Does watching 3/4 of an Indianapolis Colts game mean that I am a football fan now?
THE FACTS: I watched the Colts game on Sunday for almost 2 hours. I said it was in support of the city, and the fact that I am trying to embrace my adopted Hoosierness. Sounds legitimate, right? But what if I secretly enjoyed it? I could sense that I was starting to get into it when I was mumbling about how they needed more of a points spread before I would relax. HELLO! That is crazy talk. I am concerned for my sanity and well-being here. This is not the Melanie I would like to be.
THE HISTORY: What about my years of hating football, boycotting it, attempting to hide the remote controls minutes before the games? I'm perplexed. I can't become a football fan. I've been an avid anti-football person for too long now. I can't turn my back on all of those years of prejudicial hate on everything pigskin. I just can't start down this path. I can't enjoy football. It's a travesty.
What will my Dad and my 3 older brothers say? I thought of them the other night--how none of them would believe that I was really watching the game. I always ignored them while they were watching football, discussing the plays, arguing over the calls on the field, yelling at the TV, telling me to get out of the way of the screen, etc. I tried to block it all out. I did, but it appears that some of what they taught me seeped into my cranium anyway. Much to my shock and dismay the other night, I discovered that I understood the game. GASP!
All along, I've been campaigning to end the game, to free the air waves of such brutal pollution because let's face it, the game is brutal and causes serious spinal cord injuries and even brain damage. Plus, THAT GAME took up too much time around the holidays when I wanted to do other things with our family like play games, frost cookies or watch a Christmas special on TV in our 1-television home. (sniffle, sniffle) Apparently, I'm still scarred from those encounters, and I can't let it go. Becoming a football fan would mean turning my back on all those painful memories. Was my suffering in vain? Say it's not so.
FUTURE OUTLOOK: I don't know where this wave of enthusiasm for football is leading. I think it is just a phase, just a slight corruption from living in football country, and perhaps I just need some fresh air and a good dose of watching sports I have always enjoyed like on the upcoming Olympics. Perhaps taking these additional measures will cure me of this heavy-hearted burden weighing on my soul. But for now, I'm going to keep these revelations private and only share them with my readers. Whatever you do, DON'T tell my brothers.
SUMMING UP: I watched 3/4 of an entire NFL game. It's not a big deal, people. It was just a one time mishap. I am not wearing blue, I have not colored my hair blue and white, I don't own a football jersey, my Honda is not sporting a Colts bumper sticker, and in fact, I don't have any Colts propaganda at all. I liken this recent football muddle to my encounters with so-called reality TV shows, which I dislike with a passion. I might not watch them avidly or care anything about them or the crazy people on them, but I might from time to time pop in and view a minute or two so that I can discuss the characters and scenes intelligently with friends and colleagues. It's part of staying relevant in our culture.
So one might say that in reality, I am simply trying to stay educated on current events, and like it or not, football is a current event. Yep. Yep. That's what I'm doing. That is what I am telling myself...
Not quite like the small, square yellow sticky notes at all really...think legal size post-its!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Just Visiting
While waiting for my apartment door to be repaired, I have been staying with some friends of mine on the North side of the city, and it’s really been quite fun. Fun for me at least. Hee hee! No, we’ve really had some great laughs, and I am so grateful for Barb and Lee’s generosity, warmth and kindness to me.
We’ve cooked together. Barb is an amazing cook. I’m hopeful that just by hanging out with her a few days, that I can soak up just a bit of her knowledge. Lee likes to experiment in the kitchen, especially with the oils, spices and cheeses. You never know what he is going to whip up next.
We’ve shared stories together. Barb and Lee have been married for 34 years, and it is great to watch them interact. Maybe one day I will be so lucky to meet and marry my own best friend.
We’ve had a few drinks. I’m not a big drinker, but I enjoy a sip now and then. Barb and Lee introduced me to ChocoVine, a chocolate wine from Holland, and it is amazing! And the other night, I tried a shot of some Bristol Cream sherry. It was much better than the stuff we had in York, Jess, and I could actually taste some distinct flavors in it. Pretty cool.
We’ve had many entertaining moments. We’ve watched some TV, cried together over the Hope for Haiti telethon, cheered on the Colts, and went to an off-Broadway musical comedy called Smoke on the Mountains (which we enjoyed immensely).
All in all, I feel blessed to have such amazing friends that have provided a safe haven to me. Thank you so much, my dear friends! I hope to not trespass on your kindness for too much longer.
We’ve cooked together. Barb is an amazing cook. I’m hopeful that just by hanging out with her a few days, that I can soak up just a bit of her knowledge. Lee likes to experiment in the kitchen, especially with the oils, spices and cheeses. You never know what he is going to whip up next.
We’ve shared stories together. Barb and Lee have been married for 34 years, and it is great to watch them interact. Maybe one day I will be so lucky to meet and marry my own best friend.
We’ve had a few drinks. I’m not a big drinker, but I enjoy a sip now and then. Barb and Lee introduced me to ChocoVine, a chocolate wine from Holland, and it is amazing! And the other night, I tried a shot of some Bristol Cream sherry. It was much better than the stuff we had in York, Jess, and I could actually taste some distinct flavors in it. Pretty cool.
We’ve had many entertaining moments. We’ve watched some TV, cried together over the Hope for Haiti telethon, cheered on the Colts, and went to an off-Broadway musical comedy called Smoke on the Mountains (which we enjoyed immensely).
All in all, I feel blessed to have such amazing friends that have provided a safe haven to me. Thank you so much, my dear friends! I hope to not trespass on your kindness for too much longer.
Never a Dull Moment
The past 10 days have been anything but dull for me.
I came home last Friday evening to find that my apartment had been broken into. The front door had been kicked in, and the door frame lay at my feet. YIKES! Naturally being a curious, control freak, I went into my apartment to check things out before making any phone calls. DISCLAIMER: Don’t try this at home! I would recommend those in a similar situation to return to their car and dial 9-1-1 instead. Don’t follow my zany methods. I wasn’t thinking clearly.
Within 10 minutes, the apartment complex staff, the maintenance guy, the courtesy office and a police officer all arrived on the scene, and the investigation was underway. The thief appears to have been after mostly large ticket items, which would sell quickly and fetch the most money. He absconded with electronic goods such as:
I am slowly coming to terms with the missing cameras, too, but I confess, it has been a bit harder to adjust to my missing appendage. HA! Most of you know, I usually have a camera with me at all times, and so a couple of times this last week, I have reached for my camera only to recall that I no longer own one. SIGH! Fear not, that will soon be remedied, I am sure, and I will be back to my photo-crazed frame of reference, so to speak.
However, there is one item that I am struggling to cope over its loss, and that is my laptop. I had not downloaded all of my photos from 2009 onto thumb drives yet or uploaded them to share, etc., and so now some of my pictures from 2009 and 2010 are lost to me. Fortunately, my sister and I frequently share photos, and so a lot of my family pictures from 2009 are already in her possession, which makes me quite happy because now she can share them with me. In addition, I had the England photos backed up onto CD already. WOOHOO!! I was elated when I remembered those additional copies.
But the second big whammy is that it isn’t just the pictures that are now gone from view. Truthfully, I have been on a writing frenzy the last few months (most of which I have not shared), and a lot of that was on my personal laptop. DEEP BREATH, MEL! That is hard to swallow. Now don’t laugh, but I had recently started putting together chapters for a book. Seriously what are the odds! Now, I don’t think it was ever going to be published. It was simply a collection of my thoughts, dreams, conversations with GOD, etc., but no matter what I intended to do with it, those pages are lost to me now, and that saddens me. I’ve been scribbling down the the fragments still floating around in my mind, but I fear that in my distraction of late, most of the good stuff is gone for good.
BUT honestly, I keep coming back to the fact that I have loads to be thankful for…
That I was not home during my recent visitors excursion into my home.
That the stuff taken was mostly replaceable items, and that the damage to my apartment itself was limited to the door frame.
That GOD kept me safe. I don’t know exactly when the robbery took place, but regardless, GOD kept me away from the scene until it was all done and over with.
That the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department arrived on the scene within minutes and took charge of the situation.
That GOD kept me calm for most of the evening and has given me peace. I can’t explain it. I can’t define it. I can be high-strung and a wee bit intense, but I’ve been pretty calm the last week. I have had a moment or two of panic and fear, but I have honestly sensed GOD’s presence, and I have known that HE has been right here with me.
That the apartment office and maintenance staff along with the courtesy officer have been kind and considerate.
That my visitors were so careful with my furniture and the other belongings they chose to leave behind. Seriously, they seemed to know exactly what they were after, and removed the items without damaging anything else, which I do appreciate. They did not ransack my apartment either for which I am truly grateful.
That my friends and family have responded with such amazing support and love. I have truly been blessed by their generosity and kindness to me.
I came home last Friday evening to find that my apartment had been broken into. The front door had been kicked in, and the door frame lay at my feet. YIKES! Naturally being a curious, control freak, I went into my apartment to check things out before making any phone calls. DISCLAIMER: Don’t try this at home! I would recommend those in a similar situation to return to their car and dial 9-1-1 instead. Don’t follow my zany methods. I wasn’t thinking clearly.
Within 10 minutes, the apartment complex staff, the maintenance guy, the courtesy office and a police officer all arrived on the scene, and the investigation was underway. The thief appears to have been after mostly large ticket items, which would sell quickly and fetch the most money. He absconded with electronic goods such as:
flat screen TV (sigh!)I am completely over the missing TV, the DVD player and the DVDs. It’s just stuff. All of which is totally replaceable. And hey, I wasn’t crazy about all of those movies anyway, and so I’m not sure I will replace them all.
DVD player
laptop (BIG SIGH!)
2 digital cameras (sniffle, sniffle!)
some of my DVDs (68 are missing).
I am slowly coming to terms with the missing cameras, too, but I confess, it has been a bit harder to adjust to my missing appendage. HA! Most of you know, I usually have a camera with me at all times, and so a couple of times this last week, I have reached for my camera only to recall that I no longer own one. SIGH! Fear not, that will soon be remedied, I am sure, and I will be back to my photo-crazed frame of reference, so to speak.
However, there is one item that I am struggling to cope over its loss, and that is my laptop. I had not downloaded all of my photos from 2009 onto thumb drives yet or uploaded them to share, etc., and so now some of my pictures from 2009 and 2010 are lost to me. Fortunately, my sister and I frequently share photos, and so a lot of my family pictures from 2009 are already in her possession, which makes me quite happy because now she can share them with me. In addition, I had the England photos backed up onto CD already. WOOHOO!! I was elated when I remembered those additional copies.
But the second big whammy is that it isn’t just the pictures that are now gone from view. Truthfully, I have been on a writing frenzy the last few months (most of which I have not shared), and a lot of that was on my personal laptop. DEEP BREATH, MEL! That is hard to swallow. Now don’t laugh, but I had recently started putting together chapters for a book. Seriously what are the odds! Now, I don’t think it was ever going to be published. It was simply a collection of my thoughts, dreams, conversations with GOD, etc., but no matter what I intended to do with it, those pages are lost to me now, and that saddens me. I’ve been scribbling down the the fragments still floating around in my mind, but I fear that in my distraction of late, most of the good stuff is gone for good.
BUT honestly, I keep coming back to the fact that I have loads to be thankful for…
That I was not home during my recent visitors excursion into my home.
That the stuff taken was mostly replaceable items, and that the damage to my apartment itself was limited to the door frame.
That GOD kept me safe. I don’t know exactly when the robbery took place, but regardless, GOD kept me away from the scene until it was all done and over with.
That the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department arrived on the scene within minutes and took charge of the situation.
That GOD kept me calm for most of the evening and has given me peace. I can’t explain it. I can’t define it. I can be high-strung and a wee bit intense, but I’ve been pretty calm the last week. I have had a moment or two of panic and fear, but I have honestly sensed GOD’s presence, and I have known that HE has been right here with me.
That the apartment office and maintenance staff along with the courtesy officer have been kind and considerate.
That my visitors were so careful with my furniture and the other belongings they chose to leave behind. Seriously, they seemed to know exactly what they were after, and removed the items without damaging anything else, which I do appreciate. They did not ransack my apartment either for which I am truly grateful.
That my friends and family have responded with such amazing support and love. I have truly been blessed by their generosity and kindness to me.
Friday, January 22, 2010
I’ve mentioned this Josh Wilson tune before. But when I heard it again this morning, it just really made me stop and think once more. I love music that does that, that continually reaches out and grabs you every time you hear it! Thanks, Josh!
The lyrics are really powerful, and Haiti came back to the forefront of my mind. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had the urge to just pack up and get to Haiti somehow. I’ve got some of my own drama unfolding, as most of you know, but it seems so small in comparison. Haiti weighs heavy on my heart, and I want to do something, anything really. The image of the children is embedded on my soul.
LORD, please show me what I can do? I want to know.
The lyrics are really powerful, and Haiti came back to the forefront of my mind. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had the urge to just pack up and get to Haiti somehow. I’ve got some of my own drama unfolding, as most of you know, but it seems so small in comparison. Haiti weighs heavy on my heart, and I want to do something, anything really. The image of the children is embedded on my soul.
LORD, please show me what I can do? I want to know.
Do You Want To Know
by Josh Wilson
If you want a heart of sympathy
Then pray to God to help you, please
See the world that Jesus sees, yeah
But be careful what you're asking for
'Cause if you're gonna open up that door
There's no going back to before
'Cause once you see a mother who can't feed
The baby that cries in her arms
Your heart will break and you'll lay awake
No, sleep won't come quick anymore
So do you want to know?
You pass him on the way to work
He holds a sign beside the curb
You look away and avoid the hurt
'Cause why should you be held responsible
Besides, he'll probably just spend it all
On cigarettes and alcohol
But once you see that the man on the street
Has a name and a family like you
Your heart will break and you'll lay awake
'Cause you'll understand God loves him too
So do you want to know? Oh, no
If you want a heart of sympathy
Then pray to God to help you see
But once you see a world that's in need
And a sorrow you just can't ignore
Your heart's gonna break and you'll lay awake
'Cause you'll know you could do so much more
Do you want to know?
Do you want to know?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thank you for protecting me and keeping me from harm this weekend. Thank you for the comfort and strength you provided. Thank you for allowing me to see the humor in the moment and to appreciate, albeit tongue-in-cheek, the ironic twists and turns of the evening. YOU know me so well and knew that I would find the humor diverting. It was a welcome distraction from the drama unfolding before my very eyes.
Thank you for my amazing sister and brother-in-law, who took me in and graciously kept me occupied this weekend. Thank you for my dear friends and family members that have been praying for me and reaching out. I am truly blessed and encouraged by their support.
Tonight, I wish to pray for my recent home “visitors.” I don’t know who they are, LORD, but YOU do. I think they need Your help, FATHER. Please reach out to them. Please show them that YOU love them. Their souls, like my own, require a SAVIOR. We all are broken, and YOU alone offer the healing that we so desperately need. Draw them in, LORD.
Quite honestly, I realize that my home invasion was a minor incident in comparison to what so many are suffering in Haiti and in other places around the world, LORD, but I am thankful that YOU are big enough to take on the cares and needs of us all. Nothing is too great or too small for your notice. But tonight as I think of Haiti again, FATHER, I pray that you would give strength and hope to the weary there, lift up the hearts of the grieving, provide care for those in need of healing, and give us all the courage to help as we are able whether with finances, supplies, prayers or whatever you would ask of us for Your glory.
Luke 12:48b Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.
Thank you for my amazing sister and brother-in-law, who took me in and graciously kept me occupied this weekend. Thank you for my dear friends and family members that have been praying for me and reaching out. I am truly blessed and encouraged by their support.
Tonight, I wish to pray for my recent home “visitors.” I don’t know who they are, LORD, but YOU do. I think they need Your help, FATHER. Please reach out to them. Please show them that YOU love them. Their souls, like my own, require a SAVIOR. We all are broken, and YOU alone offer the healing that we so desperately need. Draw them in, LORD.
Quite honestly, I realize that my home invasion was a minor incident in comparison to what so many are suffering in Haiti and in other places around the world, LORD, but I am thankful that YOU are big enough to take on the cares and needs of us all. Nothing is too great or too small for your notice. But tonight as I think of Haiti again, FATHER, I pray that you would give strength and hope to the weary there, lift up the hearts of the grieving, provide care for those in need of healing, and give us all the courage to help as we are able whether with finances, supplies, prayers or whatever you would ask of us for Your glory.
Luke 12:48b Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Emergent Melanie
Have you ever met someone that you wished to get to know better almost immediately? Maybe you met at a mutual friend’s house, work or at church. It was a brief encounter, but you felt a connection, and you wanted more time with them, further opportunity to draw them out.
Maybe you have never actually met them in person really, but you overheard them having a conversation in the airport, and you found them amusing. You caught yourself being curious about them.
Maybe you happened upon a blog posting they wrote, and you wished you could just pick their brain over coffee (or in my case over water or diet soda). You find this other person interesting. Something about them intrigues you, and you wish for the opportunity to get to know them and vice versa.
This shouldn’t be a big surprise to most of us. I think we are all looking for connection with others. And let me clarify things, I’m not necessarily talking about a romantic connection here. I’m just talking about finding a link with someone else and wanting to explore it out more. We’re human, made for interaction with our fellow species members. We are naturally curious about each other--both those alike and different from ourselves. It’s a good thing.
GOD didn’t make us to be solitary creatures, living in isolation. WE NEED! Hard for this recluse to admit, but it’s true. I need other people, and now I just need to emerge and make contact…
Maybe you have never actually met them in person really, but you overheard them having a conversation in the airport, and you found them amusing. You caught yourself being curious about them.
Maybe you happened upon a blog posting they wrote, and you wished you could just pick their brain over coffee (or in my case over water or diet soda). You find this other person interesting. Something about them intrigues you, and you wish for the opportunity to get to know them and vice versa.
This shouldn’t be a big surprise to most of us. I think we are all looking for connection with others. And let me clarify things, I’m not necessarily talking about a romantic connection here. I’m just talking about finding a link with someone else and wanting to explore it out more. We’re human, made for interaction with our fellow species members. We are naturally curious about each other--both those alike and different from ourselves. It’s a good thing.
GOD didn’t make us to be solitary creatures, living in isolation. WE NEED! Hard for this recluse to admit, but it’s true. I need other people, and now I just need to emerge and make contact…
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tuesday Thanksgivings
I'm just feeling particularly thankful today for some things I often take for granted...
Car Heaters: I love heat lately. Somehow the thermal girl who is always burning up has found herself chilled lately. Not sure if it is age, loss of body fat or the fact that the temps have been below freezing since before New Years, but no matter why, I have been chilled more often. So I am extra thankful for a car heater that heats up before I get too far from home. I love it.
Cell Minutes: I’ve never used all of my cell minutes in any given month. Hmmmm...maybe I should try that some month. Anyway, I had a 100+ minute late-night phone conversation with my sister last night, and I love that we can do that without it costing extra, especially now that I am not calling from England. Hee hee!
Car Ports: I know I have to pay extra rent every month on my lease to have a covered parking spot, but I am so glad I do. No scraping of windows. Less shoveling of snow. Just start up your car and drive. I love that.
Christmas Music: I can’t stop listening. I got addicted to Relient K’s Christmas album from 2008. OK, so it's "old news" to some of you, but I am getting slightly more caught up on my tunes. Anyway, I just discovered this album on Amazon this past holiday season, and I love the whole album, especially their song I Celebrate the Day. It is so good. Don't judge me. I just can't bear to remove my Christmas play list for a few more weeks yet.
Car Heaters: I love heat lately. Somehow the thermal girl who is always burning up has found herself chilled lately. Not sure if it is age, loss of body fat or the fact that the temps have been below freezing since before New Years, but no matter why, I have been chilled more often. So I am extra thankful for a car heater that heats up before I get too far from home. I love it.
Cell Minutes: I’ve never used all of my cell minutes in any given month. Hmmmm...maybe I should try that some month. Anyway, I had a 100+ minute late-night phone conversation with my sister last night, and I love that we can do that without it costing extra, especially now that I am not calling from England. Hee hee!
Car Ports: I know I have to pay extra rent every month on my lease to have a covered parking spot, but I am so glad I do. No scraping of windows. Less shoveling of snow. Just start up your car and drive. I love that.
Christmas Music: I can’t stop listening. I got addicted to Relient K’s Christmas album from 2008. OK, so it's "old news" to some of you, but I am getting slightly more caught up on my tunes. Anyway, I just discovered this album on Amazon this past holiday season, and I love the whole album, especially their song I Celebrate the Day. It is so good. Don't judge me. I just can't bear to remove my Christmas play list for a few more weeks yet.
Make A Difference Monday
K-LOVE has created a weekly segment called “Make A Difference Mondays” where the station suggests to their listeners that they try to make a difference, however big or small in the life of someone else on Mondays. It’s not a bad idea. Who likes Mondays anyway? Who really feels good about getting up on a Monday morning and driving into work?
Come on. I want to see a show of hands.
That’s what I thought. There are not many of us that really like Mondays, and so the idea of making someone’s Monday better was born. I love it.
Well, my co-worker Barb (aka my mentor, my guru, my sounding board for ideas) asked me if I would like to come to a Hymn Sing at a senior living community with her last night. Several members of her church choir go once a month to this assisted living center and informally sing hymns with the residents there. It sounded like fun, and I didn’t have any Monday night plans, and so I said yes.
It was a hoot. I had such a good time. I was the lone soprano in a sea of altos along with 1 tenor (Barb’s husband Lee). Barb said that she was glad I was there to hit the high notes. I laughed because I think she was being nice. I was totally squeaking – allbeit quietly – along there on some of those super high notes. HA! I’m not a super high soprano, but I survived just fine, and I still have a voice to speak of today, which is a plus.
As I stood there singing hymn favorites that I don’t hear as often in church as I used to, I was struck with something. I’ve been looking for more community in my life, and I was standing right there in the midst of one. I was the young one in the group by a couple of decades, but those dear people singing along were also members of the body of Christ just as I am. For crying out loud, we’re going to be neighbors in Heaven. I was in a community. So perhaps my ideas about community are too static and not dynamic enough. Lots to ponder on that subject...
Truly, I hope that our visit made a difference in the lives of those we sang with last night, brightened someone’s day or brought out a smile or two. I’d like to think it made a difference. But I was surprised to find it had made a difference in my own heart in the process.
Come on. I want to see a show of hands.
That’s what I thought. There are not many of us that really like Mondays, and so the idea of making someone’s Monday better was born. I love it.
Well, my co-worker Barb (aka my mentor, my guru, my sounding board for ideas) asked me if I would like to come to a Hymn Sing at a senior living community with her last night. Several members of her church choir go once a month to this assisted living center and informally sing hymns with the residents there. It sounded like fun, and I didn’t have any Monday night plans, and so I said yes.
It was a hoot. I had such a good time. I was the lone soprano in a sea of altos along with 1 tenor (Barb’s husband Lee). Barb said that she was glad I was there to hit the high notes. I laughed because I think she was being nice. I was totally squeaking – allbeit quietly – along there on some of those super high notes. HA! I’m not a super high soprano, but I survived just fine, and I still have a voice to speak of today, which is a plus.
As I stood there singing hymn favorites that I don’t hear as often in church as I used to, I was struck with something. I’ve been looking for more community in my life, and I was standing right there in the midst of one. I was the young one in the group by a couple of decades, but those dear people singing along were also members of the body of Christ just as I am. For crying out loud, we’re going to be neighbors in Heaven. I was in a community. So perhaps my ideas about community are too static and not dynamic enough. Lots to ponder on that subject...
Truly, I hope that our visit made a difference in the lives of those we sang with last night, brightened someone’s day or brought out a smile or two. I’d like to think it made a difference. But I was surprised to find it had made a difference in my own heart in the process.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Christmas 2009: That's A Wrap (Take 2)
FAVORITE CHRISTMAS GIFTS: OK, maybe I'm not supposed to have a favorite gift or two, or maybe I am supposed to keep quiet about any favorites, but I just can't help it. ALL of the gifts I received this year were amazing, and I appreciated each and every one, but there were a couple that really made my day...
1. I-Turtle: I LOVE my melancholy bee-bopping pet. My nephew Jacob saw him and said that Aunt Mel just had to have one, and so now I do. (There is a long story behind how I came to like turtles and ended up with several decorative turtles and even a stuffed animal, but that is for another day.) Anyway, isn't he adorable?
The I-Turtle is great company when he gets enough tunes to groove to, but we’ve got to work on his moodiness. He gets pathetically sad or tragically ill when he doesn’t get fed (i.e. there is no music playing). Yes, his food (music playing near him) is rather cheap, which works great for a girl on a budget, but I'm not always here to "feed" his need. He also doesn’t like his tail being touched at all, and he lets you know it.
He loves music, but he can be finicky at times. He was sure head-banging to the new Switchfoot CD last night, but he wasn't quite as enthused with an older Michael Buble tune, which made me laugh. Not sure what that says about his musical tastes really. I'm not going to judge him. He's young. And my music collection is pretty eclectic. Hopefully after repeated exposure, he will adapt and come to appreciate more musical stylings. I want him to be a culturally well-rounded I-Turtle after all. What parent doesn't want that, right?
He indicates his mood or delight in the music by his behavior: head bobbing, foot tapping, tail wagging, buzzing noises and his shell raising up and down. He also indicates his mood through the color displays on his shell. Different color sequences indicate his present mood, and there is even a small handbook that explains what the various color sequences mean. Talk about a complicated little pet. He’s adorable and all, but now I have some serious pet training to conduct as well as more research. Hee hee!
Actually, he has been good company for me this week and has kept me rather amused. OK, so he technically prefers to hang out with electronic devices like my stereo or MP3 player rather than cuddle or play tug-a-rope. BUT he does communicate how he is feeling, and everyone knows that communication is key in a new relationship, and so I think this could work long-term, provided I have batteries on hand. But first things first. It is time this turtle had a name. What does one name a pet I-Turtle? Any suggestions? I'm stumped.
2. New T-shirt: My sister and her family got me a new t-shirt that I love. It makes me laugh every time I see it in my closet or wear it. It says: Does this shirt make me look tall? Isn't that great? You know, I feel taller when I have it on. Ironic! I'm posting a picture with me wearing the shirt. You probably can't see the added height in this snapshot since I was sitting down, but I'm guessing you all can sense my tallness...

The I-Turtle is great company when he gets enough tunes to groove to, but we’ve got to work on his moodiness. He gets pathetically sad or tragically ill when he doesn’t get fed (i.e. there is no music playing). Yes, his food (music playing near him) is rather cheap, which works great for a girl on a budget, but I'm not always here to "feed" his need. He also doesn’t like his tail being touched at all, and he lets you know it.
He loves music, but he can be finicky at times. He was sure head-banging to the new Switchfoot CD last night, but he wasn't quite as enthused with an older Michael Buble tune, which made me laugh. Not sure what that says about his musical tastes really. I'm not going to judge him. He's young. And my music collection is pretty eclectic. Hopefully after repeated exposure, he will adapt and come to appreciate more musical stylings. I want him to be a culturally well-rounded I-Turtle after all. What parent doesn't want that, right?
He indicates his mood or delight in the music by his behavior: head bobbing, foot tapping, tail wagging, buzzing noises and his shell raising up and down. He also indicates his mood through the color displays on his shell. Different color sequences indicate his present mood, and there is even a small handbook that explains what the various color sequences mean. Talk about a complicated little pet. He’s adorable and all, but now I have some serious pet training to conduct as well as more research. Hee hee!
Actually, he has been good company for me this week and has kept me rather amused. OK, so he technically prefers to hang out with electronic devices like my stereo or MP3 player rather than cuddle or play tug-a-rope. BUT he does communicate how he is feeling, and everyone knows that communication is key in a new relationship, and so I think this could work long-term, provided I have batteries on hand. But first things first. It is time this turtle had a name. What does one name a pet I-Turtle? Any suggestions? I'm stumped.
Christmas 2009: That's A Wrap (Take 1)
Last night, I finally took out Christmas. Hmmmm -- let me rephrase that. Last night, I dismantled the Christmas tree and took down all the holiday décor in my place. It was time. It is nice to have my space back to normal again, but it kinda makes me sad to see another Christmas season come and go so quickly. So...I'm going to reminisce and chat about the highlights of this past season.
FAVORITE NEW CHRISTMAS TRADITION: Icing and decorating a ready-made gingerbread house with Grace and Jacob (niece and nephew) and their Grandma (my brother-in-law's Mom). The kids and Grandma did most of the hard work, while I supervised and took pictures. HA! I think it turned out beautifully.

Can you tell which side was decorated by Jacob and which by Grace? Incredibly gifted children, I think. OK, so I might be a tiny bit biased since I am their Aunt Mel, but still, it is amazing handiwork for young children (ages 4 and 7). And I think it is quite evident where they get some of that creativity. Their Grandma showed her creative flair with the icing. We couldn't have done it without her. Thanks, Myrna!
FAVORITE SILLY MEMORY: Thorn, my sister’s beloved lab mix, discovered his gift from Aunt Mel without any prompting or hints. When I arrived at my sister's house 2 days before Christmas, I unloaded my stash for the family under their tree, and then I got busy playing with the kids, helping out in the kitchen, etc. After the kids went to bed, we (the adults) discovered Thorn in the living room sniffing his gift bag. He had found it on his own while snooping under the tree. He sniffed it for a while and then sat down right in front of the bag with his paws stretched out towards the bag, and he whined and drooled the entire time.
I begged Jonathan to let him open his gift up early, but he was steadfastly firm and unyielding, and so Thorn had to wait until Christmas Eve for his gift. SIGH! Thorn, Aunt Mel would have caved, you know I would have, but your "Dad" said no. Sorry, buddy!
When we did rip open the package* the next night, Thorn gobbled up one of his new rawhide snacks, and he kept taunting me with it. He wanted me to chase him and try to take his snack away. It’s a game Thorn and I play pretty often. I think I enjoy it nearly as much as he does (not the snack but the game). AHEM! And he (scratch that – WE) sure loved playing with his new rope and ball toy, too. I love that dog. He’s definitely a big part of the family.
So once again, I’ve been contemplating the pros and cons of having a a dog of my own, but I just don’t have the space in my little apartment for a dog right now. And I prefer large dogs. No Paris Hilton purse dog for me, thanks! So for now, I'll continue to get by with loving on other people's dogs. HA!
*AHEM! I know that it may seem odd that I reused a Bath & Body Works bag as Thorn's gift bag, but I just didn't think he would mind, and I was basically doing my part for the environment by recycling. And I clearly wrote his name on the package with a Sharpie and signed it Love, Aunt Mel. So there was no confusion on Thorn's part as to who the gift was for. He really is a smart dog! Hee hee!
FAVORITE SILLY MEMORY: Thorn, my sister’s beloved lab mix, discovered his gift from Aunt Mel without any prompting or hints. When I arrived at my sister's house 2 days before Christmas, I unloaded my stash for the family under their tree, and then I got busy playing with the kids, helping out in the kitchen, etc. After the kids went to bed, we (the adults) discovered Thorn in the living room sniffing his gift bag. He had found it on his own while snooping under the tree. He sniffed it for a while and then sat down right in front of the bag with his paws stretched out towards the bag, and he whined and drooled the entire time.
When we did rip open the package* the next night, Thorn gobbled up one of his new rawhide snacks, and he kept taunting me with it. He wanted me to chase him and try to take his snack away. It’s a game Thorn and I play pretty often. I think I enjoy it nearly as much as he does (not the snack but the game). AHEM! And he (scratch that – WE) sure loved playing with his new rope and ball toy, too. I love that dog. He’s definitely a big part of the family.
So once again, I’ve been contemplating the pros and cons of having a a dog of my own, but I just don’t have the space in my little apartment for a dog right now. And I prefer large dogs. No Paris Hilton purse dog for me, thanks! So for now, I'll continue to get by with loving on other people's dogs. HA!
*AHEM! I know that it may seem odd that I reused a Bath & Body Works bag as Thorn's gift bag, but I just didn't think he would mind, and I was basically doing my part for the environment by recycling. And I clearly wrote his name on the package with a Sharpie and signed it Love, Aunt Mel. So there was no confusion on Thorn's part as to who the gift was for. He really is a smart dog! Hee hee!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
That's All She Wrote
I'm not a great writer, but I love to write regardless. And there are moments when I am overtaken, burdened by the need of self-expression so that my soul aches to have a say. Often I read back over what I once thought was amazing, and I laugh at the crap before me. Most of the good stuff comes in lapses of mediocrity where a glint of brilliance shines through. It's meager, buried beneath the rubble of a churning mind, but it's still mine.
I'll never be a great poet. I don't have a poet's tortured soul. Maybe I'll get there, but I'm not really praying for calamity, a broken heart or relentless grief just to fuel my creative melancholy.
I'll probably never be the novelist I once aspired to be either. I'm not short on imagination really. I'm constantly day dreaming about the what-ifs, but I feel that the magic dies when I attempt to capture the dreams on paper. It seems so much more vivid in my head that I'm disappointed with the results.
But no matter, write I must. I write because I want to even if it is just for an audience of one. More and more, I'm writing what I know or rather what I'm learning and discovering on my journey. It might not be of interest to anyone else really, but that is not why I write. I write because I have the need to capture the moment like a painter with a canvas or like a photographer with a snapshot. I want to collect a memory and bottle it, and so I preserve it in black and white, and I can revisit again and again, like catching up with an old friend...
I'll never be a great poet. I don't have a poet's tortured soul. Maybe I'll get there, but I'm not really praying for calamity, a broken heart or relentless grief just to fuel my creative melancholy.
I'll probably never be the novelist I once aspired to be either. I'm not short on imagination really. I'm constantly day dreaming about the what-ifs, but I feel that the magic dies when I attempt to capture the dreams on paper. It seems so much more vivid in my head that I'm disappointed with the results.
But no matter, write I must. I write because I want to even if it is just for an audience of one. More and more, I'm writing what I know or rather what I'm learning and discovering on my journey. It might not be of interest to anyone else really, but that is not why I write. I write because I have the need to capture the moment like a painter with a canvas or like a photographer with a snapshot. I want to collect a memory and bottle it, and so I preserve it in black and white, and I can revisit again and again, like catching up with an old friend...
Monday, January 4, 2010
Pending Narratives For 2010
Two of my previous pastors used to reference the concept of “story” in their teaching, and it always blew my mind. I love the idea that our lives are part of the greatest narrative, the most incredible ongoing saga or miniseries of all time. I love the Old Testament epics of the Israelites, ancient peoples and kings, etc. Jesus used stories often to illustrate points when HE was here on earth, walking amongst men. And today, I think most of us respond better to a story than to a list of do's and dont's. It’s that human interest piece that gets us. We like to hear about people.
My sister suggested I read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. So I picked it up a couple of months ago and have been slowly digesting the book, chapter by chapter. Those that know me well, know that I devour books. I’m an avid reader. I love staying up late at night to finish a good read. Once I pick up a book, I rarely put it down again. And normally, I read quickly with high comprehension. BUT there are a few authors that compel me to slow down my rushed pace to fully comprehend and grasp the deeper meaning within, and it appears that Donald Miller is being added to that short list of such authors for me. Authors like Miller, John Ortberg and the late Michael Yaconnelli cause me to question the status quo, engage my mind, and urge me to take another look at something. I hate that. Well, part of me does. But the other part of me aches for more. I say that I like to be challenged, that I like to think outside the box. I do, but I am lazy, and I’ve been on a thinking-hiatus for a while. I haven’t wanted to see things the way they really are because that would compel me to fix them, and that sounds like an awful lot of hard work. SIGH!
So back to the story/narrative idea, my sister also pointed me to Miller’s blog, and his recent post got me thinking and rethinking about how I look at 2010. So here goes...
NEW JOB: Today is my first day on a new job, an exciting fresh start with opportunities abounding. Where will this story line take me, I wonder? So much potential – own it!
COMMUNITY: I’m aching for community and not finding it within my present church. OK, let’s be real here, I’ve been missing that sense of community for over 5 years now. I think it is time to get out there and work for it. I’m not reaching. I need to stretch and stop pretending this is working.
Hmmmmm...maybe I need to make my own community? All right, calm down, people! I’m not going to start preaching from the pulpit come Sunday morning. I just mean that the missing sense of “family” or “community” that I feel I am lacking might be within my grasp, and I’m just not seeing it. Are there opportunities I am missing right in front of me? Or maybe it is time to prayerfully look elsewhere? GULP! Either way, I need to stop ignoring this story line and make it more thrilling, more climactic and less dull and non-responsive. Only one lifetime here! Got to get engaged – not the thing with the ring here, although I’m not opposed to that. AHEM! What I mean is that I need to get engaged in the lives of others again and get them involved in mine! I need to stop living vicariously through others and embrace my own narrative.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE: I feel better when I am actively involved in serving others. I think we all do. I guess this goes hand in hand with community. In 2009, I didn’t find an opportunity at my own church, and so I went outside the church to serve with LDM, and it’s been amazing. But I think I need to do more. See a need and fill it. In 2010, that is what I am on the look out for. Now I have that Josh Wilson song (Do You Want to Know) running through my head. Good stuff! Now what am I going to do about it? What needs or gaps can I fill?
SMALLER ME: I had lost 80+ pounds on Weight Watchers, but then came Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the scale is not moving in the right direction any more. So, I’m reining in this story and going to take it back the other direction starting today. My niece Janet is getting married in June, and I’m in the wedding party. Aunt Mel is going to work hard at looking good in that dress. HOLD IT! That sounds totally vain – especially since it will NOT be my day but Janet’s day; however, it is still a good visual for me. It’s something I can own and take responsibility for. I might not be able to do anything about my own personal klutziness, but dog-on-it, I’m going to look good while tripping down that aisle. HA!
Lots of other scenarios running through my head for 2010 now...this is just the beginning! WOOHOO!!
Happy New Year, All! I wish great things for all of you.
My sister suggested I read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. So I picked it up a couple of months ago and have been slowly digesting the book, chapter by chapter. Those that know me well, know that I devour books. I’m an avid reader. I love staying up late at night to finish a good read. Once I pick up a book, I rarely put it down again. And normally, I read quickly with high comprehension. BUT there are a few authors that compel me to slow down my rushed pace to fully comprehend and grasp the deeper meaning within, and it appears that Donald Miller is being added to that short list of such authors for me. Authors like Miller, John Ortberg and the late Michael Yaconnelli cause me to question the status quo, engage my mind, and urge me to take another look at something. I hate that. Well, part of me does. But the other part of me aches for more. I say that I like to be challenged, that I like to think outside the box. I do, but I am lazy, and I’ve been on a thinking-hiatus for a while. I haven’t wanted to see things the way they really are because that would compel me to fix them, and that sounds like an awful lot of hard work. SIGH!
So back to the story/narrative idea, my sister also pointed me to Miller’s blog, and his recent post got me thinking and rethinking about how I look at 2010. So here goes...
NEW JOB: Today is my first day on a new job, an exciting fresh start with opportunities abounding. Where will this story line take me, I wonder? So much potential – own it!
COMMUNITY: I’m aching for community and not finding it within my present church. OK, let’s be real here, I’ve been missing that sense of community for over 5 years now. I think it is time to get out there and work for it. I’m not reaching. I need to stretch and stop pretending this is working.
Hmmmmm...maybe I need to make my own community? All right, calm down, people! I’m not going to start preaching from the pulpit come Sunday morning. I just mean that the missing sense of “family” or “community” that I feel I am lacking might be within my grasp, and I’m just not seeing it. Are there opportunities I am missing right in front of me? Or maybe it is time to prayerfully look elsewhere? GULP! Either way, I need to stop ignoring this story line and make it more thrilling, more climactic and less dull and non-responsive. Only one lifetime here! Got to get engaged – not the thing with the ring here, although I’m not opposed to that. AHEM! What I mean is that I need to get engaged in the lives of others again and get them involved in mine! I need to stop living vicariously through others and embrace my own narrative.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE: I feel better when I am actively involved in serving others. I think we all do. I guess this goes hand in hand with community. In 2009, I didn’t find an opportunity at my own church, and so I went outside the church to serve with LDM, and it’s been amazing. But I think I need to do more. See a need and fill it. In 2010, that is what I am on the look out for. Now I have that Josh Wilson song (Do You Want to Know) running through my head. Good stuff! Now what am I going to do about it? What needs or gaps can I fill?
SMALLER ME: I had lost 80+ pounds on Weight Watchers, but then came Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the scale is not moving in the right direction any more. So, I’m reining in this story and going to take it back the other direction starting today. My niece Janet is getting married in June, and I’m in the wedding party. Aunt Mel is going to work hard at looking good in that dress. HOLD IT! That sounds totally vain – especially since it will NOT be my day but Janet’s day; however, it is still a good visual for me. It’s something I can own and take responsibility for. I might not be able to do anything about my own personal klutziness, but dog-on-it, I’m going to look good while tripping down that aisle. HA!
Lots of other scenarios running through my head for 2010 now...this is just the beginning! WOOHOO!!
Happy New Year, All! I wish great things for all of you.
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