Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Half of my Christmas present to myself arrived today. Yes, I spoiled myself just a wee bit this season. I didn't go too crazy, but I did splurge a little and get something I've been wanting for a while now. Plus, this is totally an England expense. I can use it on the flight to London and back. AHEM! Can you guess what it is yet?

Anyway, I ripped into the package just to check it out, and then I started laughing. You see, I wanted the other gift to arrive first, but that's just not the way it happened. My car charger thing-a-ma-bob for my new not-yet-shipped MP3 player came in the mail today. So, I'm hopeful that my new MP3 player (the other half of my gift) will arrive some time before Christmas (fingers crossed!) because me and my car (aka Madison) are ready! Have tunes will Michigan!

I'm really looking forward to 5 or 6 days on my own with my parents and my Grandma. I enjoyed last Christmas with them on my own, and I plan to make more incredible memories with them this year. It will just be the 4 of us, and I'm sure we'll play lots of games, watch a few movies and just catch up. I'm looking forward to some mellow down time away from patent filings and legal paperwork. Bring it on!

I finished wrapping Christmas gifts last night. Of course in the midst of all the tape, bows and tissue wrap, I realized that I had overdone it on gifts for my Mom and didn't have quite the same stash for my Dad. Mom is so much easier to shop for, and I guess I got carried away. So, I'll probably pick up a couple more things for my Dad. He deserves a great Christmas, too. Any ideas? I'm open to suggestions. Why are men so much harder to buy for? They say that women are difficult, and yes, on the rarest of occasions, I suppose we can be, but truth be told, we're just easier to buy for, I think, and we're so very easy to please. OK, I'm sure plenty of men are going to disagree with that one, and now I'm going to get some glaring emails from my male friends after this post. HA! So, let me just clarify...I wasn't talking about YOU GUYS! I was talking about those other males. So I wasn't completely over-generalizing my statement to your whole sex. AHEM!

OK, moving on...I sent out my Christmas cards and newsletter yesterday, and it felt nice getting them out more than a week before Christmas. WOOHOO!! But my moment of sublime happiness and bliss ended all too quickly. I heard from my friend Becky tonight (after she got the card and newsletter in today's mail). She called to report a glaring error that I had made. Just my luck! She's right. I made a major goof. OOPS! I'm sure it's not the only error. I'm a perfectionist, but I'm far from perfect. I'm fatally flawed, and you can quote me on that!

So, if you get a copy in the mail, see if you can catch my complete goober moment...or perhaps several of them. WAIT A MINUTE! Hold on! I take that back! I don't want to know if you find more than one error. I do have some semblance of pride here. So just let me know about one or less that you perhaps find... Anyway, the good news is that I can still revise it before I send out my newsletters to my email list, which means that I will only look like an idiot to half of my "subscribers." HA! Life is good!

[I'm using the term "subscribers" loosely here. AHEM! They aren't so much subscribers, if you will, as they are dear patient souls that tolerate my insanity and desire to communicate. You know who you are, and the management sincerely wishes to thank you!]

Well, a week from tomorrow and Christmas will be here. If you haven't finished up your shopping, you better get to it. Stay safe, All!


Lisa said...

I enjoyed your newsletter and did not find any errors. (Of course, now I'll have to read it again.) :-)

As far as a gift idea for your Dad, I seem to remember one of his favorite TV shows was "The Nanny." I'm sure he would appreciate a season's worth of Fran Drescher's voice. NOT!!! He always cracked me up with his sarcastic comments about her voice. I can see him now. Good Times!

Melanie said...

He would totally disown me for that...HA!