I don’t remember ever getting store-bought costumes, but we didn’t care. With Mom’s help, my sister and I came up with some creative homemade designs that way. I’m not always sure others could identify who we were supposed to be (see 1979 photo), but we were having fun regardless. I do recall that there was one particular red princess dress that often was fought over. What girl doesn’t like to be a princess, right? I wonder if we have any photos of that red dress. Hmmmmm???
Sometimes we would get to wear our costumes to school. It was fun to see everyone else’s costume, and typically, there was a Halloween party in class, too. We’d share treats, play festive games and color fall pictures.
On Halloween night in Michigan, the weather was usually pretty cold, but we would layer clothes under our costumes, and when necessary (as in when Mom said), we would wear our winter coats over top. My Mom would walk with us all over town. We’d cover several blocks on foot, and then she would drive us over to some other neighborhoods or to friends’ houses so that they could see our costumes. We had several required stops we had to make like Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neal’s house, Mrs. Jenkin’s trailer, Pastor Endean’s place, etc.
We’d return home a bit chilled but excited to go through our stash. My Dad and older brothers would “help” by looking through our hoard of candy to determine if anything looked suspicious, etc. RIGHT! And then we got to pick out 5 pieces or so before it was time for bed, and the candy got put up for the night. Ahhhh! Those were good, happy days!

To me, Halloween is an innocent day of treats and fun for children and adults. I usually head up to my sister's place, and while she and her family make their own rounds trick or treating, I stay behind and meet their neighborhood trick or treaters. Yes, I've been told that I am a bit TOO liberal with the candy (i.e. I give out too much to each child), but I love doing it. It's a lot of fun!
Random Comment: This photo is from Halloween 2008, and WOW! I can really tell a difference. I've lost quite a bit more weight since then. I really have stayed away from the candy. WOOHOO!!!