends coming up after this weekend, and so my October has really gotten busy. I can’t believe how quickly November will be here, and that means Thanksgiving. I’m hoping to make it to Michigan for the festivities this year, but I’m not sure yet (see “JOB” above).
Well, I hope everyone is well and enjoying the start of fall. Drop me a line, call me or comment on my blog any time. Sorry if I have been bad about communicating or returning calls and emails lately. I’ll try to do better, but…(see “JOB” above).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Flat on My Face
In the Stepping Up Bible study, Beth Moore likes us as participants to lie flat on the floor, face first and spend time with GOD every morning before starting into the homework. It's a great idea. I like it. It's a fabulous humble reminder of where we need to be before our GOD. And on the weekends, I can handle it. I eat a little breakfast, get right on the floor for a few minutes with GOD and then jump right into the study. However, it's not working as effectively at 5 AM during the week. You understand that my alarm just went off like 2 minutes prior, and so when I hobble out to the living room and lay down on the floor and start to spend a few minutes with GOD in prayer, I fall right back to sleep. Sorry, LORD!
But other than that little hiccup, I am really enjoying this study in the Psalms. I enjoy the honesty and directness of the Psalmists as they share with GOD about the current state of their affairs. They openly pour out their hearts to GOD, they share about their own struggles, they tell GOD how they feel, they complain about what so and so is doing, they indicate that they are frustrated and hurt. They are transparent with GOD. I can appreciate that. It's real.
But lately, I feel like all my conversations with GOD have been about the rough stuff. So today, I just want to praise HIM and thank HIM for HIS continued faithfulness. HE has been showing HIMSELF so mighty and gracious in my life, and I am so grateful to having the high KING of Heaven so active in my life.
Thank YOU, LORD, for your unfailing love and mercy in my life!
Thank YOU for protecting me and keeping me safe!
Thank YOU for comforting and restoring my soul!
Thank YOU for your healing touch!
Thank YOU for the peace you provide as only YOU can!
But other than that little hiccup, I am really enjoying this study in the Psalms. I enjoy the honesty and directness of the Psalmists as they share with GOD about the current state of their affairs. They openly pour out their hearts to GOD, they share about their own struggles, they tell GOD how they feel, they complain about what so and so is doing, they indicate that they are frustrated and hurt. They are transparent with GOD. I can appreciate that. It's real.
But lately, I feel like all my conversations with GOD have been about the rough stuff. So today, I just want to praise HIM and thank HIM for HIS continued faithfulness. HE has been showing HIMSELF so mighty and gracious in my life, and I am so grateful to having the high KING of Heaven so active in my life.
Thank YOU, LORD, for your unfailing love and mercy in my life!
Thank YOU for protecting me and keeping me safe!
Thank YOU for comforting and restoring my soul!
Thank YOU for your healing touch!
Thank YOU for the peace you provide as only YOU can!
Monday, October 6, 2008
This Bugs Me, Mel!
One of my attorneys sent me an email with the above subject line and the mini-clips of the 4 news stories below.
Critters 4, Humans 0These clips made me laugh out loud. No, I'm not happy to hear that people torched buildings and caused damage. That's not funny. What is ironic and comical is the extreme measures people take to deal with their fears or to eradicate creepy crawlies! I identify with it. I really do. Although, I must admit that I’ve never tried this method myself in dealing with my fear of spiders. And upon further thought, I think it's best that I don't try it. I'll stick to my bug-spray, then kleenex-squish, shiver-as-I-flush-twice method for now. It works for me. And about the 2 flushes, since I know someone will comment...it's necessary. It really is! Have you not watched any horror movies? The bad guys always come back. One shot to the head is not enough! I don't want any of these spiders returning for a 2nd round, and so the double flush method is a proven warfare tactic for yours truly. Don't laugh!
1. A 17-year-old boy in Reno, Nev., accidentally set his family's house on fire trying to kill spiders. [Reno Gazette-Journal-AP, 8-18-08]
2. A woman in Santa Fe, N.M., accidentally caused severe fire damage to her home while trying to torch a rattlesnake. [KOB-TV (Albuquerque), 7-27-08]
3. A 26-year-old man in Mobile, Ala., accidentally caused $80,000 damage to his home and a shed trying to kill a swarm of bees. [Mobile Press-Register, 6-4-08]
4. A Buddhist monk accidentally burned down his temple in Ojiya City, Japan, trying to destroy a hornets' nest. [MSNBC-AP, 9-4-08]
What I Thought I Wanted…**
I’m glad GOD doesn’t give us everything we want. That HE doesn’t act like a personal genie in a bottle where we get whatever we wish for. If I had everything my little heart had ever wished for, I would be an incredibly miserable person.
Sure, I can’t help but wish for life to be a bit easier than it is. This has been a difficult year for me, but GOD never promised me an easy, carefree life. HE has promised however to be here with me, to never leave or forsake me. HE is here with me in the difficulties, the stressful times, the health scares, the aching moments, the job woes, the inner turmoils, etc. HE has given me more than enough already. HE gave HIS SON. HE has more than provided for my needs and continues to do so. I already have all that I need. It is sufficient.
And what should my response be? Gratitude! Thank you, LORD!
1. I don’t think George Clooney could make me happy. Sure, I’d love to live in an Italian villa, be able to travel around the world and spend my money how I pleased, but I think that jet-setting lifestyle would get old pretty fast.No seriously, there are lots of things over the years that I thought I wanted. Things I prayed about and asked GOD for, and today looking back now at those things and those periods in my life, I can clearly see how GOD was protecting me from my self. Yes, HE protected me from my self. I didn’t need that other job, that relationship wasn’t what HE wanted, and more of this or that wasn’t in HIS plan either.
2. I doubt that I’d be all that fun to hang out with if I had gotten on the all-time bestseller book list by my 30th birthday. I’d be cranky and ticked that everyone would keep asking when my next book would be coming out. Come on having one book on the best-seller list is a big deal. Stop pressuring me, people!! HA!
3. I think I’d be bored to tears if I lived in a lush English country estate with my husband as a titled member of the nobility and had to hob-nob with the uppercrust of society. Come on, I’m just not all that refined, and having to attend all those snobby events and pretend that I like to dress up. I get chills just thinking about it.
Sure, I can’t help but wish for life to be a bit easier than it is. This has been a difficult year for me, but GOD never promised me an easy, carefree life. HE has promised however to be here with me, to never leave or forsake me. HE is here with me in the difficulties, the stressful times, the health scares, the aching moments, the job woes, the inner turmoils, etc. HE has given me more than enough already. HE gave HIS SON. HE has more than provided for my needs and continues to do so. I already have all that I need. It is sufficient.
And what should my response be? Gratitude! Thank you, LORD!
“I keep wanting You to be fair**What I Thought I Wanted by Sara Groves
But that’s not what You said
I want certain answers to these prayers
But that’s not what You said...
What it was I wanted, what I got instead
Leaves me broken and grateful...
I want to be broken, peaceful, faithful, grateful...”**
Friday, October 3, 2008
W I D E Joys
Yesterday at work, I got a widescreen monitor at my desk. I’m loving it. There was a a legitimate reason for ordering this new monitor for my desk, too. HONEST! I do LOTS (read: an overabundance of paper work) of patent application filings, and recently we have started efiling them. Basically, that means that we are electronically filing patent applications with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). It’s quicker and easier than paper filing, and it also saves us money (however, not on our car insurance).
Anyway, under the USPTO’s new system, the screen is wider than my laptop screen. No really it is! So I’ve been tabbing and scrolling over a lot lately to get to the stuff I need on the screen, and my boss found out about it, and decided I needed a bigger monitor. WOOHOO!! So, she put in a request for a flat regular screen that was larger than my laptop screen. Well, then our vendor came back and informed us that the widescreen, flat monitor would actually be cheaper. So sad, right! So, now I have a nice widescreen monitor at my desk, and it’s pretty nice.
Anyway, under the USPTO’s new system, the screen is wider than my laptop screen. No really it is! So I’ve been tabbing and scrolling over a lot lately to get to the stuff I need on the screen, and my boss found out about it, and decided I needed a bigger monitor. WOOHOO!! So, she put in a request for a flat regular screen that was larger than my laptop screen. Well, then our vendor came back and informed us that the widescreen, flat monitor would actually be cheaper. So sad, right! So, now I have a nice widescreen monitor at my desk, and it’s pretty nice.
Stepping Up
Last night, I attended the 2nd week of the Beth Moore Bible Study I’ve joined with my friend Heidi at her West side church. I am really enjoying it. Beth Moore is quite a powerful and energetic women's speaker, and her teaching has been doctrinally sound and so uplifting. WOW! Each week there is 5 days’ worth of homework, and so I have my work cut out for me, but there is just so much to glean from the Psalms of Ascent.
I don’t quite know how this Psalm series escaped my notice until now. [Kaleb, you posted 2 of those Psalms on the very first day of the Bible study, which made me chuckle.] OK, so am I the only one that didn’t know that Psalm 120-134 were called the Psalms of Ascent? Seriously, people! I know I’ve read these Psalms before, more than once. I even have a few of the verses memorized, but somehow I have never really studied them and didn’t know they were called the Psalms of Ascent or Songs of Ascent.
Last week in our Stepping Up study, Beth Moore related the history – how these Psalms were sung on the journey as the Jews would make their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the 3 yearly feasts and how there are 15 Psalms just as their were 15 steps in the Temple between the Court of Women (the furthest point women were allowed to go in the temple) and the next innermost court, the Court of the Israelites, etc. And I was just sitting there dumbfounded and just soaking it all up in bewilderment! How did I not know about this?
It’s exciting in a way...how GOD’s Word isn’t stale, how HE continues to reveal new things to us along the way or in my case numerous new things lately. It’s been overwhelming, humbling and bittersweet at times, but all in all, it’s been awesome!
I don’t quite know how this Psalm series escaped my notice until now. [Kaleb, you posted 2 of those Psalms on the very first day of the Bible study, which made me chuckle.] OK, so am I the only one that didn’t know that Psalm 120-134 were called the Psalms of Ascent? Seriously, people! I know I’ve read these Psalms before, more than once. I even have a few of the verses memorized, but somehow I have never really studied them and didn’t know they were called the Psalms of Ascent or Songs of Ascent.
Last week in our Stepping Up study, Beth Moore related the history – how these Psalms were sung on the journey as the Jews would make their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the 3 yearly feasts and how there are 15 Psalms just as their were 15 steps in the Temple between the Court of Women (the furthest point women were allowed to go in the temple) and the next innermost court, the Court of the Israelites, etc. And I was just sitting there dumbfounded and just soaking it all up in bewilderment! How did I not know about this?
It’s exciting in a way...how GOD’s Word isn’t stale, how HE continues to reveal new things to us along the way or in my case numerous new things lately. It’s been overwhelming, humbling and bittersweet at times, but all in all, it’s been awesome!
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.**Open the Eyes of My Heart – by Paul Baloche
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see You.
I want to see You.**
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My Church Search: Still Slightly Disconnected
I confess, it is becoming increasingly harder not to have a church home. I’ve visited quite a few different churches over the last few months, and yet I don’t feel any closer to making this critical decision.
I’ve been going back to College Park Church on Sunday mornings pretty regularly. I have always liked the worship, and I’m really enjoying the new pastor and his excellent teaching. He keeps things real and direct, and I’ve been convicted nearly every Sunday. GOD has been revealing so much to me through those services. This last week I was sobbing at the end of the service and glad the lights were dim so I wouldn’t scare my neighbors with my hysterics.
BUT...I am still missing that sense of community and being involved in the body. I want to be active and involved in ministry and community, and this is where I got stuck last time when I attended College Park regularly. I don’t want church to just be a Sunday morning experience for me. Throughout the week, I am working on my relationship with my LORD and SAVIOR, and GOD has been so faithful and patient with me in that regard, but there is still something missing.
I’m missing that kindred fellowship with other believers. I’m missing interaction with other members of the body in their own unique ways. I’m missing people. In short, I’m wanting to be part of a team again. I’m missing having people involved in my life and me being involved in theirs--calling each other out when we need it, encouraging each other to keep on, building one another up in Christ, assisting each other when there is a need (physical, emotional, etc.), praying for one another, counseling one another, meeting the other where they are in the midst of their struggles and pain, serving alongside one another, etc.
I have a few Christian friends where we have that kind of transparency and real relationship with each other, and I'm thankful for those open friendships, but I’d like to build on that and find a church community practicing that type of raw, honest living--together.
LORD, guide me and direct my path. I know that YOU are with me in my search.
I’ve been going back to College Park Church on Sunday mornings pretty regularly. I have always liked the worship, and I’m really enjoying the new pastor and his excellent teaching. He keeps things real and direct, and I’ve been convicted nearly every Sunday. GOD has been revealing so much to me through those services. This last week I was sobbing at the end of the service and glad the lights were dim so I wouldn’t scare my neighbors with my hysterics.
BUT...I am still missing that sense of community and being involved in the body. I want to be active and involved in ministry and community, and this is where I got stuck last time when I attended College Park regularly. I don’t want church to just be a Sunday morning experience for me. Throughout the week, I am working on my relationship with my LORD and SAVIOR, and GOD has been so faithful and patient with me in that regard, but there is still something missing.
I’m missing that kindred fellowship with other believers. I’m missing interaction with other members of the body in their own unique ways. I’m missing people. In short, I’m wanting to be part of a team again. I’m missing having people involved in my life and me being involved in theirs--calling each other out when we need it, encouraging each other to keep on, building one another up in Christ, assisting each other when there is a need (physical, emotional, etc.), praying for one another, counseling one another, meeting the other where they are in the midst of their struggles and pain, serving alongside one another, etc.
I have a few Christian friends where we have that kind of transparency and real relationship with each other, and I'm thankful for those open friendships, but I’d like to build on that and find a church community practicing that type of raw, honest living--together.
LORD, guide me and direct my path. I know that YOU are with me in my search.
"MY LORD GOD, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone."
- Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude -
Diet Girl Celebrates 6 Months
Today is my 6-month anniversary on Weight Watchers, and I'm pleased to report that I am down 54.6 pounds. WOOHOO!! I celebrated last night by making Devil’s Food Cupcakes. How ironic is that! I’m celebrating a diet by making cupcakes. Sounds crazy, right?
Well, these are special cupcakes, and actually I was making them for a dinner party tonight. No, I’m not telling you the secret ingredient, so don’t try to weasel it out of me or beg or try to bribe me with donuts or ice cream. I’m taking this one to the grave with me. [HA! Just ask, and I’ll share.] Anyway, these cupcakes are 3 Weight Watchers points apiece and that includes the icing. And I must say, they are pretty tasty in all their chocolaty decadence, if I don’t say so myself. I naturally had to sample one last night along with a 1-point Dove miniature ice cream bar, which is another favorite thing. So I had cake and ice cream at my private celebration. It was a beautiful thing!
Together, my sister and I have lost 96 pounds since April 1st. Now, that’s exciting! That’s more than an Olympic gymnast. She and I are going consignment and secondhand store shopping again next weekend with my friend Lisa. I can’t wait. Diet Girl really needs to buy clothes for colder weather. Yes, fall is definitely coming. I’ve enjoyed the delicious chill in the air the last couple of days, although not perhaps as much as my sister. She swears she can smell apple cider when she steps outside this week! Hmmmmm??
Stay tuned for further Diet Girl updates. Thank you to one and all for your encouragement, for your questions and concerns, for your diet tips and tricks and for your ongoing inspiration. The work is not done, but I’m on my way and thankful for the results thus far. Thank you, LORD!
Well, these are special cupcakes, and actually I was making them for a dinner party tonight. No, I’m not telling you the secret ingredient, so don’t try to weasel it out of me or beg or try to bribe me with donuts or ice cream. I’m taking this one to the grave with me. [HA! Just ask, and I’ll share.] Anyway, these cupcakes are 3 Weight Watchers points apiece and that includes the icing. And I must say, they are pretty tasty in all their chocolaty decadence, if I don’t say so myself. I naturally had to sample one last night along with a 1-point Dove miniature ice cream bar, which is another favorite thing. So I had cake and ice cream at my private celebration. It was a beautiful thing!
Together, my sister and I have lost 96 pounds since April 1st. Now, that’s exciting! That’s more than an Olympic gymnast. She and I are going consignment and secondhand store shopping again next weekend with my friend Lisa. I can’t wait. Diet Girl really needs to buy clothes for colder weather. Yes, fall is definitely coming. I’ve enjoyed the delicious chill in the air the last couple of days, although not perhaps as much as my sister. She swears she can smell apple cider when she steps outside this week! Hmmmmm??
Stay tuned for further Diet Girl updates. Thank you to one and all for your encouragement, for your questions and concerns, for your diet tips and tricks and for your ongoing inspiration. The work is not done, but I’m on my way and thankful for the results thus far. Thank you, LORD!
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