Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Janet is Coming! Janet is Coming!!

My niece Janet (17) is coming to spend a few days with her old Aunt Mel this week. It should be a lot of fun! She is bringing her friend Deja with her for a couple of days. I'm eager to meet Deja since I've only heard about her since Janet was in grade school, but we've never met. We're planning to go to the Edinburgh Outlets one day and the Indianapolis Zoo another day.

I'm sure that Janet will want to watch a bunch of movies, too. I'm the corrupting influence there, I guess, since I love movies! WOOHOO!! It should be a fun few days.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

When I first glanced at your blog, I thought it said, "Jesus is Coming! Jesus is Coming!!" It cracks me up every time. :-) I hope you have fun with Janet and her friend. I'm sure it is a welcome break from work. Enjoy!!