NEWSLETTER: For those inquiring minds who want to know if I chose to do my Christmas newsletter (aka “Mel’s Monologue”) this season or not, I am pleased to report that I did write it up. I haven’t gotten around to mailing or emailing it out completely to the gang. So, if you haven’t received it yet, don’t panic. I’m sure YOU made the cut.
NEW DIGS: I moved into my new office last week, and I am nearly all settled in. I need to get my pictures re-hung on the walls, but other than that, I am pretty much set to go. I can see daylight. WOOHOO! And I was excited to discover that I have a white board in my office. I don’t know why that thrilled me, but it did. It's the little things in life, you know...
In other office news, there is a rumor that my office might be relocated to another area in the near future. Hmmmm??? Oh well, I am staying positive! I’m sure it will all work out for the best.
KEEPING YOUNG: For the past 5 years, I have worked with the high school co-op students who work part-time through the school year in the legal department. Today was my last day in my old job, and so it was time to say my goodbyes. I’m going to miss a lot of the faces in legal, and among those cheerful souls, I am really going to miss our two co-ops, Hallie and Nikia. They keep me young and make me laugh. Although after today, I learned that I am a comic source to them as well. They were trying to fill me in on texting acronyms because, quite frankly, I think there should be a textbook (HA! Get it? TEXTbook!) with instructions on using im acronyms and texting. They were asking me if I knew what a couple of the acronyms meant, but I failed miserably. I am rather hopelessly unhip.
ikr = i know right (my guess = i concur)
Hmmmmm….someone has been working with lawyers for too long!
smh = shaking my head (my guess = save my hat)
No clue! It kinda makes you want to shake your head, doesn't it? HA! Not sure why I have a sudden concern for hats since I don’t wear hats, but it was the first thing that came to mind.
The “girls” thought it was pretty hilarious! I live to amuse, you know. Hee hee!
CELEBRATION: I've had several holiday parties to go to, and I have enjoyed them all. Last weekend, I went to a Sara Groves' Christmas concert with 3 girlfriends, and it was just amazing! I came away respecting Sara and her music even more.
On Christmas Eve, I will be heading up to Kokomo for the weekend to celebrate the holidays with my sister and her family. I'm looking forward to playing games with Jacob, doing another "cooking show" with Grace, coloring with Harrison, playing with Thorn and his new rope (OOPS! Please don't tell Thorn what he is getting for Christmas! It will spoil the surprise.), catching up with my sister and her husband, watching some movies, and just enjoying being together.
I am planning to join my sister and her family on their trek North to my parents in Michigan over New Years, and so more fun and family time is ahead next week.
It's been a crazy year, full of ups and downs, but GOD has been faithful through it all. I'm looking forward to what HE has in store next...
I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas season and a joyous New Year!
Not quite like the small, square yellow sticky notes at all really...think legal size post-its!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Watch Out, Martha!
I had a great weekend, but it was a working weekend. For two and a half days, I slaved away in the kitchen. STOP LAUGHING! I know you are just trying to picture the scene, but for once I’m being serious. I really worked hard. I made like a dozen varieties of cookies and candies so that I could make give away Christmas treats to my work colleagues.
On Saturday, I spent the day baking at with Jessica and Becky in Becky’s new home. I liked the experience of using new appliances. Very fun! But on Friday evening and again Sunday after church, I worked at my place on my own. Baking at my house can be stressful.
Today my cohorts have enjoyed the treats, and so far, no one has gotten sick or been rushed to the ER. It's always a plus when people survive your cooking. HA! You better watch out, Martha Stewart! There is a new cook rising in the ranks...
On Saturday, I spent the day baking at with Jessica and Becky in Becky’s new home. I liked the experience of using new appliances. Very fun! But on Friday evening and again Sunday after church, I worked at my place on my own. Baking at my house can be stressful.
1. I don’t have much room to work with. I have a small one-person kitchen, and there is no pantry to speak of. So I was using my dining room table for rolling and cooling cookies as well as holding all of my supplies, too.
2. Speaking of supplies, I may or may not have gotten a bit carried away with purchasing said baking items this season. I currently have 2 bags of brown sugar, 2 bags of confectioner’s sugar, 7 bags of chocolate chips – all unopened, and I think I’m nearly done with my baking experiments for the present. AHEM!
3. As for the experimentation aspect, I learned that making fudge is an art form that I have NOT yet acquired. I wound up making a peanut butter/chocolate taffy-like substance that was supposed to be chocolate-peanut butter fudge. It smelled odd and tasted awful. Truly, it did. I'm not sure what new chemical compound I discovered, but I chose to dispose of it quickly rather than send it to a lab for further testing. HA!
4. I’m such a perfectionist. I was taking my baking far too seriously for a few minutes last night. It reminded me of my younger days when I would freak out if my cookies didn’t look right. Can we say anal retentive? It’s just cookies, Mel-Belle. Let it go. HA!
5. I finished up at 9 PM last night completely exhausted. My feet hurt, I had a paper cut, I had peanut butter in my ear (don't ask) and a smudge of chocolate on my chin, and I felt like I had been run over by a Mack truck. But on the up side, I slept like a baby last night. So it's all good.
Today my cohorts have enjoyed the treats, and so far, no one has gotten sick or been rushed to the ER. It's always a plus when people survive your cooking. HA! You better watch out, Martha Stewart! There is a new cook rising in the ranks...
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Grace and Mel Cooking Show
Over Thanksgiving, my 4-year-old niece Grace and I did some serious “cooking” together. The truth is that she called it cooking, but it was mostly baking goodies and creating side dishes. She loved stirring everything together for me, and I enjoyed every minute with my little helper. She's just adorable.
When we finished up in the kitchen, Grace wanted to keep on “cooking.” So, she borrowed her Mom's mixing bowls from the kitchen and raided her toys for all the food related items and brought them to the dining room table, where we promptly began The Grace and Mel Cooking Show. I went with it. I've never lacked an imagination (I confess the cooking show with an audience was my idea...I may have been watching to much of the Food Network lately). I acted as Grace's assistant, and I called her “Chef” and kept our imagined “live” audience informed of all of the ingredients as she added them. It was a blast!
We made pumpkin blueberry soup, but I'm not sure if I would recommend it since the ingredients were a bit sketchy and included what my little chef called “lion food” (hmmmm...what that was exactly I was afraid to ask) and a bit too much salt and marshmallows for my taste.
To further complicate our busy filming schedule, another chef joined our show already in progress. Twenty-two-month-old Harrison opted to join in the fun. We had to stop “filming” and get him his own big bowl and plastic spoon, and then he kept stealing all of our ingredients like the plastic fruit and the measuring cups, which really upset my little chef. She was not amused by her brother's antics, and kept threatening to kick him off of our show. I thought it all was a hoot and struggled to keep from laughing.
Well, skip ahead a few weeks to earlier this evening when I decided to start doing some holiday baking on my own...I confess that I really missed my little chef. I was such a klutz working on my own tonight. I dropped baking soda on the kitchen floor and had to sweep my kitchen midway through my adventure. And then I accidentally hit the power button on the mixer instead of the eject button for the beaters, which created a nice spray of chocolatety goo all over my counter top and yours truly.
Hmmmm...maybe I should leave my “cooking” adventures for my time with Grace only? I had better luck working with a 4-year-old than on my own. HA!
I do like working in the kitchen. I just don't do it much. Cooking for one isn't all that fun really, but I do like preparing food for other people. OK, I'm so not Rachel Ray or Paula Deen here, but I can manage salads, appetizers and side dishes well on my own, and desserts are definitely my strong point in the kitchen. Yes, I do still panic just a wee bit on main dishes. I mean, you just don't want to screw up the main course. I guess I just need to experiment some more and build up my confidence. Maybe my little chef can come join me and give me some pointers. Hee hee!
When we finished up in the kitchen, Grace wanted to keep on “cooking.” So, she borrowed her Mom's mixing bowls from the kitchen and raided her toys for all the food related items and brought them to the dining room table, where we promptly began The Grace and Mel Cooking Show. I went with it. I've never lacked an imagination (I confess the cooking show with an audience was my idea...I may have been watching to much of the Food Network lately). I acted as Grace's assistant, and I called her “Chef” and kept our imagined “live” audience informed of all of the ingredients as she added them. It was a blast!
We made pumpkin blueberry soup, but I'm not sure if I would recommend it since the ingredients were a bit sketchy and included what my little chef called “lion food” (hmmmm...what that was exactly I was afraid to ask) and a bit too much salt and marshmallows for my taste.
To further complicate our busy filming schedule, another chef joined our show already in progress. Twenty-two-month-old Harrison opted to join in the fun. We had to stop “filming” and get him his own big bowl and plastic spoon, and then he kept stealing all of our ingredients like the plastic fruit and the measuring cups, which really upset my little chef. She was not amused by her brother's antics, and kept threatening to kick him off of our show. I thought it all was a hoot and struggled to keep from laughing.
Well, skip ahead a few weeks to earlier this evening when I decided to start doing some holiday baking on my own...I confess that I really missed my little chef. I was such a klutz working on my own tonight. I dropped baking soda on the kitchen floor and had to sweep my kitchen midway through my adventure. And then I accidentally hit the power button on the mixer instead of the eject button for the beaters, which created a nice spray of chocolatety goo all over my counter top and yours truly.
Hmmmm...maybe I should leave my “cooking” adventures for my time with Grace only? I had better luck working with a 4-year-old than on my own. HA!
I do like working in the kitchen. I just don't do it much. Cooking for one isn't all that fun really, but I do like preparing food for other people. OK, I'm so not Rachel Ray or Paula Deen here, but I can manage salads, appetizers and side dishes well on my own, and desserts are definitely my strong point in the kitchen. Yes, I do still panic just a wee bit on main dishes. I mean, you just don't want to screw up the main course. I guess I just need to experiment some more and build up my confidence. Maybe my little chef can come join me and give me some pointers. Hee hee!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Moving On Up...
The boxes arrived in my cubicle this morning. It’s official. My move date is a week from today, and so it is really time to pack up and move, take on new responsibilities, spread my wings, meet new people, and do some writing for a living. I’m rather excited about that last part. Elated, in fact. OK, so writing and editing will only be a portion of my job (maybe 40-50%), but I’m still psyched. It’s a start in the right direction, a new beginning and a welcome challenge allowing me to utilize my college degree. I’m in. ALL in.
I think I have always had a writer’s heart and soul, and so whether I get paid to write or not, I AM A WRITER. Just a fact.
But I will miss my current colleagues in the legal department. These past 5 years have been good ones. I’ve gotten to know some incredible people. Attorneys are quite different from my previous misconceptions. I’ve had a lot of fun in my current job. There has been a lot of hard work, some long hours and plenty of stress as well, but there never seemed to be a shortage of laughs either. While realizing the knowledge that I’ve gained is only the tip of the iceberg, I still have learned a great deal about the world of patents and legal processes. I’ve developed relationships with internal colleagues and outside counsel and made a few friends in the process.
I feel blessed to be where I am now, and as I will soon step away into another role, I feel my current role has been a great preparation for the next phase of my career. I will miss my patent co-horts, but I will only be one floor away from them, and so I’m quite confident that we’ll keep in touch. I’ll need their expertise, their advice and their friendship, too.
I think I have always had a writer’s heart and soul, and so whether I get paid to write or not, I AM A WRITER. Just a fact.
Random Question: What do you do for a living?
Answer: Who me? I’m Melanie, and I’m a writer.
But I will miss my current colleagues in the legal department. These past 5 years have been good ones. I’ve gotten to know some incredible people. Attorneys are quite different from my previous misconceptions. I’ve had a lot of fun in my current job. There has been a lot of hard work, some long hours and plenty of stress as well, but there never seemed to be a shortage of laughs either. While realizing the knowledge that I’ve gained is only the tip of the iceberg, I still have learned a great deal about the world of patents and legal processes. I’ve developed relationships with internal colleagues and outside counsel and made a few friends in the process.
I feel blessed to be where I am now, and as I will soon step away into another role, I feel my current role has been a great preparation for the next phase of my career. I will miss my patent co-horts, but I will only be one floor away from them, and so I’m quite confident that we’ll keep in touch. I’ll need their expertise, their advice and their friendship, too.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Retreating Away!
My second LDM SonRise Retreat was fabulous, although it got off to a rocky start when the camper I was assigned to canceled out on the weekend. I was disappointed that I wouldn't get to be Nikki's camp companion, but because I had extra time on my hands, I got to know lots of other companions and campers this weekend.
COMPANIONS: I am amazed at the hearts of the teenagers I met this weekend. A great many of the volunteers/companions that participated this weekend were junior high and high schoolers. They definitely outnumbered the adults. Yes, again, I was one of the "old ones." Hee hee!
Honestly, I've never considered myself very good with teens. I feel like I can't relate to them. My sister can but not me. Teens scare me personally. Put me in a room with babies and little kids, and I'm totally cool with that. I have that twinkle in my eye, and it's easy for me. I love little ones, but put me in a room with teenagers, and I revert back a couple of decades. I'm back in middle school and high school, and I'm the strange chubby girl running around in culottes and skirts all the time. I'm desperately wanting to just be like everybody else, but I'm different, and I know it. I'm as uncool as you can get.
Somehow even now, I think being with teenagers reminds me of the fact that I was never popular back in the day. Cool kids make me nervous, which is completely hilarious. I'm twice their age, and I'm intimidated by them? I laughed at myself more than once for even contemplating the cool factor. How silly is that! I was driving before they were born, I was in college while they were in diapers, I've been living on my own for half my life now, and I'm suddenly concerned that these kids will think I am a freak? HA! YEAH! So I laughed at my momentary lapse of insanity and decided I was going to throw cool out the window and just be me regardless.
And guess what? I found these pre-adults to be incredible human beings. They are full of hopes and dreams, looking ahead to high school or college, wrestling with purity, struggling with their desires, contemplating future ministry, determining a course of study or vocation, making plans for their future, etc. We had a lot more in common than I could have imagined.
And this weekend, I was especially touched by their generous spirits, unfailing patience, overwhelming kindness and warmth, and their Godly character. Volunteering at a SonRise Retreat can be a lot of work, and these "kids" jumped right in and tackled each task with calm courage and quiet grace. I'm not sure I could have managed it as well as they did when I was their age, and in some cases, I'm not sure I could handle it as well even now. It was a convicting and exhilarating experience. I was proud to be serving along side them and grateful for the opportunity to knock down a "prejudice" of my own. These teens rocked!
CAMPERS: Like at Camp Spearhead, I find that I just have to immerse myself in the weekend and BE MY SELF. The goofier I am, the more involved I am with the campers, the more face-to-face interaction – the better. If that means that I am belting out tunes at the top of my lungs, dancing when I don't have any rhythm and don't know what the heck I'm doing, asking Ellie to skip with me on our walk just to make her laugh, making funny faces to cheer someone up, playing games and ignoring the rules, coloring outside the lines, taking photographs again and again, answering questions about why I am not married yet – SO BE IT! I am there for the campers. This is their weekend, and I am just blessed to be a part of it.
I was again struck with the sheer honesty of the prayers and hearts of those I worshiped with. I think prayer time was my favorite part of each day. We prayed before each meal or following our Bible study time, and any camper or companion that wished to pray would go forward and have their turn at the microphone. I loved the campers' candor...prayers for pets, roommates, disagreeable family members, Michael Jackson's soul, Christmas wish lists, that so and so would be nicer to them, etc. It was beautiful. I was convicted by their directness and honesty with GOD. No pretense. No form or particular style. No lofty adjectives or fluff. Just a conversation with the ALMIGHTY and the confidence to speak their hearts with their FATHER. I love that.
There is so much I am learning from these weekends...
COMPANIONS: I am amazed at the hearts of the teenagers I met this weekend. A great many of the volunteers/companions that participated this weekend were junior high and high schoolers. They definitely outnumbered the adults. Yes, again, I was one of the "old ones." Hee hee!
Honestly, I've never considered myself very good with teens. I feel like I can't relate to them. My sister can but not me. Teens scare me personally. Put me in a room with babies and little kids, and I'm totally cool with that. I have that twinkle in my eye, and it's easy for me. I love little ones, but put me in a room with teenagers, and I revert back a couple of decades. I'm back in middle school and high school, and I'm the strange chubby girl running around in culottes and skirts all the time. I'm desperately wanting to just be like everybody else, but I'm different, and I know it. I'm as uncool as you can get.
Somehow even now, I think being with teenagers reminds me of the fact that I was never popular back in the day. Cool kids make me nervous, which is completely hilarious. I'm twice their age, and I'm intimidated by them? I laughed at myself more than once for even contemplating the cool factor. How silly is that! I was driving before they were born, I was in college while they were in diapers, I've been living on my own for half my life now, and I'm suddenly concerned that these kids will think I am a freak? HA! YEAH! So I laughed at my momentary lapse of insanity and decided I was going to throw cool out the window and just be me regardless.
And guess what? I found these pre-adults to be incredible human beings. They are full of hopes and dreams, looking ahead to high school or college, wrestling with purity, struggling with their desires, contemplating future ministry, determining a course of study or vocation, making plans for their future, etc. We had a lot more in common than I could have imagined.
And this weekend, I was especially touched by their generous spirits, unfailing patience, overwhelming kindness and warmth, and their Godly character. Volunteering at a SonRise Retreat can be a lot of work, and these "kids" jumped right in and tackled each task with calm courage and quiet grace. I'm not sure I could have managed it as well as they did when I was their age, and in some cases, I'm not sure I could handle it as well even now. It was a convicting and exhilarating experience. I was proud to be serving along side them and grateful for the opportunity to knock down a "prejudice" of my own. These teens rocked!
CAMPERS: Like at Camp Spearhead, I find that I just have to immerse myself in the weekend and BE MY SELF. The goofier I am, the more involved I am with the campers, the more face-to-face interaction – the better. If that means that I am belting out tunes at the top of my lungs, dancing when I don't have any rhythm and don't know what the heck I'm doing, asking Ellie to skip with me on our walk just to make her laugh, making funny faces to cheer someone up, playing games and ignoring the rules, coloring outside the lines, taking photographs again and again, answering questions about why I am not married yet – SO BE IT! I am there for the campers. This is their weekend, and I am just blessed to be a part of it.
I was again struck with the sheer honesty of the prayers and hearts of those I worshiped with. I think prayer time was my favorite part of each day. We prayed before each meal or following our Bible study time, and any camper or companion that wished to pray would go forward and have their turn at the microphone. I loved the campers' candor...prayers for pets, roommates, disagreeable family members, Michael Jackson's soul, Christmas wish lists, that so and so would be nicer to them, etc. It was beautiful. I was convicted by their directness and honesty with GOD. No pretense. No form or particular style. No lofty adjectives or fluff. Just a conversation with the ALMIGHTY and the confidence to speak their hearts with their FATHER. I love that.
There is so much I am learning from these weekends...
Friday, December 4, 2009
Missing Authoress Makes a Public Statement
Rumor: The author of this blog appears to be missing in action.
AHEM! Let me address this matter before a mass panic starts. The facts are these:
AHEM! Let me address this matter before a mass panic starts. The facts are these:
1. She is alive. DUH! She is typing this. Yes, she is alive (or was at the time of posting at least), and she is physically well (with the exception of a cold coming on). Not sure why this is all in the third person, but so be it. She is on a roll now.
2. She has been extremely busy with work (transitioning into a new role come January, training replacement, covering for a sick co-worker), holiday travels (Kokomo and Peru count as holiday travel, right?), Christmas shopping and planning (New Year's Resolution: do ALL shopping for 2010 online), packing and preparing for second LDM Retreat this weekend (WOOHOO!!), etc.
3. She has been reading the first 2 books of the Twilight series again. Hey, she had to be ready for the 2nd movie (New Moon), which unfortunately totally bombed in her humble opinion, but that is another story. Books are always better anyway!
4. She is pondering what the heck to put into her Christmas letter. Hey, this was a wild and wacky year! There is great debate as to whether or not she will write a letter at all. And if she does compose a stanza or two, what will she share and what will she choose to keep to herself? So many possibilities...
5. She has been caught talking to herself several times in recent days. And while, truth be told, this is nothing new or out of the ordinary, her co-workers are starting to observe her more closely. Thus, her mental health may be in question.
6. She is reclusing just a wee bit perhaps. Once she finished re-reading the Twilight books, she moved on to the million or so other books on her shelves waiting to be read. Who needs a man anyway? If you have a good book, all is right with the world! [Mental Note: schedule more counseling sessions immediately! HA!]
7. She is NOT barricaded in her flat, and she is interacting with others, even outside of work. She has spent lots of time playing with Thorn (her sister's dog), coloring pictures with her youngest niece and 2 youngest nephews, baking or preparing holiday treats with her sister, playing games and going Black Friday shopping with family, etc.
8. However, she is NOT fine. She was told by a male colleague to stop telling people that she is fine because apparently women never mean it when they say that. Point Taken: She is NOT fine. She is not sure what she is, but fine she is NOT.
9. She still has her sense of humor, warped though it may be.
10. She begs your patience as she attempts to go into the holiday blitz without too many ill side effects: such as obsessively eating chocolate, avoiding people completely, incessantly humming "All By Myself," buying Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches by the crate, cheering on the Grinch, etc. She will survive, and she hopes to return to her regularly scheduled blog shortly. Thank you!
Friday, November 20, 2009
WANTED: More Male Friends
My friend Becky and I have talked twice recently about how we miss having more male friends. We both really do.
Now I have many incredible friendships with the women in my life. I have an amazing Mom that I cherish. I have a dear sister, who is my confidante and best friend. I have encouraging coworkers and awesome local girlfriends (like Becky). In addition, I have quite a few life-long girlfriends scattered around the country that I keep in touch with from my youth, college and post-college days. Truly, I’m blessed to have such kindred spirits to work, shop, walk, chat, share and just bond with.
But there is still something missing. I miss having more interaction with the opposite sex, and I’m not just talking romance here. I miss having more male friends period. I still have a few. I’ve not boycotted my male friends by any means, but something has changed. I’ve lost touch with the majority of my male friends. I still have a couple of guys that I interact with more frequently than the others, but the rest are in different places with their lives. They started dating, got married, had children, moved out of town, or just disappeared. We might keep up with each other on Facebook, My Space or via email, but the deeper interaction is gone, and I miss that.
There are oodles of other reasons I could list out here. I'm just scratching the surface here. I am thankful for the friendships I have. I am truly grateful. But somehow, I am also open to exploring new avenues and making my friendship circle a bit deeper in the coming months. How am I going to make this happen? I don’t know yet, but I’m certainly open to suggestions. However, I’m thinking a personal ad is NOT the way to go. HA!
Now I have many incredible friendships with the women in my life. I have an amazing Mom that I cherish. I have a dear sister, who is my confidante and best friend. I have encouraging coworkers and awesome local girlfriends (like Becky). In addition, I have quite a few life-long girlfriends scattered around the country that I keep in touch with from my youth, college and post-college days. Truly, I’m blessed to have such kindred spirits to work, shop, walk, chat, share and just bond with.
But there is still something missing. I miss having more interaction with the opposite sex, and I’m not just talking romance here. I miss having more male friends period. I still have a few. I’ve not boycotted my male friends by any means, but something has changed. I’ve lost touch with the majority of my male friends. I still have a couple of guys that I interact with more frequently than the others, but the rest are in different places with their lives. They started dating, got married, had children, moved out of town, or just disappeared. We might keep up with each other on Facebook, My Space or via email, but the deeper interaction is gone, and I miss that.
1. Men see things differently. I’m glad they do. Fact is that apparently my male friends have rubbed off on me a bit. I’ve been accused more than once of always taking the guy’s side or seeing the male point of view too much. Ironic, isn’t it!
2. Men can offer great advice. I like their practical take on things. They are able to leave emotion out and just get to the root of the matter. It’s great. They just need the facts. It is refreshing to have a conversation about what actually happened rather than debating over whether someone did or did not make a funny look or scrutinizing the way that someone said something. Why do we women have to over-analyze everything? I’m guilty. Lock me up.
3. Men can make us laugh at ourselves. Usually I have ample room for laughter in my life, but sometimes I take myself far too seriously. I’m thankful for my B-I-L (brother-in-law) and other male friends, who always seem able to distract me and get me to laugh at my own silliness.
There are oodles of other reasons I could list out here. I'm just scratching the surface here. I am thankful for the friendships I have. I am truly grateful. But somehow, I am also open to exploring new avenues and making my friendship circle a bit deeper in the coming months. How am I going to make this happen? I don’t know yet, but I’m certainly open to suggestions. However, I’m thinking a personal ad is NOT the way to go. HA!
Monday, November 16, 2009
5 Years of Blogging
This week I am celebrating 5 years of blogging. WOOHOO!!! What a ride it has been! Thanks for coming along!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Freaky Friday
Here in the office this morning, we suddenly lost power for about 20 minutes. We were all busy working away on our laptops, conducting meetings, or participating in conference calls, when the lights went out, computer screens went dead and all was suddenly quiet and dark.
Of course, instantly there was a lot of office chatter and groans. A group gathered under the emergency lights down the hall. I came out and joined them with my safety first flashlight in hand (Hee Hee!). I commented that it looked like the group was ready to do a team cheer or something as they huddled together. We celebrate Blue Fridays in support of the Colts, and so they all have their team jerseys and Colts gear on. Of course, yours truly does not own anything Colts at all, but I still get to wear jeans on Friday. WOOHOO!!
Anyway, so the “emergency light group” was holding a rather interesting discussion. Here in large corporate America, we seem to have plans, procedures and committees for just about everything. We have our emergency plans and procedures for tornadoes, storms, fire, etc. and safety committees that develop those necessary plans. But as we discovered today, no one seems to have developed any plans about what an employee should do in the middle of a black out. So our eclectic group of legal assistants, paralegals and attorneys decided to create an agenda for such a discussion and began talking through the procedures that should be put in place. It was a hoot. How long should we stay on the premises? Should we all work from home instead? Should we all just go shopping?
Then there was the conversation about rationing food. One of the attorneys was munching on a snack as he joined us, and a couple of people were eying him suspiciously. “We don’t know how long we are going to be here after all. Do you really think you should be eating that and not sharing with the rest of us?” Another person suggested that we just raid the refrigerator. She hated to see all that food go to waste. HA!
Then there was a conversation about walking around in the dark. We heard a noise from the floor above us, and there was talk about going to investigate. I laughed. “Have you guys learned nothing from horror movies? You never go UP the stairs. Just run!” Just about then, someone else mentioned that this was Friday the 13th after all, and we all burst out laughing. Ironic, isn’t it? [I can hear the Twilight show theme playing in the background, can’t you?]
Soon after, the lights came back on, and we resumed our daily routines without delay, but what an interesting start to the work day. Never a dull moment around here. Happy Friday the 13th!!
Of course, instantly there was a lot of office chatter and groans. A group gathered under the emergency lights down the hall. I came out and joined them with my safety first flashlight in hand (Hee Hee!). I commented that it looked like the group was ready to do a team cheer or something as they huddled together. We celebrate Blue Fridays in support of the Colts, and so they all have their team jerseys and Colts gear on. Of course, yours truly does not own anything Colts at all, but I still get to wear jeans on Friday. WOOHOO!!
Anyway, so the “emergency light group” was holding a rather interesting discussion. Here in large corporate America, we seem to have plans, procedures and committees for just about everything. We have our emergency plans and procedures for tornadoes, storms, fire, etc. and safety committees that develop those necessary plans. But as we discovered today, no one seems to have developed any plans about what an employee should do in the middle of a black out. So our eclectic group of legal assistants, paralegals and attorneys decided to create an agenda for such a discussion and began talking through the procedures that should be put in place. It was a hoot. How long should we stay on the premises? Should we all work from home instead? Should we all just go shopping?
Then there was the conversation about rationing food. One of the attorneys was munching on a snack as he joined us, and a couple of people were eying him suspiciously. “We don’t know how long we are going to be here after all. Do you really think you should be eating that and not sharing with the rest of us?” Another person suggested that we just raid the refrigerator. She hated to see all that food go to waste. HA!
Then there was a conversation about walking around in the dark. We heard a noise from the floor above us, and there was talk about going to investigate. I laughed. “Have you guys learned nothing from horror movies? You never go UP the stairs. Just run!” Just about then, someone else mentioned that this was Friday the 13th after all, and we all burst out laughing. Ironic, isn’t it? [I can hear the Twilight show theme playing in the background, can’t you?]
Soon after, the lights came back on, and we resumed our daily routines without delay, but what an interesting start to the work day. Never a dull moment around here. Happy Friday the 13th!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Filling the Void
I tend to fill every moment, too much. So much so that sometimes I forget to just be. My chronic symptoms include: excessive personal projects (always coming up with more before I’m done with the 30 I’m working on – read over-achiever), exorbitant planning of my time (read control freak), getting antsy or restless if I’m not contemplating something big (as if the fate of the world rests in my hands - read god-complex), etc.
I always feel I need to be doing something or pursuing some other project or purpose to give meaning to my life. I realize that it is not necessarily a bad push, per se. I think motivation can be a good thing. Believe me, I’ve been a bump on a log for periods of my life, and I may or may not have wallowed a time or two. I certainly don’t want a repeat performance of those low moments in my life, and I highly doubt that is at all what GOD intends for me either. And so to counter those melancholy possibilities, I keep myself excessively busy. I don’t want to have too much time on my hands, and so I plan out each moment, seizing it and in my own way attempting to follow Thoreau and suck the marrow out of life. But lately, I’ve started to wonder if I’m missing something. Missing something big. Like maybe I’m sucking the life out of my life? I’ve had a few DUH moments (or D/H moments as my niece Janet says).
So I have a lot going on in my mind today. My mind is churning and still processing my thoughts. The bottom line is that I think I’m going to try and learn how to BE, how to just exist and stop DOING for a second or two every day. OK, I know that isn’t much, but it’s a start, a rather slow beginning at attempting to unravel by linear, rigid persona. HA! [My sister called me both linear and rigid in the same half hour conversation this week, and I’ve been obsessing about it ever since, and a lot of those thoughts have led me to this moment. Come on, you can’t tell a passionate, intense personality that they are linear and expect them not to simmer on those very words for days afterwards. Her words are still haunting me.]
Well, pardon me while I step away and just BE for a moment. Well, all right, I can’t really just BE at work. My lunch break is almost over after all, and so I have to be the worker bee right now on the clock. But I’m scheduling a few minutes to just BE this evening. [Get it. I'm going to schedule time to BE. Hee hee!] Oh well! It's all a work in progress...
I always feel I need to be doing something or pursuing some other project or purpose to give meaning to my life. I realize that it is not necessarily a bad push, per se. I think motivation can be a good thing. Believe me, I’ve been a bump on a log for periods of my life, and I may or may not have wallowed a time or two. I certainly don’t want a repeat performance of those low moments in my life, and I highly doubt that is at all what GOD intends for me either. And so to counter those melancholy possibilities, I keep myself excessively busy. I don’t want to have too much time on my hands, and so I plan out each moment, seizing it and in my own way attempting to follow Thoreau and suck the marrow out of life. But lately, I’ve started to wonder if I’m missing something. Missing something big. Like maybe I’m sucking the life out of my life? I’ve had a few DUH moments (or D/H moments as my niece Janet says).
Perhaps GOD is wanting me to enjoy the still quiet moments I have on my own (and with HIM) instead of filling every possible moment with some activity, plan or project. My reasons for those pursuits are good and sound. You know what they say about idle hands. But maybe, just maybe, I’m meant for less and not for more. [That sounds funny, doesn’t it?] Or better stated: maybe the less is more! [Yeah, that sounds better.]
Maybe those quiet moments without a whir of activity or planning should not cause me guilt but rather fuel my very existence. Maybe the void is meant to be savored, not hurried along like the climactic ending of a good book. I always have to go back and read the end of a good read because I missed half of it the first time in my rush to get to the very end. Maybe this void I am feeling is like that, and I need to relax in it just a bit and enjoy it for what it is.
Maybe I need to stop seeking my purpose like the elusive golden snitch that is always just out of reach for Harry Potter in Quidditch. Maybe I need to embrace the purpose I already have. I exist. I belong to GOD. My purpose is to bring glory to HIM. Maybe that means activity for a cause, maybe that means engaging in conversations with others, and maybe that also means resting in HIM and enjoying the quiet moments of solace without buzzing around like a worker bee all the time.
So I have a lot going on in my mind today. My mind is churning and still processing my thoughts. The bottom line is that I think I’m going to try and learn how to BE, how to just exist and stop DOING for a second or two every day. OK, I know that isn’t much, but it’s a start, a rather slow beginning at attempting to unravel by linear, rigid persona. HA! [My sister called me both linear and rigid in the same half hour conversation this week, and I’ve been obsessing about it ever since, and a lot of those thoughts have led me to this moment. Come on, you can’t tell a passionate, intense personality that they are linear and expect them not to simmer on those very words for days afterwards. Her words are still haunting me.]
Well, pardon me while I step away and just BE for a moment. Well, all right, I can’t really just BE at work. My lunch break is almost over after all, and so I have to be the worker bee right now on the clock. But I’m scheduling a few minutes to just BE this evening. [Get it. I'm going to schedule time to BE. Hee hee!] Oh well! It's all a work in progress...
Monday, November 9, 2009
SonRise Retreat Part II
It was great to meet new campers and mingle with my fellow companions, but one thing I noted rather early on is that I’m OLD. GASP! I know. I need to face up to it. It’s been 13 years since my last Camp Spearhead adventures, and I’m not as young as I think I am especially considering that most of the other volunteers were in high school or college. YIKES!
It was a bit disconcerting at first. I didn’t know anyone, and it was hard to just jump into this completely new environment, but I did it once and told myself I could do it again, and I survived just fine. But I confess that I sure missed my Spearhead alum like Jamie, Jeanette, Bobbie Jo, Matt O., Snoozer, Moldy, Ben, BJ, Frankie, Nancy, etc. I could almost hear Jeanette’s laugh at my latest drama and Bobbie Jo’s antics from the kitchen. I could almost picture Jamie shaking his head in disbelief and saying, “What are we gonna do with you, Mel?” They were such a big part of my Spearhead life, and I wanted them there with me to share in the experience. But in a way, they will always be a part of me...
Ironically, there were some similarities between some of the campers from my past and the new faces I met this weekend. I discovered new versions of Kerry Kelly and Henry Howard, and I was tickled pink to meet another Eric Grissom minus his sidekick, Michael B. I chuckled more than once to myself at my “familiar” encounters. Now, I don’t think I’ll ever meet another Michael Brooks or Myra Chandler, and I think the world can only contain one Bobbie Jo at a time. [Love ya, BBJ!] Those dear ones are not to be replaced! Instead, I discovered new friends and another place for GOD to teach and mold me.
It wasn’t Spearhead. It was pretty different actually, but it was delightful in its own way as well. Over all, it was awesome to be active again, building relationships with those who have special needs, sharing GOD’s love with them, and seeing HIS love pour out of them at every turn. I have so much more to learn...
It was a bit disconcerting at first. I didn’t know anyone, and it was hard to just jump into this completely new environment, but I did it once and told myself I could do it again, and I survived just fine. But I confess that I sure missed my Spearhead alum like Jamie, Jeanette, Bobbie Jo, Matt O., Snoozer, Moldy, Ben, BJ, Frankie, Nancy, etc. I could almost hear Jeanette’s laugh at my latest drama and Bobbie Jo’s antics from the kitchen. I could almost picture Jamie shaking his head in disbelief and saying, “What are we gonna do with you, Mel?” They were such a big part of my Spearhead life, and I wanted them there with me to share in the experience. But in a way, they will always be a part of me...
Ironically, there were some similarities between some of the campers from my past and the new faces I met this weekend. I discovered new versions of Kerry Kelly and Henry Howard, and I was tickled pink to meet another Eric Grissom minus his sidekick, Michael B. I chuckled more than once to myself at my “familiar” encounters. Now, I don’t think I’ll ever meet another Michael Brooks or Myra Chandler, and I think the world can only contain one Bobbie Jo at a time. [Love ya, BBJ!] Those dear ones are not to be replaced! Instead, I discovered new friends and another place for GOD to teach and mold me.
It wasn’t Spearhead. It was pretty different actually, but it was delightful in its own way as well. Over all, it was awesome to be active again, building relationships with those who have special needs, sharing GOD’s love with them, and seeing HIS love pour out of them at every turn. I have so much more to learn...
SonRise Retreat Part I
I returned back home yesterday afternoon from my first SonRise Retreat with LDM (Lutheran Disability Ministries). I had a blast! I came home more than a wee bit exhausted but excited to see what GOD will do next.
Friday night was spent mingling with the campers and getting to know the other companions. With LDM, each camper is assigned to a “companion” in a one-to-one ratio, and so there is optimal chance to really get to know each other. There was a lot of karaoke, coloring, beading and games as well as lots of hugs and conversation that first night.
On Saturday we had a couple of Bible studies, nature walks, games, puzzles, some exciting basketball games, BINGO, lots of singing, and bedtime movies. It was a fun-filled day, and I enjoyed watching my camper Kathy emerge from her shell.
On Sunday morning, we had a final Bible study followed by a worship service before we all said our goodbyes and headed home. It was a whirlwind of activities, but I really enjoyed it all.
I think the prayers were what impacted me the most. The campers love to pray before meals and during our Bible study time, and I loved hearing what GOD has placed on their hearts. The next retreat is in December, and I’m already looking forward to it.
Friday night was spent mingling with the campers and getting to know the other companions. With LDM, each camper is assigned to a “companion” in a one-to-one ratio, and so there is optimal chance to really get to know each other. There was a lot of karaoke, coloring, beading and games as well as lots of hugs and conversation that first night.
On Saturday we had a couple of Bible studies, nature walks, games, puzzles, some exciting basketball games, BINGO, lots of singing, and bedtime movies. It was a fun-filled day, and I enjoyed watching my camper Kathy emerge from her shell.
On Sunday morning, we had a final Bible study followed by a worship service before we all said our goodbyes and headed home. It was a whirlwind of activities, but I really enjoyed it all.
I think the prayers were what impacted me the most. The campers love to pray before meals and during our Bible study time, and I loved hearing what GOD has placed on their hearts. The next retreat is in December, and I’m already looking forward to it.
1. I didn’t get lost and didn’t even miss a turn on my first-time drive to and from Trafalgar, Indiana. WOOHOO!!
2. My camper Kathy was just awesome. I loved her sense of humor, her basketball skills which completely put me to shame, and her stories about her family and friends. I’m so thankful for Kathy. I learned a lot from her.
3. The food was rather delicious, and Diet Girl didn’t get too far off track. There were usually some healthy options available for every meal.
4. I mingled with some awesome campers and came away refreshed. I love their honesty, their patience and their ability to love.
5. I met some rather amazing fellow companions, most of whom have been involved with the ministry for a while. They all had such love and compassion to share, and I discovered that I can still learn from those younger than myself.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Candy Break Time
I’m having a moment. Just me and a Nestlē Baby Ruth bar. I’m at work sitting in my corporate-issued cubicle with people buzzing around me, but when I close my eyes and fade for a moment, I’m at home curled up in my comfy chair with a soft blanket and a good read, AND I’m enjoying every tantalizing morsel of this chocolatey delight.
Never mind that I am consuming 7 Weight Watchers points to get a quick fix. Don't lecture me. Yes, I know just how many Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches I could be eating instead, but it doesn't matter. This is my first REAL candy bar in a long time, and I’m savoring this decadent pause in the hustle and bustle of life.
This candy break moment was brought to you by Nestlē.
Never mind that I am consuming 7 Weight Watchers points to get a quick fix. Don't lecture me. Yes, I know just how many Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches I could be eating instead, but it doesn't matter. This is my first REAL candy bar in a long time, and I’m savoring this decadent pause in the hustle and bustle of life.
This candy break moment was brought to you by Nestlē.
Rekindled Passion
I’m Intense. I know everyone who knows me well is in shock with that statement. Who you, Mel? NO! Hee hee! OK, so I’m a little intense (and by little, I mean a lot). I feel things passionately. When I’m down, I’m down deep, buried by the weights of the world, but it rarely lasts for long. I usually just need a good night’s sleep, and the next day, I rebound and the twinkle in my eye returns. When I’m up, I’m pretty high on life, blissed out to the extreme. I can hear music in the air, and I see magic everywhere (and all this without the aid of narcotics or other illegal substances). That’s me. I feel deeply, and I’m always feeling something. I’m exhausting. I know this about myself.
Well, I have a new passion, a new drive. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I have plenty of other things I should be, could be doing or working on. I have books to read, scrapbooks to fill, people to meet, photos to take, Christmas shopping to do, words ready to fly off my fingertips onto my laptop screen. Hey, wasn’t I supposed to have written my first best selling novel by now? HA! RIGHT!
So what is this new passion that is consuming me? What fixation has gripped my very soul? What thing has me bewitched, bothered and bewildered? BEJEWELED!
Say it’s not so!! But I confess it all, my friends. It’s true. I’m not proud of it. I realize that there are much larger things I could be devoting myself to, causes I could be furthering, lives I could be changing. I’s not like I’m deeply consumed with the meaning of life at present or arguing the merits of caffeine in our frenetic paced society. No, I’m obsessed with a GAME involving the rotation of colorful jewels on a screen. My precious!
I’m cursed. This is not my first trek down the slippery slope and into the tentacled clutches of BEJEWELED. I thought I had conquered this addiction years ago. After all, I was the one that walked away from our prior relationship, but somehow, it wormed its way back into my affections, demanding my attention, creating a need. I find myself hooked once again, and I’m blaming Facebook. They have a special BEJEWELED BLITZ application you can play in one minute bursts, and it fueled my desire for those sparkly gems. It overwhelmed me with memories of happier days and reliving those good times. SIGH!
I confess I could have walked away and not looked back, but instead, I purchased a BEJEWELED game package last night. GASP! Oh the sheer horror and embarrassment of it all! Yes, it’s true. I plucked down an undisclosed amount of my budgeted allowance to rekindle my relationship with this GAME. I’m in deep now. SIGH!
OK, we're back on, baby! BRING IT!
Well, I have a new passion, a new drive. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I have plenty of other things I should be, could be doing or working on. I have books to read, scrapbooks to fill, people to meet, photos to take, Christmas shopping to do, words ready to fly off my fingertips onto my laptop screen. Hey, wasn’t I supposed to have written my first best selling novel by now? HA! RIGHT!
So what is this new passion that is consuming me? What fixation has gripped my very soul? What thing has me bewitched, bothered and bewildered? BEJEWELED!
Say it’s not so!! But I confess it all, my friends. It’s true. I’m not proud of it. I realize that there are much larger things I could be devoting myself to, causes I could be furthering, lives I could be changing. I’s not like I’m deeply consumed with the meaning of life at present or arguing the merits of caffeine in our frenetic paced society. No, I’m obsessed with a GAME involving the rotation of colorful jewels on a screen. My precious!
I’m cursed. This is not my first trek down the slippery slope and into the tentacled clutches of BEJEWELED. I thought I had conquered this addiction years ago. After all, I was the one that walked away from our prior relationship, but somehow, it wormed its way back into my affections, demanding my attention, creating a need. I find myself hooked once again, and I’m blaming Facebook. They have a special BEJEWELED BLITZ application you can play in one minute bursts, and it fueled my desire for those sparkly gems. It overwhelmed me with memories of happier days and reliving those good times. SIGH!
I confess I could have walked away and not looked back, but instead, I purchased a BEJEWELED game package last night. GASP! Oh the sheer horror and embarrassment of it all! Yes, it’s true. I plucked down an undisclosed amount of my budgeted allowance to rekindle my relationship with this GAME. I’m in deep now. SIGH!
OK, we're back on, baby! BRING IT!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I Miss Arguing With You…
“I’d rather argue with you than make love to someone else.”I’ve heard a take on this line in several movies, and I heard it again last night as I was channel surfing U-verse. (Yes, I’m still using my blog to subtly plug this optimal product. Call 1-800-ATT-2020 now.) Anyway, that line gets to me every time, more so than sappy sentimental dribble. I love it. It makes me smile. It feels real.
Relationships are work.I hear all this from friends and family quite often, and I don’t think they are sending me subliminal messages (Run, Mel, run!) or trying to discourage me from pursuing others options away from the single life (Head for a convent, Mel).
Commitment is tough.
Marriage isn’t easy.
However, I believe they are reminding me that marriage is not the perfect life I have pictured in my head. It’s more like what happens after the movie is over, and it goes on for years and years. When the honeymoon is over, all the flaws and quirks come out in full force to play. And the "players," if you will, are stuck in their roles by contract. They can't get out without great loss, usually on both sides. It can’t be easy living with another person day in, day out. Even I know that; hence my choice to be roommate free (well, except for the house plants).
And yet, most people in a relationship say it’s worth it, and I confess I still want it, however much it kills me to admit it. So in another time or place, I hope to bump into a man, a real man not just someone in my head or the books I've read. But a real live person I can argue and discuss life with. Someone who will be honest with me and call me on my crap. Someone who will challenge me, not just adore me. Adoration would be nice, but I don’t need a yes man. I need a Honey-I-love-you-but-get-over-yourself-man.
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for...*
[Thanks, U2*! It might be a bit old school, but I still love this song.]
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm Just Not Feeling It This Week...
Ever had one of those weeks? This is my second one in a row. ARGH! I've got to snap out of it. My life isn't bad. I've got a lot of good things going for me, but right now my rose-colored glasses lie smashed to bits on the floor, and I refuse to get them mended. I'm normally an idealist with a trace of a cynic mixed in (OK, "a trace" might be a slight understatement), but I'm just not feeling like myself this week. Something is off. WAY OFF!
Celebrity Quote (that only my sister and Lisa will probably recognize)
"But like if you're not yourself, then like who are ya?"
I'm still pondering...
Celebrity Quote (that only my sister and Lisa will probably recognize)
"But like if you're not yourself, then like who are ya?"
I'm still pondering...
Friday, October 30, 2009

I don’t remember ever getting store-bought costumes, but we didn’t care. With Mom’s help, my sister and I came up with some creative homemade designs that way. I’m not always sure others could identify who we were supposed to be (see 1979 photo), but we were having fun regardless. I do recall that there was one particular red princess dress that often was fought over. What girl doesn’t like to be a princess, right? I wonder if we have any photos of that red dress. Hmmmmm???
Sometimes we would get to wear our costumes to school. It was fun to see everyone else’s costume, and typically, there was a Halloween party in class, too. We’d share treats, play festive games and color fall pictures.
On Halloween night in Michigan, the weather was usually pretty cold, but we would layer clothes under our costumes, and when necessary (as in when Mom said), we would wear our winter coats over top. My Mom would walk with us all over town. We’d cover several blocks on foot, and then she would drive us over to some other neighborhoods or to friends’ houses so that they could see our costumes. We had several required stops we had to make like Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neal’s house, Mrs. Jenkin’s trailer, Pastor Endean’s place, etc.
We’d return home a bit chilled but excited to go through our stash. My Dad and older brothers would “help” by looking through our hoard of candy to determine if anything looked suspicious, etc. RIGHT! And then we got to pick out 5 pieces or so before it was time for bed, and the candy got put up for the night. Ahhhh! Those were good, happy days!

To me, Halloween is an innocent day of treats and fun for children and adults. I usually head up to my sister's place, and while she and her family make their own rounds trick or treating, I stay behind and meet their neighborhood trick or treaters. Yes, I've been told that I am a bit TOO liberal with the candy (i.e. I give out too much to each child), but I love doing it. It's a lot of fun!
Random Comment: This photo is from Halloween 2008, and WOW! I can really tell a difference. I've lost quite a bit more weight since then. I really have stayed away from the candy. WOOHOO!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Take Over
I’m gonna do it again. I’m going to post a plug and encourage others to check out another Christian artist. Personally, I prefer music that is honest about our condition here on earth and about the only hope we can cling to. Aaron Shust is just such a lyricist, singer, musician, etc. He writes deeply compelling songs that convict, motivate and encourage. His latest CD, “Take Over,” has gripped me.
Check it out!
Check it out!
Inquiring Minds Want to Know…
Why do some yogurts seemingly explode when you open them? This happens ever so often to yours truly. I am innocently about to partake in a delicious, healthy breakfast. I cautiously pop the seal and flip back the foil lid, and in doing so, I get splattered by drops of nutritious goo. One such occurrence happened here at my desk about 5 minutes ago. WOOHOO!! I know yogurt is good for me, but I wonder about the benefits to my clothing and hair?? Hmmmm...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Just Haven’t Met You Yet
My sister posted a link to this video on her website. Sorry to be such a copycat, Sis, but blog about it, I must. This video made me smile, and I'm still grinning about it. I love it! Yes, it’s completely silly and frivolous, but it’s also charming and adorable. No, I’m not talking about Michael, although he is rather cute. I’m talking about the idea of finding love in the frozen food aisle and the dream some of us still have of meeting someone some day...sigh!
1. I’m a feverish roMANtic, despite the missing man.
2. I love songs like this, and even though I have yet to experience love for myself, I can still sing along.
3. This song is from Michael Buble’s latest CD, which is my new favorite. I love the mix of classic crooning melodies from my Mom’s era along with new contemporary stuff. It’s awesome! [This is my subliminal plug to urge you all to rush out and buy his new CD. RUN!]
4. I need to start shopping at this store. I can’t remember the last time this happened to me. So, if you find me hanging out in frozen foods, now you will know why! Hee hee!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Thoughts Indeed
Smiley Packages from I got a package today, and it just made my heart skip a beat. OK, so I ordered the books for myself, and I knew exactly what would be in that box, BUT it still made me giddy with excitement when I saw the box, and the eager anticipation was still real as I slit the box open to find my treasures inside. WOOHOO!!
Long hikes at Eagle Creek Park: Becky and I explored some trails at the park yesterday with me snapping photos along the way. The colors were gorgeous (better with sunglasses--according to Becky), and we enjoyed the fresh air and exercise, too. What a rush! I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but I do love autumn. (Hee hee!)
Memories of England: Is it crazy that I am still fixated on the country of my forefathers, and that the mere mention of England makes me smile and sigh? I thought a 2-week visit would cure me of my British obsession, but it has not. It has only worsened my feverish condition and made me yearn for more. I loved our Anglophile excursions, and I am ready to make the journey over the pond again for a longer stay if possible. I think perhaps I should consider taking a 6-month-sabbatical and exploring more. Hmmmm...
Long hikes at Eagle Creek Park: Becky and I explored some trails at the park yesterday with me snapping photos along the way. The colors were gorgeous (better with sunglasses--according to Becky), and we enjoyed the fresh air and exercise, too. What a rush! I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but I do love autumn. (Hee hee!)
Memories of England: Is it crazy that I am still fixated on the country of my forefathers, and that the mere mention of England makes me smile and sigh? I thought a 2-week visit would cure me of my British obsession, but it has not. It has only worsened my feverish condition and made me yearn for more. I loved our Anglophile excursions, and I am ready to make the journey over the pond again for a longer stay if possible. I think perhaps I should consider taking a 6-month-sabbatical and exploring more. Hmmmm...
Mental Notes:
1. You still have yet to blog about your first overseas adventures. Get cracking on that! You need to finish your "memoirs" while they are still fresh in your head.
2. You need to find a financial solution that would allow you a less limited travel budget for an extended stay in Great Britain. AND (AHEM!) I think we can take the sugar daddy suggestion off the table! Hee hee! It's just not your style, cupcake*.
*Additional Mental Note: STOP calling yourself "cupcake" on your blog! You are leaving it in this one time as proof of your desire for transparency with your readers, but come on, it's completely frivolous and silly to continue to come up with nicknames for yourself here. Let it go, Mel-Belle.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunny Fall Day in Indiana
It's lovely today. The sun is shining, the fall colors are in their prime, and the temperature is hovering just under 60. I would love to take the afternoon off and go explore the woods with my camera in hand. However, there is much to be done here in the office, and so I will press on with the piles before me, but if only...
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I Am Infected
Yes, it is true. I am infected with the cleaning and organizing bug again. I seemed to recover and move past my chronic need for tidy for a few months. I thought I was cured. The hustle and bustle of preparing for my British travels in May along with LOTS of overtime this spring and early summer seemed to bring me past the infectious hurdle. I started secretly letting things pile up – neatly of course in an orderly fashion far from the eyes of the madding crowd, so to speak. No one knew. No one needed to know, as I closeted the burgeoning chaos.
But I knew. The creeping dust bunnies mocked me from behind my bed, my books begged to be reshelved, my stuffed dresser drawers groaned each time I opened them, and my closets moaned in agony as I shoved more and more inside them. I could no longer ignore the encroaching mayhem. It was time to sort, purge and reorganize, and so it began.
The plan was to clean my bedroom closet first. I started removing a couple of boxes from my closet last week, but once I started going through those boxes, that reminded me that I was wanting to redo the way I organized my scrapbook and greeting card supplies. So I started tackling that second project, too. I made no less than 3 trips to Walmart in as many days before I had my paper and cardstock organized just the way I wanted it. Then when I went to restack the freshly organized bins, I noticed the thick dust behind my bedroom furniture, and that just wouldn’t do. Thus on Friday and Saturday, I removed the furniture and began cleaning the walls, the crevices between the walls and the carpet and vacuuming thoroughly (sneezing quite a bit along the way, too).
On Sunday, I returned back to the closet project doing more of the same, emptying the closet completely, wiping everything down, vacuuming, etc. I worked until nearly midnight and then exhausted climbed into bed leaving my living room covered with boxes and storage bins.
Tonight after work, the furious cleaning, purging and organizing will continue. Hopefully, I will be able to complete the closet project before another “need” pops up on my radar and beckons me to it, distracting me from my current purpose. I’m already contemplating cleaning the bathroom walls, reorganizing the kitchen, and goodness knows, I really need to sort through my books again. It might just be time to purchase another book shelf, too. Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-A-Million and Half Price Books have been frequently visited by yours truly as of late, and I want to make sure my newest residents feel welcomed in their current home...
SIGH! Yes, I am really in the thick of it now. I’m deeply infected and overtaken with the bug once again. I need help. Hee hee!
But I knew. The creeping dust bunnies mocked me from behind my bed, my books begged to be reshelved, my stuffed dresser drawers groaned each time I opened them, and my closets moaned in agony as I shoved more and more inside them. I could no longer ignore the encroaching mayhem. It was time to sort, purge and reorganize, and so it began.
The plan was to clean my bedroom closet first. I started removing a couple of boxes from my closet last week, but once I started going through those boxes, that reminded me that I was wanting to redo the way I organized my scrapbook and greeting card supplies. So I started tackling that second project, too. I made no less than 3 trips to Walmart in as many days before I had my paper and cardstock organized just the way I wanted it. Then when I went to restack the freshly organized bins, I noticed the thick dust behind my bedroom furniture, and that just wouldn’t do. Thus on Friday and Saturday, I removed the furniture and began cleaning the walls, the crevices between the walls and the carpet and vacuuming thoroughly (sneezing quite a bit along the way, too).
On Sunday, I returned back to the closet project doing more of the same, emptying the closet completely, wiping everything down, vacuuming, etc. I worked until nearly midnight and then exhausted climbed into bed leaving my living room covered with boxes and storage bins.
Tonight after work, the furious cleaning, purging and organizing will continue. Hopefully, I will be able to complete the closet project before another “need” pops up on my radar and beckons me to it, distracting me from my current purpose. I’m already contemplating cleaning the bathroom walls, reorganizing the kitchen, and goodness knows, I really need to sort through my books again. It might just be time to purchase another book shelf, too. Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-A-Million and Half Price Books have been frequently visited by yours truly as of late, and I want to make sure my newest residents feel welcomed in their current home...
SIGH! Yes, I am really in the thick of it now. I’m deeply infected and overtaken with the bug once again. I need help. Hee hee!
Friday, October 16, 2009
MP3 Random Play

First of all, I was blown away with the fact that I have 1192 songs on my player right now. WOA! That’s a lot of tunes on this tiny piece of equipment, but I love having all kinds of music at my fingertips depending on the day, my mood, the weather, the tension, etc. I am ultimately responsible for my own attitudes, but somehow music helps get me in the zone.
This was the first 10 songs to play on my random mix:
1. My Immortal (Evanescence)
2. Glow (Britt Nicole)
3. Lady in Red (Chris de Burgh)
4. Maniac (Flashdance soundtrack)
5. Hurt Me (LeAnn Rimes)
6. Do You Want to Know (Josh Wilson)
7. Sometimes Love (Chris Rice)
8. Can’t Stop Now (Keane)
9. You Are the Sun (Sara Groves)
10. Saints & Angels (Sara Evans)
Isn’t that hilarious? It just made me laugh. What a mix, and it could have been even crazier--considering the range of selections I have downloaded. Some big favorites in the mix and a couple of songs I forgot I even had. It was very entertaining for me on this chilly afternoon.
Mental Notes:
Rethink track number 5--never been that crazy about it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Joys of Autumn

This fall has started off with a bang in Indiana.
1. It’s been really cold already, and there has been a chilly wind almost every day. Plus the weather man is threatening snow this weekend. Hey, that reminds me. I need to make sure I can find my snow shovel. YIKES!
2. It’s been super rainy here of late. So those crunchy leaves I was talking about are a bit hard to find. You are more likely to feel a squish as you make your way across the soggy ground, but the trees are still pretty with their brilliant pallet of colors anyway.
3. Someone told me that there was a pumpkin shortage this season, and that if I found pumpkins, I should buy up quickly in bulk. Personally, I don’t usually use all that much pumpkin, but I do like to have a can or two on hand. Now before you make a mad dash to your local grocer, let me state for the record that I have not been able to confirm or negate this alleged pumpkin deficit. Both groceries I have visited this week have had whole pumpkins and canned pumpkin as well. So, it is quite possible that the lack of pumpkins might just be a rumor, but I do like to keep my dear readers informed.
Speaking of Indiana, the other night on the phone my Mom asked me if I was a Hoosier now. I literally gasped in horror at the suggestion, and she laughed at me. I don’t know why I continue to fight the status of becoming a Hoosier. I have been in this state for more than 13 years now, but somehow, I still like telling people that I’m originally from Michigan. After all, I was technically in Michigan for nearly 22 years, and so I guess it is only natural that the Great Lake State still has a piece of me and perhaps always will.
Anyway, back to fall. I’m glad it is here despite the chilly, wet conditions. This is my favorite season – the sights, the smells, the sounds (raking leaves, leaf blowers, rain pinging the window pane) and the tastes.
Even though I am pretty faithful to my Weight Watchers plan, I did nibble on some candy corn recently. I also learned a valuable lesson. Just because you like candy corn, does NOT mean that you will enjoy or appreciate every new candy corn flavor on the market. I tried the caramel apple and the sweet apple flavored candy corn varieties, and I think I’ll just stick to the regular stuff in the future. All candy corn is not created equal. It’s just a fact, my friends. Consider yourself warned!
Enjoy the season and savor some delicious candy corn for me, my friends!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Chronically Early
When my 15-minute Microsoft Outlook reminder pops up telling me that I have 15 minutes before my meeting, I pack my stuff up and head out right away. I’m usually the first one to arrive at a meeting, but I’d rather be too early than walk in late. In fact, I’d rather skip something altogether than show up tardy.
I hate being late for church, work, a project meeting or even dinner with friends. I have reoccurring nightmares about showing up late for class and getting demerits. I got demerits once for being late to a BJU Sunday morning service. Apparently, my one infraction caused more inner turmoil than I realized, and it continues to plague me even in my sleep. I am haunted by the memory. HA!
Today I had a funny thought while I was waiting on a meeting to get underway. Personally I freak out if I am going to be late, and when I arrive 2 minutes late I feel the need to apologize over and over for my tardiness, and yet, I don’t seem to be bothered much by other people being late to meet with me at all. I have friends who are typically running a few minutes behind, and it doesn’t phase me to wait on them. OK, 20-30 minutes is all right. I’m starting to wonder if I have the right location or not. Maybe I should call them? At 40 minutes late, without any phone calls or text messages, I’m starting to feel “stood up.” I’ll try calling again, and once we connect, I am just relieved to hear their voice and discover that they are alive and well. We’ll reschedule and move on. And yet, I would literally be flogging myself if I made any one wait on me like that.
Yet I don’t seem to have any problem making GOD wait on me...
I’ll get with YOU later, LORD. This is not a good time.
I’ll have to reschedule our heart-to-heart, LORD.
Not now, LORD. I am just not in the mood.
Wait a minute. I need to see how this movie ends, LORD.
OK, maybe I don’t say those things out loud, but that is exactly what I am stating with my actions. I owe HIM my all. Each second, each breath is a gift from HIM, and yet I struggle giving HIM 30 minutes or an hour of my time. Or I whine about having to get up early on Sunday morning to hear my pastor speak HIS Word.
So let's get this out in black and white, shall we! I don’t mind asking the MAKER of the Heavens and earth to wait on me, but I can’t handle holding up a friend I’m meeting for coffee? I don't seem to mind taking time away from my LORD and MASTER, but I panic at the thought of delaying a meeting with my boss or co-workers because of my tardiness? AHEM! Hmmmm...seems rather out of balance, doesn’t it? I’m too much of a people pleaser. I should attempt to use my time wisely with everyone but not lose sight of WHO actually owns my time, my life, my all.
LORD, I’m sorry that I try to put YOU on the back burner in my life. I should be out to please YOU above all else. Please forgive me for taking advantage of YOUR patience and long-suffering.
I hate being late for church, work, a project meeting or even dinner with friends. I have reoccurring nightmares about showing up late for class and getting demerits. I got demerits once for being late to a BJU Sunday morning service. Apparently, my one infraction caused more inner turmoil than I realized, and it continues to plague me even in my sleep. I am haunted by the memory. HA!
Today I had a funny thought while I was waiting on a meeting to get underway. Personally I freak out if I am going to be late, and when I arrive 2 minutes late I feel the need to apologize over and over for my tardiness, and yet, I don’t seem to be bothered much by other people being late to meet with me at all. I have friends who are typically running a few minutes behind, and it doesn’t phase me to wait on them. OK, 20-30 minutes is all right. I’m starting to wonder if I have the right location or not. Maybe I should call them? At 40 minutes late, without any phone calls or text messages, I’m starting to feel “stood up.” I’ll try calling again, and once we connect, I am just relieved to hear their voice and discover that they are alive and well. We’ll reschedule and move on. And yet, I would literally be flogging myself if I made any one wait on me like that.
Yet I don’t seem to have any problem making GOD wait on me...
I’ll get with YOU later, LORD. This is not a good time.
I’ll have to reschedule our heart-to-heart, LORD.
Not now, LORD. I am just not in the mood.
Wait a minute. I need to see how this movie ends, LORD.
OK, maybe I don’t say those things out loud, but that is exactly what I am stating with my actions. I owe HIM my all. Each second, each breath is a gift from HIM, and yet I struggle giving HIM 30 minutes or an hour of my time. Or I whine about having to get up early on Sunday morning to hear my pastor speak HIS Word.
So let's get this out in black and white, shall we! I don’t mind asking the MAKER of the Heavens and earth to wait on me, but I can’t handle holding up a friend I’m meeting for coffee? I don't seem to mind taking time away from my LORD and MASTER, but I panic at the thought of delaying a meeting with my boss or co-workers because of my tardiness? AHEM! Hmmmm...seems rather out of balance, doesn’t it? I’m too much of a people pleaser. I should attempt to use my time wisely with everyone but not lose sight of WHO actually owns my time, my life, my all.
LORD, I’m sorry that I try to put YOU on the back burner in my life. I should be out to please YOU above all else. Please forgive me for taking advantage of YOUR patience and long-suffering.
Help me to make time for YOU.
Help me to need time with YOU.
Help me to want more time with YOU.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Jumping Back In
Reconnecting with friends on Facebook has brought back incredible memories about Camp Spearhead. It’s a good thing. My two years serving on a weekend ministry during my college semesters and then as a summer camp counselor were filled with immeasurable joy. It was hard work, back-breaking at times, but it was well worth the effort, and I am forever grateful for my experiences there. Camp Spearhead will always have a special place in my heart.
But all this reminiscing--recounting old stories and sharing pictures--has made me miss the experience even more. So much so that I decided it was high time I got back into serving those with special needs again. I’ve been thinking about it for years, but I hadn’t done anything about it until now. Shame on me! So recently I made a few calls and jumped back in with both feet.
It’s official now. I am now a volunteer with Lutheran Disability Ministries Inc. (LDM), an interdenominational ministry with a mission of “equipping the Church to minister with people who have developmental disabilities.” I will be serving as a camp counselor on a few upcoming SonRise Weekend Retreats, and I’m rather excited (perhaps elated is a better term) about this opportunity--interacting and bonding with new faces, meeting others in my area who have a heart for those with special needs, sharing GOD’s love, exploring the great outdoors, etc. I’m psyched.
I confess that I’m a bit nervous, too, since I am going into this blindly. My last summer at Spearhead was in 1996, and if you can do math, you can see that it has been a LONG time, a REALLY LONG time. So I feel a bit rusty now 13 years later, but I think I can work through it with GOD’s help. I’ll miss the familiar faces and dear souls that I was privileged to call my friends in South Carolina, but I’m optimistically hoping to gain new friends, stories and experiences along the way. It’s all an adventure, and I’m holding onto HIS hand with all my might.
But all this reminiscing--recounting old stories and sharing pictures--has made me miss the experience even more. So much so that I decided it was high time I got back into serving those with special needs again. I’ve been thinking about it for years, but I hadn’t done anything about it until now. Shame on me! So recently I made a few calls and jumped back in with both feet.
It’s official now. I am now a volunteer with Lutheran Disability Ministries Inc. (LDM), an interdenominational ministry with a mission of “equipping the Church to minister with people who have developmental disabilities.” I will be serving as a camp counselor on a few upcoming SonRise Weekend Retreats, and I’m rather excited (perhaps elated is a better term) about this opportunity--interacting and bonding with new faces, meeting others in my area who have a heart for those with special needs, sharing GOD’s love, exploring the great outdoors, etc. I’m psyched.
I confess that I’m a bit nervous, too, since I am going into this blindly. My last summer at Spearhead was in 1996, and if you can do math, you can see that it has been a LONG time, a REALLY LONG time. So I feel a bit rusty now 13 years later, but I think I can work through it with GOD’s help. I’ll miss the familiar faces and dear souls that I was privileged to call my friends in South Carolina, but I’m optimistically hoping to gain new friends, stories and experiences along the way. It’s all an adventure, and I’m holding onto HIS hand with all my might.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I’m Buzzing…
No, I’m not on drugs or alcohol.
I am experiencing a new phenomenon in my life: an exercise high!
Eighteen moths ago, I would get winded going up a flight of stairs, let alone a walk around the block. I’d get heated just walking over to another building here at work.
Twelve months ago, I was able to walk a 2.5 mile loop path about once a week without too much grumbling. My feet would be numb half way through, and at times I thought I was going to keel over dead , but I could do the whole loop if I pushed myself. Of course, it usually took me a day or two to recover.
Six months ago, I was able to briskly walk that same 2.5 mile path without too much exertion a couple of times a week. In fact, sometimes I would walk a bit more along the path because I felt pretty good and didn’t want to stop. I was starting to test my limits.
About a month ago, I randomly started jogging a bit along the way. I’d start out walking along the path and get my pace going, and then I would move into a slow jog for a couple of minutes before resuming my brisk walk.
Recently, I have started to jog for longer distances on the same path. OK, I’m no marathon runner yet. HA! But I am jogging more and more each time. I start out walking, and then I can feel my body wanting more. So I turn my walk into a jog for a few minutes until I can tell it is time to back off a bit again, and I move back and forth from walking to jogging the whole way now. This is quite a big deal for me. I’m relearning how to pace myself and discovering how to breathe again and take it one stride at a time. And it feels so good.
I’ve always secretly hated those people that seem to love or crave a good workout. I just didn’t get it. They would talk about exercise like it was a drug or a need to them. Without it, their life was off some how. I would smile and nod, but inside, I thought they were crazy.
Well, I’m starting to understand their drive and motivation. No, I don’t get exercise in every day yet, and half of the time I still have to push myself to do it. BUT, I am starting to understand the exercise high—the physical buzz your body has when you regularly exert energy like that. It feels great to press my limits and push myself farther and farther. And when I am done with my walk/jog, I feel wonderful. I feel ALIVE. I’m pumped, ready to do a somersault and prepared to take on the world. It's an indescribable rush.
I am experiencing a new phenomenon in my life: an exercise high!
Eighteen moths ago, I would get winded going up a flight of stairs, let alone a walk around the block. I’d get heated just walking over to another building here at work.
Twelve months ago, I was able to walk a 2.5 mile loop path about once a week without too much grumbling. My feet would be numb half way through, and at times I thought I was going to keel over dead , but I could do the whole loop if I pushed myself. Of course, it usually took me a day or two to recover.
Six months ago, I was able to briskly walk that same 2.5 mile path without too much exertion a couple of times a week. In fact, sometimes I would walk a bit more along the path because I felt pretty good and didn’t want to stop. I was starting to test my limits.
About a month ago, I randomly started jogging a bit along the way. I’d start out walking along the path and get my pace going, and then I would move into a slow jog for a couple of minutes before resuming my brisk walk.
Recently, I have started to jog for longer distances on the same path. OK, I’m no marathon runner yet. HA! But I am jogging more and more each time. I start out walking, and then I can feel my body wanting more. So I turn my walk into a jog for a few minutes until I can tell it is time to back off a bit again, and I move back and forth from walking to jogging the whole way now. This is quite a big deal for me. I’m relearning how to pace myself and discovering how to breathe again and take it one stride at a time. And it feels so good.
I’ve always secretly hated those people that seem to love or crave a good workout. I just didn’t get it. They would talk about exercise like it was a drug or a need to them. Without it, their life was off some how. I would smile and nod, but inside, I thought they were crazy.
Well, I’m starting to understand their drive and motivation. No, I don’t get exercise in every day yet, and half of the time I still have to push myself to do it. BUT, I am starting to understand the exercise high—the physical buzz your body has when you regularly exert energy like that. It feels great to press my limits and push myself farther and farther. And when I am done with my walk/jog, I feel wonderful. I feel ALIVE. I’m pumped, ready to do a somersault and prepared to take on the world. It's an indescribable rush.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's That Time of Year Again
It’s that time of year again. Come on, you know what I’m talking about -- that “don’t-get-attached-to-any-new-TV-series” season. The chopping block has already been activated. Don't get attached, Mel!
After all, I’m still stunned at the cancellation of Eli Stone and conflicted that The Unusuals is gone for good. At least I still have Castle and Fringe to keep up on, too. They survived somehow. Now I totally understand why Cupid wasn’t renewed even though it did have some good moments, but come on, The Unusuals and Eli Stone were both quirky and filled with brilliant writing, etc. They will be missed, and I’m not sure that the Vampire Diaries, Parks & Recreation, and Community can fill that void, my friends. Fingers crossed!
In other news, I'm starting to lose interest in The Office. GASP! I know, it's rather shocking! I used to love that show, but something was off last season, and I'm sensing more of the same this time around. Hmmmmm... Anyway, I am glad I still have a bazillion crime shows to watch.
OK, on the flip side, I might consider cutting some shows myself or rather eliminating them from my DVR list. I have started considering the possibility that I might be watching just a wee bit too much television. GULP!
After all, I’m still stunned at the cancellation of Eli Stone and conflicted that The Unusuals is gone for good. At least I still have Castle and Fringe to keep up on, too. They survived somehow. Now I totally understand why Cupid wasn’t renewed even though it did have some good moments, but come on, The Unusuals and Eli Stone were both quirky and filled with brilliant writing, etc. They will be missed, and I’m not sure that the Vampire Diaries, Parks & Recreation, and Community can fill that void, my friends. Fingers crossed!
In other news, I'm starting to lose interest in The Office. GASP! I know, it's rather shocking! I used to love that show, but something was off last season, and I'm sensing more of the same this time around. Hmmmmm... Anyway, I am glad I still have a bazillion crime shows to watch.
OK, on the flip side, I might consider cutting some shows myself or rather eliminating them from my DVR list. I have started considering the possibility that I might be watching just a wee bit too much television. GULP!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Recent Gratitudes
I am thankful for milder summer temperatures this past season. The air conditioner in my car still acts up once in a while—quitting when it feels like it for a few minutes, blowing stale air around the car at whim, and then working again a few minutes later as if nothing happened. Can you say ANNOYING!!
But twice now in the past 2 years when I have taken my car in for a diagnosis and fixing of the problem, my dear little Maddy (short for Madison) has acted like a perfect angel for her check-up, and so the dealership keeps telling me to bring her in when the AC isn’t working so they can see it happen. Right! Let’s see:
I have only had to kill one spider in my apartment since March. The eradication of the said vagrant actually just took place this morning. In March, I installed electronic pest repellents, which get plugged into your wall outlets and make some noise or pitch that only bugs and spiders hear. In theory, this apparently makes bugs and spiders keep their distance. Naturally, I have my less-than-scientific theories and conclusions about how it all works and how effective it really is.
I am thankful for my time in the legal department. I have been privileged to work with some great people, build friendships that will last a lifetime, and gained experience that I can't really measure. Plus without my time spent here, I would never have been prone to use phrases like “the aforementioned invading spider” or the “said vagrant.” HA! Truly, I feel my vocabulary has blossomed in the past 5 years, hopefully for the better.
However with all that being said, I will be transitioning to a new position in January. I’ll be staying within the same company, just moving into a different department and tackling new areas. I’m excited about the change and looking forward to new challenges and growth opportunities. I will still be working with some of the same people just filling a new role, and I will also be doing more writing on the job, which thrills me. WOOHOO!!
But twice now in the past 2 years when I have taken my car in for a diagnosis and fixing of the problem, my dear little Maddy (short for Madison) has acted like a perfect angel for her check-up, and so the dealership keeps telling me to bring her in when the AC isn’t working so they can see it happen. Right! Let’s see:
1. Even though my car is definitely a female, I don’t know what is going on under that hood of hers, and I certainly can’t predict her mood (her desire to shut off the AC) or what triggers the prompt shut down of cold air. She has a mind of her own, and I don’t usually interfere or judge. As long as she moves when I press down on the gas pedal and brakes when I tell her to, we get along just fine.So to sum up, I am thankful that we had a cooler than normal summer because I haven’t had much to complain about with Maddy. The AC has worked for most of the summer, and when it has been less than stellar, I was conveniently rushing off somewhere and didn’t have time to take her in for a check-up. HA!
2. It (the missing-in-action AC) typically happens on very hot days, and there haven’t been many hot days this summer so that I could take my car in for the said diagnosis and repairs.
3. My car now makes a slight fizzle noise right before the AC clicks off, but I realize (in hindsight) that explaining that to my mechanic made me look even stupider. I’m sure he and the guys in the shop had a good laugh discussing the nut job who called talking about her fizzling car.
4. This is further proof that we need more women in this mechanic industry. [Janet: please tell me that you are thinking about opening your own garage some day where women can feel comfortable relaying their car issues. PRETTY PLEASE??]
I have only had to kill one spider in my apartment since March. The eradication of the said vagrant actually just took place this morning. In March, I installed electronic pest repellents, which get plugged into your wall outlets and make some noise or pitch that only bugs and spiders hear. In theory, this apparently makes bugs and spiders keep their distance. Naturally, I have my less-than-scientific theories and conclusions about how it all works and how effective it really is.
1. The particular aforementioned invading spider who met an untimely death this morning was near the sliding glass patio door, which is way across the room from the electronic pest repellent. Thus, I think a smart spider can get around the system by staying on the other side of the room clear from the annoying system.
2. I have killed several pill bugs and other smallish insects, near and in the same room as the electronic pest repellent. Thus I theorize that the bugs higher on the food chain are the only ones affected by the system. The lower class bug citizens don’t seem to be affected.
3. I’m concerned how long the electronic pest repellents work. Since fall has just arrived, I’m hoping the system keeps the spiders from making their way indoors, but my fingers are crossed on that score, and only time will tell how well my plan for an arachnid-free zone is coming along.
I am thankful for my time in the legal department. I have been privileged to work with some great people, build friendships that will last a lifetime, and gained experience that I can't really measure. Plus without my time spent here, I would never have been prone to use phrases like “the aforementioned invading spider” or the “said vagrant.” HA! Truly, I feel my vocabulary has blossomed in the past 5 years, hopefully for the better.
However with all that being said, I will be transitioning to a new position in January. I’ll be staying within the same company, just moving into a different department and tackling new areas. I’m excited about the change and looking forward to new challenges and growth opportunities. I will still be working with some of the same people just filling a new role, and I will also be doing more writing on the job, which thrills me. WOOHOO!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Precious Time With My Dad
Maryville: My Aunt Laura and her husband Leon were fabulous hosts as always. She and I got out walking in a local park during our visit. We also enjoyed visiting their church and hearing them sing in the choir. It was great to just catch up with them as well as listen to my Dad and Aunt recount stories from days gone by. I sure enjoy a good story, and I got to hear several I hadn’t heard before.
Hours in the car: fourteen
Miles on the rental: A LOT
Number of time we were almost lost: once
Priceless memories: TOO MANY TO COUNT!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Short Week Blues
It is ironic how short work weeks can be filled with such mayhem. You know what I mean, right? Four-day work weeks always seem fraught with crunching 5 days of work into 4, and 3-day work weeks are just more of the same, which is just nutty! HA! This week just happens to fall into that latter category, and since today is my last work day of this 3-day-week, I’m making myself laugh through it.
I’m laughing because:
a) it beats the alternative, which is getting sucked into the melodrama;
b) it is necessary to find humor when things get like this; and
c) it is my attempt to stay sane and keep a level head in the midst of stress.
It is also helpful to remind myself of the blessings all around me:
I don’t mean to be all “Pollyanna” about life here. I'm a realist, too. I know it is tough out there. Our economy, unemployment stats, the government, the housing market – it all seems to be about doom and gloom right now. Every week there seems to be more bad news, but there is always something to be thankful for. There is always hope, a rainbow or a silver lining if we just look for it. We just have to remind ourselves where to rest our faith and confidence. It doesn’t reside in relationships, in money, in the government, in the economy, in employment or other things. True hope comes from THE ONE – JESUS CHRIST! And I have to ask myself I passing that hope on to others? Does it shine through in spite of the rough day I'm having? Hmmmmm...
LORD, keep my eyes open to see things clearly amidst the confusion, keep my mind stayed on YOU despite the drama, and keep my heart tuned to YOURS always.
I’m laughing because:
a) it beats the alternative, which is getting sucked into the melodrama;
b) it is necessary to find humor when things get like this; and
c) it is my attempt to stay sane and keep a level head in the midst of stress.
It is also helpful to remind myself of the blessings all around me:
1. I have a good job, which helps provide for my needs like food, shelter, clothing and cable. Yes, I’m very thankful for my job.
2. I am going on vacation for a few days starting tomorrow. I’ll get to spend time with family members I haven’t seen in a while – like my Dad, my niece Janet and her fiance Chris, and my Aunt Laura and husband Leon. Lots of hugs!
3. The latest test confirmed that I don’t have a sinus infection anymore after fighting it off for the last couple of months. We’re done with that, and now I’m just experiencing seasonal allergies again for the first time since I moved to Indiana. HA! Now, THAT I can handle!
4. This weekend, I get to see more of the Smoky Mountains, revisit Cades Cove and get as close as I can to the Biltmore Estate without paying for admission, etc. WOOHOO!!!
5. Did I mention that I’m going on vacation in just a few hours? Hee hee!
I don’t mean to be all “Pollyanna” about life here. I'm a realist, too. I know it is tough out there. Our economy, unemployment stats, the government, the housing market – it all seems to be about doom and gloom right now. Every week there seems to be more bad news, but there is always something to be thankful for. There is always hope, a rainbow or a silver lining if we just look for it. We just have to remind ourselves where to rest our faith and confidence. It doesn’t reside in relationships, in money, in the government, in the economy, in employment or other things. True hope comes from THE ONE – JESUS CHRIST! And I have to ask myself I passing that hope on to others? Does it shine through in spite of the rough day I'm having? Hmmmmm...
LORD, keep my eyes open to see things clearly amidst the confusion, keep my mind stayed on YOU despite the drama, and keep my heart tuned to YOURS always.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Going On A Roadtrip...
This weekend, my Dad and I are taking a father-daughter long weekend excursion to visit his sister, my Aunt Laura, in Tennessee. Neither of us have seen my aunt in about 3 years, and so we are overdue for a visit. She lives near the Smoky Mountains. In fact, if you walk to the top of her street on a clear day, you can see some of the majestic peaks in the distance. It’s lovely.
There is just something magical about the Smoky Mountains that beckons me to visit again and again. Now I like Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge for a couple of hours, but those places are so busy and fast-paced. I realize I’m going to get tons of hate mail after this comment, but it has to be said: there are limits to how much shopping a girl can do! [GASP!] I know that was harsh, but I needed to say it.
I know everyone thinks I’m a city girl, but remember I grew up in a rural area, and I’m a small town girl at heart. So when I visit the Smokies, I prefer the outdoor scenery in the park itself. Truthfully, I love driving through the mountain pass -- marveling at the sharp turns and steep dropoffs and trying desperately not to dwell on the stories my aunt is know, stories about how a rock slide wiped this part of the road out last year, etc. WHAT? No, Mel. Don't think about that. Just focus on the yellow lines. Hee hee! I love stopping for a picnic at one of the many roadside parks along the way, seeing the waterfalls, climbing on the rocks along the river, exploring the trails and breathing in that fresh mountain air. There is so much to see and do.
Anyway, I can hardly contain my excitement already, and it’s only Tuesday. My Dad will be driving to my place from my hometown in Michigan on Thursday, and then on Friday, we’ll be on our way...
I guess you can tell that I’m really looking forward to this time with my Dad. I have 4 siblings, and so it will be nice to have some father-daughter bonding time on my own. I'm excited to catch up with my Aunt as well, give Janet a big squeeze and meet Chris all in the same weekend. I can’t wait. Have camera, will travel...
There is just something magical about the Smoky Mountains that beckons me to visit again and again. Now I like Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge for a couple of hours, but those places are so busy and fast-paced. I realize I’m going to get tons of hate mail after this comment, but it has to be said: there are limits to how much shopping a girl can do! [GASP!] I know that was harsh, but I needed to say it.
I know everyone thinks I’m a city girl, but remember I grew up in a rural area, and I’m a small town girl at heart. So when I visit the Smokies, I prefer the outdoor scenery in the park itself. Truthfully, I love driving through the mountain pass -- marveling at the sharp turns and steep dropoffs and trying desperately not to dwell on the stories my aunt is know, stories about how a rock slide wiped this part of the road out last year, etc. WHAT? No, Mel. Don't think about that. Just focus on the yellow lines. Hee hee! I love stopping for a picnic at one of the many roadside parks along the way, seeing the waterfalls, climbing on the rocks along the river, exploring the trails and breathing in that fresh mountain air. There is so much to see and do.
Anyway, I can hardly contain my excitement already, and it’s only Tuesday. My Dad will be driving to my place from my hometown in Michigan on Thursday, and then on Friday, we’ll be on our way...
Saturday: My Dad and I will drive to Asheville, NC, to meet up with my niece Janet (my Dad’s oldest grandchild). She recently got engaged, and my Dad and I want to meet this “fella.” Asheville is about the halfway point between my Aunt’s home and Janet’s apartment, and so it is just coincidence that we just happen to be meeting in another one of my favorite spots. Yes, it’s like I’m coming home in a way, although we probably won’t be visiting the Biltmore Estate. [BIG SIGH!] Actually, it's probably for the best (and even I can't believe I'm saying that), but tickets are a bit pricey for 2 college students, and I can’t justify spending over $200 on tickets for all of us. YIKES! But our purpose for this secondary roadtrip is to meet up with Janet and Chris, catch some lunch, grill Chris a bit, and maybe visit the FREE Botanical Gardens of Asheville and take some engagement photos. OH and I confess, I’m already scheming how to fit in a visit to the Biltmore gate house gift shop – just because I can. Hee hee!
Sunday: We will be going to church with my Aunt, and I’m quite sure that some of us will probably get out and go for a drive, and if the weather is nice, I'll want to be out walking.
Monday: My Aunt and her husband Leon are taking us into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A few years ago, my Aunt Laura introduced me to Cades Cove, and it was love at first sight for the cove and me. We bonded quickly over some incredible scenery and interesting run-ins with the local wildlife, and I enjoy each and every visit. It's history, outdoor beauty and old buildings all in one place. I love it!
Tuesday: My Dad and I will drive back to Indy.
I guess you can tell that I’m really looking forward to this time with my Dad. I have 4 siblings, and so it will be nice to have some father-daughter bonding time on my own. I'm excited to catch up with my Aunt as well, give Janet a big squeeze and meet Chris all in the same weekend. I can’t wait. Have camera, will travel...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Mel’s World Update
I held a snake again for the first time in 5+ years. He was about a 10 inch garter snake, and he was pretty cute. WAIT! Maybe cute is not the right word. Snakes aren’t actually cute; bunny rabbits are cute. Anyway, I held the slick snake for just a couple of minutes when we all noted an odd smell and then the presence of slime on my hands. Yes, the snake opted to poop on my hands, which was quite interesting and generally excited my niece, nephew and the neighbor boy who were with me. They all thought it was cool, and while I didn’t freak out or anything, I confess that it wasn’t altogether pleasant either. I’ve not had it happen before, but I can now check that experience off my list. WOOHOO!!
I taught my youngest nephew (19 months) ring-around-the-rosy last weekend. He was adorable and constantly requesting that we go around in circles again. He really started getting into the whole and “we all fall down” thing. Almost 4-year-old Grace and I also tried to teach him London Bridges as well, but it might be a bit too soon for that.
I’m getting psyched about my Tennessee trip with my Dad next weekend. Just the two of us are heading to the Smoky Mountains to visit my Dad’s sister, my Aunt Laura. Naturally, I’m hoping that we can visit Cades Cove again and drive through the Smoky Mountains National Park and explore a bit. I love it there. Of course, I’m hoping we can also swing South a bit and visit my oldest niece Janet and her fiance in the Carolinas, but we’ll see how it all works out. I’m thrilled to just have this father-daughter bonding time, too. I don’t often get time with just my Dad, but I’m looking forward to it. The sarcasm will definitely be free-flowing. My Dad has a dry sense of humor, and I confess that his eldest daughter is a lot like him in that regard, and then of course, we’ll be visiting my Dad’s sister, and she has those sarcastic genes as well. Hee hee! Can't wait!
I taught my youngest nephew (19 months) ring-around-the-rosy last weekend. He was adorable and constantly requesting that we go around in circles again. He really started getting into the whole and “we all fall down” thing. Almost 4-year-old Grace and I also tried to teach him London Bridges as well, but it might be a bit too soon for that.
I’m getting psyched about my Tennessee trip with my Dad next weekend. Just the two of us are heading to the Smoky Mountains to visit my Dad’s sister, my Aunt Laura. Naturally, I’m hoping that we can visit Cades Cove again and drive through the Smoky Mountains National Park and explore a bit. I love it there. Of course, I’m hoping we can also swing South a bit and visit my oldest niece Janet and her fiance in the Carolinas, but we’ll see how it all works out. I’m thrilled to just have this father-daughter bonding time, too. I don’t often get time with just my Dad, but I’m looking forward to it. The sarcasm will definitely be free-flowing. My Dad has a dry sense of humor, and I confess that his eldest daughter is a lot like him in that regard, and then of course, we’ll be visiting my Dad’s sister, and she has those sarcastic genes as well. Hee hee! Can't wait!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Celebrating Five Years
I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by here on the job. Five years ago yesterday, I started at my current job a bit intimidated by the size of the office, the number of fellow worker bees, and the sea of acronyms I found myself working in. But it has been a good career ride for me thus far, and I am continually grateful for this opportunity.
I had never worked in the legal realm before my experiences here, and I’m not quite sure what I expected, but today I certainly have a different opinion about attorneys and more respect for their efforts – at least patent or IP (Intellectual Property) attorneys. There is no shortage of projects and work to get through, but we also laugh a lot and enjoy each other’s company. Yep, I work with amazing and fun people.
I am blessed to be here. I don’t know where this career path will lead me, but I’m grateful for each day. Here’s to another 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 years! GULP!
I had never worked in the legal realm before my experiences here, and I’m not quite sure what I expected, but today I certainly have a different opinion about attorneys and more respect for their efforts – at least patent or IP (Intellectual Property) attorneys. There is no shortage of projects and work to get through, but we also laugh a lot and enjoy each other’s company. Yep, I work with amazing and fun people.
I am blessed to be here. I don’t know where this career path will lead me, but I’m grateful for each day. Here’s to another 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 years! GULP!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Two Hands...Lifted High
My friend Becky is a BIG Jars of Clay fan. Now I like some of their songs, but Becky really likes their music. She had to buy their latest CD the day it was released. I guess I can’t give her too hard of a time about that. I’m the same way about books, and really, Becky was nice enough to wait with me for more than 2 hours at Borders when Harry Potter book 7 came out, and it was way past her bed time of 9 PM. She deserves a medal really. Hee hee!
Anyway, because of Becky’s insights, I decided to listen to the latest Jars of Clay cd, and I really liked what I heard. One song in particular gripped me. "I use one hand to pull you closer, the other to push you away..." Isn't that honest and real? I live there. I’m wanting GOD close but not too close. I’m wanting HIM involved in my life just not in this area or that one over there. I need my space. But like it or not, it all belongs to HIM because HE wants all of me.
And I love the line: “I’m a liar who thirsts for the truth...” WOW! That’s good stuff! I think we’re all there, desperately seeking truth and yet bogged down in our own deceit. In a way, we're all bipolar. Scary, isn't it? Give this song a listen. I think you'll like it, too.
Anyway, because of Becky’s insights, I decided to listen to the latest Jars of Clay cd, and I really liked what I heard. One song in particular gripped me. "I use one hand to pull you closer, the other to push you away..." Isn't that honest and real? I live there. I’m wanting GOD close but not too close. I’m wanting HIM involved in my life just not in this area or that one over there. I need my space. But like it or not, it all belongs to HIM because HE wants all of me.
And I love the line: “I’m a liar who thirsts for the truth...” WOW! That’s good stuff! I think we’re all there, desperately seeking truth and yet bogged down in our own deceit. In a way, we're all bipolar. Scary, isn't it? Give this song a listen. I think you'll like it, too.
Jars of Clay - "Two Hands" - Official Music Video from Jars of Clay on Vimeo.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I've been indulging lately...
1. On Sunday, August 16th, I had a donut hole. I said "a donut hole", and it really was only one (1) tiny little morsel, but it brought along a wave of desire and need. HA! I broke down and bought a couple of whole donuts on my last trek through Marsh on Friday, August 21st, and quickly inhaled them in the car. My donut-free vows have now been broken. [BIG SIGH!] Yes, I went for over 16 months donut-free and then I caved. Now, I don't quite think that rehab will be required, but I've got this issue to work through privately for the time being.
2. I went to the Indiana State Fair a second time yesterday, and while I opted not to return to my new favorite (the deep-fried, fat-laden chicken-on-a-stick), I did enjoy a corndog, chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick and a Red Barn elephant ear. [GULP!] It was so worth it, but I'm still detoxing today.
3. I decided to buy myself flowers this weekend. No special occasion really. I saw some beautiful yellow and bright pink gerbera daisies on display, and then I spotted some orange gladiolas, and I just knew those cheery souls all belonged with me. I even brought in some of the blooming gladiolas to work with me today so that I could enjoy them in both locations. I mean, how can you not be happy around glads? The name alone makes you smile.
It's been good to relax on the diet for a bit, but I'm back on Weight Watchers today and refocusing my efforts on what works. And as for the flowers, I think this is one indulgence this girl needs more of... :)
1. On Sunday, August 16th, I had a donut hole. I said "a donut hole", and it really was only one (1) tiny little morsel, but it brought along a wave of desire and need. HA! I broke down and bought a couple of whole donuts on my last trek through Marsh on Friday, August 21st, and quickly inhaled them in the car. My donut-free vows have now been broken. [BIG SIGH!] Yes, I went for over 16 months donut-free and then I caved. Now, I don't quite think that rehab will be required, but I've got this issue to work through privately for the time being.
2. I went to the Indiana State Fair a second time yesterday, and while I opted not to return to my new favorite (the deep-fried, fat-laden chicken-on-a-stick), I did enjoy a corndog, chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick and a Red Barn elephant ear. [GULP!] It was so worth it, but I'm still detoxing today.
3. I decided to buy myself flowers this weekend. No special occasion really. I saw some beautiful yellow and bright pink gerbera daisies on display, and then I spotted some orange gladiolas, and I just knew those cheery souls all belonged with me. I even brought in some of the blooming gladiolas to work with me today so that I could enjoy them in both locations. I mean, how can you not be happy around glads? The name alone makes you smile.
It's been good to relax on the diet for a bit, but I'm back on Weight Watchers today and refocusing my efforts on what works. And as for the flowers, I think this is one indulgence this girl needs more of... :)
British Luncheon
On Saturday I had some girlfriends over for some English-inspired cuisine and to share photos of the trip to England. It was a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
We started off with a salad and pasties, followed off by warm apple crumble and creamy vanilla ice cream. YUM! And I put together a slideshow to play on my TV, which only included 377 photos. OK, that might sound like a lot, but most of you know that I took over 4,000 photos on my adventure, and so I had made some serious cuts. However, it was still probably a bit too long. Oh well! I did try.
I think it was fun for Becky, Jessica and I to recount our stories, relive the funny moments and share the experience of a lifetime, and I hope the other ladies enjoyed it, too. It was great seeing some dear friends I don’t see very often and getting reconnected. And my friend Pollyanna brought along her beautiful 4-month-old baby girl, Annabelle, and so we took turns holding her. She is a fun bundle of joy. Yes, it was a great day!
We started off with a salad and pasties, followed off by warm apple crumble and creamy vanilla ice cream. YUM! And I put together a slideshow to play on my TV, which only included 377 photos. OK, that might sound like a lot, but most of you know that I took over 4,000 photos on my adventure, and so I had made some serious cuts. However, it was still probably a bit too long. Oh well! I did try.
I think it was fun for Becky, Jessica and I to recount our stories, relive the funny moments and share the experience of a lifetime, and I hope the other ladies enjoyed it, too. It was great seeing some dear friends I don’t see very often and getting reconnected. And my friend Pollyanna brought along her beautiful 4-month-old baby girl, Annabelle, and so we took turns holding her. She is a fun bundle of joy. Yes, it was a great day!
Lunch with friends. Fabulous!
Becky’s warm apple crumble. Delicious!
Time with baby Annabelle and hearing her giggle. PRICELESS!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Going to the Fair

2. FOOD: Hold me back. There are some tasty treats to be had at the state fair. Who doesn’t like elephant ears? [OK, besides the few of you who actually prefer funnel cakes.] I mean, who wouldn’t savor a crispy, cinnamon-covered deep fried pastry? Sigh! Good stuff that! And then there is the pork tenderloin, the ribbon chips, cheese fries, the wet burrito, the turkey leg, and the steak sandwich all followed by cotton candy, another elephant ear or funnel cake, a deep fried Reese's peanut butter cup, a frozen banana, lemon shake-up, salt water taffy, fudge, deep fried oreos, and then a trip to the dairy barn for some ice cream. NAH! I didn’t really eat that much. Diet Girl has not completely fallen off the wagon here, but I did indulge in some Indiana delicacies.

3. EXHIBITS: There are always lots of exhibits, and the truth is that I never seem to get to them all maybe because I'm too wrapped up in items 1 and 2 above. Naturally though, I love touring the art and photography galleries, but I know that there are many others to explore as well.
4. PEOPLE: OK, so some of the carnival people might seem a bit scary. But they are just people. And isn't it fun seeing new faces and people-watching a bit. We're all so different, and yet the same somehow. OK, that was profound, wasn't it? HA!
5. RIDES: I never ride the rides. Does that seem wrong? Maybe it's the fact that I'm cursed with my mother's fear of heights these days or my last experiences on ocean motion at Cedar Point. YIKES! I would love to bring my nieces and nephews for a visit, and maybe I’ll plan on doing just that next year. What a blast that would be! Actually, I think some of the rides could be fun, but it’s not really on the top of my agenda (see items 1 through 4 above).
Yeah, I prefer walking around and seeing all the sights, savoring or choking on the smells, tasting the mouth-watering delights, and hearing the sounds of music and laughter. After all, it’s hard NOT to be happy at the state fair. Well, I wouldn’t be happy if you tried to snag my chicken-on-a-stick, but other than that, I find it all highly enjoyable.
So, my friend John and I are hitting the Indiana State Fair again this weekend. I can’t wait. It will be the last day of the 2009 fair, and we want to take it all in once more. And hey, if y’all want to come along, just holler. The more, the merrier. Be there or be square! HA!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Being a Kid Again
My friend John throws some of the best get-togethers. You never know who will show up and what an evening at John’s will hold, but it is always memorable and fun.
This past Saturday was a hot and humid day, and it didn’t cool off much that evening. After enjoying a fabulous dinner, most of the adults were in the house around the tables, chatting and getting caught up on who was doing what, etc. There were a few kids, and they had all scattered outside, catching fireflies and playing with several balls in John’s yard.
Well, a few of us opted to step outside and enjoy the evening, too, and we ended up getting a kickball game going with the kids. We played for over an hour until we could barely see the ball any more. It was awesome! It was the kids vs. the adults, and that was the way the kids wanted it. Then a few more adults came and joined the kids team to make things a bit more even. We never did keep score, and so I'm not sure who won. But no one seemed to care, we were just having fun.
I got to be on the adult side for a change and was the only female on my team, too. I got called “the little lady,” which just made me chuckle. The kids were a riot—chasing the ball down the hill, trying to tag the “big boys,” etc. I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids, maybe more. We were all running the bases, trying to determine how hard we should really kick that ball, etc. I really enjoyed that game.
Unfortunately there are no photos of the priceless moments. I had my camera in tow that evening, but hey, I was working hard out there on the pitcher’s mound. And who ever said that kickball wasn’t a workout? HA! It can be. We finally called it quits about 20 after 9 and headed indoors for drinks. I was surprised to find my hair rather damp. We were all pretty sweaty actually.
After the game, we rested for a few minutes, and then the kids tried to teach me how to play bumper pool. I’m a hopeless cause, I’m afraid. One boy told me he was going to go easy on me. I really appreciated that. I didn’t want a 7-year-old showing me up too badly. HA!
My friend Becky laughs at me when I tell her that meeting new kids doesn’t scare me in the least. It’s just the adults that freak me out. HA! But I really do love kids, always have. They make me laugh and enjoy the little things again--something I think we could all do a little more of. On Saturday night when I left John’s house to head home, I got a couple of hugs from some little people I had just met, which totally tugged at my heart’s strings. [sigh!]
Thanks for a great evening, John! Let’s do it again soon.
This past Saturday was a hot and humid day, and it didn’t cool off much that evening. After enjoying a fabulous dinner, most of the adults were in the house around the tables, chatting and getting caught up on who was doing what, etc. There were a few kids, and they had all scattered outside, catching fireflies and playing with several balls in John’s yard.
Well, a few of us opted to step outside and enjoy the evening, too, and we ended up getting a kickball game going with the kids. We played for over an hour until we could barely see the ball any more. It was awesome! It was the kids vs. the adults, and that was the way the kids wanted it. Then a few more adults came and joined the kids team to make things a bit more even. We never did keep score, and so I'm not sure who won. But no one seemed to care, we were just having fun.
I got to be on the adult side for a change and was the only female on my team, too. I got called “the little lady,” which just made me chuckle. The kids were a riot—chasing the ball down the hill, trying to tag the “big boys,” etc. I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids, maybe more. We were all running the bases, trying to determine how hard we should really kick that ball, etc. I really enjoyed that game.
Unfortunately there are no photos of the priceless moments. I had my camera in tow that evening, but hey, I was working hard out there on the pitcher’s mound. And who ever said that kickball wasn’t a workout? HA! It can be. We finally called it quits about 20 after 9 and headed indoors for drinks. I was surprised to find my hair rather damp. We were all pretty sweaty actually.
After the game, we rested for a few minutes, and then the kids tried to teach me how to play bumper pool. I’m a hopeless cause, I’m afraid. One boy told me he was going to go easy on me. I really appreciated that. I didn’t want a 7-year-old showing me up too badly. HA!
My friend Becky laughs at me when I tell her that meeting new kids doesn’t scare me in the least. It’s just the adults that freak me out. HA! But I really do love kids, always have. They make me laugh and enjoy the little things again--something I think we could all do a little more of. On Saturday night when I left John’s house to head home, I got a couple of hugs from some little people I had just met, which totally tugged at my heart’s strings. [sigh!]
Thanks for a great evening, John! Let’s do it again soon.
Homemade Desserts: $10
Catching up with old friends: Wonderful!
Time with other people's kids and playing kickball: PRICELESS!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Where Has the Time Gone?
I got a phone call last week from my oldest niece Janet. She is in North Carolina at the Nascar Technical Institute, and she was calling with some BIG news: she had gotten engaged. WOA! Once I picked myself up off the floor and caught my breath again, I relayed my congratulations and excitement back to my nineteen-year-old niece. I am delighted for her, and I can't wait to meet Chris and get to know this newest (or soon-to-be) member of our family, and I certainly will be praying for the duo as they make plans for the future. I confess that I was more than a wee bit shocked, but life is full of surprises.
A year ago, I rode along with her family as we took Janet down to her new apartment in NC and got her settled in. Months before that, the family watched her graduate from high school and enjoyed her fun open house. A couple of years prior to that, we celebrated her sweet 16th birthday with a girls' only weekend. Before that, it seems like just yesterday that I lived with her family for a few months before I headed off to college myself. I was there as Janet's nanny while she underwent a medical procedure as a toddler. And further back still, I remember seeing her for the first time and snuggling with the cute little bundle and wondering what it be like to have her call me "Aunt Mel." [SIGH!]
And now, she went and got herself engaged. WOW! I'm old. Granted, I did become an aunt at just under 16 years of age, and so this was bound to happen sooner or later, but goodness, time has just flown by. And if I'm feeling old, I wonder how old my brothers feel? My brothers are 10, 12 and 14 years older than I am, and I'm sure they are thrilled that I am reminding them of that fact. Hee hee!
LORD, thank you for the blessing of having Janet Renee in my life. She is a darling young woman, and I am so proud of her. I pray that YOU would bless and keep her, that YOU would direct her and Chris as they plan their life together and draw them ever closer to YOU. AMEN!
P.S. LORD, please help the crazy aunt who is feeling a bit elderly at the moment. :)
A year ago, I rode along with her family as we took Janet down to her new apartment in NC and got her settled in. Months before that, the family watched her graduate from high school and enjoyed her fun open house. A couple of years prior to that, we celebrated her sweet 16th birthday with a girls' only weekend. Before that, it seems like just yesterday that I lived with her family for a few months before I headed off to college myself. I was there as Janet's nanny while she underwent a medical procedure as a toddler. And further back still, I remember seeing her for the first time and snuggling with the cute little bundle and wondering what it be like to have her call me "Aunt Mel." [SIGH!]
And now, she went and got herself engaged. WOW! I'm old. Granted, I did become an aunt at just under 16 years of age, and so this was bound to happen sooner or later, but goodness, time has just flown by. And if I'm feeling old, I wonder how old my brothers feel? My brothers are 10, 12 and 14 years older than I am, and I'm sure they are thrilled that I am reminding them of that fact. Hee hee!
LORD, thank you for the blessing of having Janet Renee in my life. She is a darling young woman, and I am so proud of her. I pray that YOU would bless and keep her, that YOU would direct her and Chris as they plan their life together and draw them ever closer to YOU. AMEN!
P.S. LORD, please help the crazy aunt who is feeling a bit elderly at the moment. :)
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