One of my attorneys told me that the average life span is 72 years, and so in his estimation that puts me right about middle age now with yesterday being my 35th birthday. GASP! I know. That was just mean. I made him take it back, and he recanted quickly, but I’m not sure I have completely forgiven him. That was just a low blow, and I'm still reeling from the destructive impact.
Barb and Heidi, two of my office co-horts brought me a large birthday box with a special handmade necklace inside. This is not just any ordinary necklace, mind you. This is 35 dum-dum suckers twined together with a gold ribbon and a sign saying “35 Sucks.” This totally made me laugh. I displayed my special jewelry box case at my desk with pride and then took it home for safe keeping. I’m gonna have to take pictures before any one nibbles on the suckers. I love it.
My Mom, Dad and sister bought me some Epiphany jewelry from QVC. Yes, I’m a delicate little flower that can only wear platinum jewelry (or candy jewelry, now that I think about it--hee hee!) these days. The new shiny platinum hoops are lovely, and so far my ear lobes are not swollen or turning green. WOOHOO!! It's all good.
Dena and Jennifer, two of my Patent colleagues, took me to Ted's Montana Grill for lunch, where I inhaled the chicken fried chicken at my celebratory meal. Those 12 Weight Watcher points were worth it, believe me. I needed the comfort food.
I had several birthday calls, which made me smile. And my Facebook friends and family are really just the best. I was almost a bit overwhelmed at the well-wishes I received. WOW! Thanks everybody! I truly felt loved on my birthday.
Thank you, LORD, for bringing me along through another year of my life. All glory, honor and praise to YOU.
Not quite like the small, square yellow sticky notes at all really...think legal size post-its!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Life in Mel’s World Drums On
Sometimes I think my world resembles a Richard Scarry book. Remember those classics? The scenes filled with animals going about their routines in the town aptly named Busytown. I love those books. Every time I flip through them, I see something I had missed before. Lowly Worm was my favorite. He still makes me smile. Cool! I just found this intro clip from the animated series, and it brought back good memories. The books were always better though.
Hmmmm...let’s see. What do I need to update you all on?
Hmmmm...let’s see. What do I need to update you all on?
1. This week has just flown by. My co-worker is out on vacation for 10 days, and so I’m covering her desk and my own until March. WHEW! [Deep breath] This is a bit of a practice run for what things will be like later this spring when this same co-worker will be out for 2+ months on maternity leave. YIKES! Somehow, things are being managed, and we are all surviving just fine; however, I do head home each night more tired than the night before. But don’t you feel sorry for me. After all, it’s Friday, and this girl is excited about a low-key weekend ahead. My jam-packed weekend routine includes sleeping, breathing, maybe doing some laundry, catching up on my DVR programs, going to church on Sunday—oh and eating. WOOHOO! I like the sounds of that schedule. OK, so I’ll probably get bored and will head out to run errands anyway, but that’s just how I’m wired. I’m meant to be doing something most of the time.Ok, so this blog post has been rather random and maybe just a bit warped, but then so is your hostess. I wish you all a fabulous weekend! May GOD bless you and keep you!
2. Two of the attorneys I work for took me to lunch on Wednesday this week for my birthday. They had desserts brought around for our table, and I confess that I had a ½ cup of French vanilla ice cream. [There. Feels good to get that off my chest.] Let me just say that I had forgotten how wonderful and rich real ice cream tastes. WOW!
3. I’m in a new Bible book study with my friend Heidi and the ladies at her church in Plainfield. We’re working through Bad Girls of the Bible. Catchy title, eh? It’s been interesting so far. My verdict is still out on this book, but I’m working my way through it week-by week. We'll see what I think later on. Like I told my sister recently, I don’t always have to love an author to glean truth from their books. GOD is able to work if we let HIM.
4. I’m crazy about Netflix. One of my other attorneys got me a gift-subscription for Christmas, and I’m loving it. I come home after a busy day at the office, ready to heat up my baked potato and leftover chili. But WAIT! there it is. I have a bright red envelope in my mailbox, and suddenly all is right with the world again. [sigh!] Doesn’t take much to move me apparently. And men say that women are so difficult and hard to please--WHATEVER...
5. And before my sister comments on it, I want to point out that I seem to have a new craze for making numbered lists--even on my blog. I've been sending my sister catch-up emails with a numbered list of items I'm sharing with her, and she has dared to make fun of it. Can you believe that? I know, it's shocking that she would mock yours truly especially since I am overly-sensitive, but she did. I forgave her, but then I'm always good like that. Good at accepting other faults and forgiving them with open arms... [GAG!] You all know I'm kidding, right?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Caffeine Infusion
I will officially be 35 years old in less than a week now. Yes, it's true. I might look like I'm in my twenties, but next Monday, I will officially be half-way to 70, and worse yet, I'll be less than 5 years to 40. [GASP!]
OK, seeing that in black and white, just scares me. I'm shivering now just thinking about it. I know a lot of people have survived to 40 and beyond. I'm glad for them, and I understand that there can be life after 40, but the concept frightens me deeply. [Take a deep breath, Mel. There you go...] NAH! I'm really just fine. I might have a slight panic attack at 39 and 3/4. I'll keep you posted on any developments should they occur, but I think it's a bit too soon to start on medication for those episodes now, don't you? HA!
Well in anticipation of my 35th birthday, my co-worker Michele brought me a special treat yesterday at lunchtime. She ordered some chocolate ice cream cupcakes from Maggie Moo's and brought them to me early since she will be out on vacation during my birthday. I thanked her, admired the decadent treats for a moment or two and then stuck them in the freezer. I'll save them for later, I told myself.
Unfortunately, yesterday was a headache day. So I was popping migraine pills and drinking Diet Mountain Dew (for the first time in a long while) as I attempted to fight off the pulsating twinge. [And when I say popping, I only took 2 pills here, you all. Don't panic and dial 911 to get my stomach pumped. I used the term "popping" loosely for it's dramatic effect only. AHEM!] Well, by 4 PM, I was feeling a lot better, and I kept picturing those poor little chocolate cupcakes sitting alone in the freezer abandoned to the cold. So, I thought I'd go ahead and indulge in one of the chocolate treats just to spread out the calories, you know. WOW! It was delicious. There was a thin layer of chocolate cake, followed by 3 inches of rich chocolate ice cream all drizzled in a fudgy chocolate frosting. Amazing! I tried to determine the amount of Weight Watcher points I had gulped down as I savored each mouth-watering morsel. that was good! Yes, I went about the rest of my day with a smile on my face. [sigh!]
I worked until 6 PM last night, headed home for dinner, watched a DVR program, blogged a wee bit, facebooked, talked to my oldest niece on the phone (she turned 19 yesterday) and then headed to bed. Well, 30 minutes later I was still wide awake. So I got up and did some reading? But after 30 more minutes, I still wasn't feeling sleepy at all. What was the matter with me? Why couldn't I sleep? What was going on? And then my blonde moment came to a screeching halt, and suddenly I could see everything pretty clearly.
One more thing I feel the need to point out. I still lost 1.6 pounds this morning when I weighed in. I love that. This brings Diet Girl's total weight loss to...WAIT FOR IT...(Can I get a drumroll please? Thanks!)...75.8 pounds. YES! I broke 75 pounds today. WOOHOO!! I'm a bit giddy about that, can you tell? Or maybe it's just the residual effects from my caffeine infusion of yesterday's mishap? Hee hee!
OK, seeing that in black and white, just scares me. I'm shivering now just thinking about it. I know a lot of people have survived to 40 and beyond. I'm glad for them, and I understand that there can be life after 40, but the concept frightens me deeply. [Take a deep breath, Mel. There you go...] NAH! I'm really just fine. I might have a slight panic attack at 39 and 3/4. I'll keep you posted on any developments should they occur, but I think it's a bit too soon to start on medication for those episodes now, don't you? HA!
Well in anticipation of my 35th birthday, my co-worker Michele brought me a special treat yesterday at lunchtime. She ordered some chocolate ice cream cupcakes from Maggie Moo's and brought them to me early since she will be out on vacation during my birthday. I thanked her, admired the decadent treats for a moment or two and then stuck them in the freezer. I'll save them for later, I told myself.
Unfortunately, yesterday was a headache day. So I was popping migraine pills and drinking Diet Mountain Dew (for the first time in a long while) as I attempted to fight off the pulsating twinge. [And when I say popping, I only took 2 pills here, you all. Don't panic and dial 911 to get my stomach pumped. I used the term "popping" loosely for it's dramatic effect only. AHEM!] Well, by 4 PM, I was feeling a lot better, and I kept picturing those poor little chocolate cupcakes sitting alone in the freezer abandoned to the cold. So, I thought I'd go ahead and indulge in one of the chocolate treats just to spread out the calories, you know. WOW! It was delicious. There was a thin layer of chocolate cake, followed by 3 inches of rich chocolate ice cream all drizzled in a fudgy chocolate frosting. Amazing! I tried to determine the amount of Weight Watcher points I had gulped down as I savored each mouth-watering morsel. that was good! Yes, I went about the rest of my day with a smile on my face. [sigh!]
I worked until 6 PM last night, headed home for dinner, watched a DVR program, blogged a wee bit, facebooked, talked to my oldest niece on the phone (she turned 19 yesterday) and then headed to bed. Well, 30 minutes later I was still wide awake. So I got up and did some reading? But after 30 more minutes, I still wasn't feeling sleepy at all. What was the matter with me? Why couldn't I sleep? What was going on? And then my blonde moment came to a screeching halt, and suddenly I could see everything pretty clearly.
1. I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday afternoon. I love Diet Dew, but I tend to restrict my access to it for this very reason. I'm a former caffeine-junkie, but I just don't live in that world any more, and I certainly don't enjoy copious amounts of caffeinated drinks after 2 PM usually.So I did some more reading into the wee hours of the morning and worked on my Bible study workbook. Finally around 2 AM, I headed back to bed for a few hours of sleep before returning to work again this morning. WHEW! I don't think we'll be doing that again any time soon; although, that ice cream cupcake was pretty incredible. Hmmmm...maybe I should consider having one for breakfast tomorrow? That could work in my favor. YUM!
2. That cupcake was wonderful with all it's rich, velvety chocolate cake along with the creamy, chocolate ice cream topped with that fudgy, devils food icing...Hmmmm? Do you supposed there might have been a wee bit of caffeine in there, too? Maybe just maybe? HELLO!
3. I had totally done this to myself. I could blame it on my attempts to self-medicate using my herbal methods of Diet Dew and cacao, but come on, I should have known better. Ever since I took myself off regular doses of caffeine several years ago, I just can't have large amounts of it without it affecting me. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm old, and I had wired myself. HA!
One more thing I feel the need to point out. I still lost 1.6 pounds this morning when I weighed in. I love that. This brings Diet Girl's total weight loss to...WAIT FOR IT...(Can I get a drumroll please? Thanks!)...75.8 pounds. YES! I broke 75 pounds today. WOOHOO!! I'm a bit giddy about that, can you tell? Or maybe it's just the residual effects from my caffeine infusion of yesterday's mishap? Hee hee!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Embracing Valentine's Day Part 2
On Valentine’s Day, I awoke and rolled out of bed before the alarm clock. I got some breakfast and started tidying my apartment. Yes, it was pretty well clean already, but I wanted to run the vacuum, dust and straighten things up since I had guests coming for dinner and a movie at 4 PM. I wasn’t down or depressed, but I wouldn't describe me as psyched about the day either. It was one of those mornings where I felt like something could tip the scale for good or evil. It really could go either way. OK, so I’m a budding optimist, which really means that one side of my glasses is rose-colored (idealist) and the other is crystal clear (realist). HA! So while I wanted to stick to my V-Day resolution of embracing the day, I also wanted to play it safe and avoid danger, and I'm not talking about staying away from sharp objects here. I'm talking about shunning real danger like Krispy Kreme donuts, peanut buster parfaits, king-size Butterfinger, Cheesecake Factory cheesecake, a Hardees' thickburger, Pizza Hut pizza and sappy chic flicks.
Well, I had some errands to run and a few last-minute dinner supplies to pick up, and so I headed out of my apartment only to stop dead in my tracks. There was a beautiful gift bag with bright pink tissue paper on the welcome mat just outside my door. Naturally, my first thought was that there was some mistake. It surely wasn’t for me. I wasn’t expecting anything. I'd already gotten valentines from my younger nieces and nephews, and from my Mom and my sister. So maybe this gift bag was for my super model girlfriend across the hall or the sweet, talkative retiree Doris who lives next-door? Or maybe it got delivered to the wrong floor somehow?
I picked up the bag and peaked inside, and my heart skipped a beat. There was something blue inside: a smurf. Hold everything! THIS COULD BE FOR ME! I love the Smurfs, and while I don’t admittedly share that fact with everyone, I have on occasion told a few select individuals about my sweet Saturday morning memories of the 3-apple-high friends of the forest. Well, I searched in the bag for a card, and found a Spider-man valentine and what do you was addressed to "My Dearest Melanie." WOW! This was good. It WAS for me, and it was from the Earl of Pembroke (aka Stumpy)'s a really long story that I won’t go into here, but I immediately knew exactly who it was from.
I giggled at the message, went back into my apartment and dialed my friend Becky’s number. She eventually fessed up to delivering the bag of goodies on my doorstep early that morning. The bag was complete with a light up pen, a velvet rose that plays Fur Elise (because what else should a velvet rose play?), a gel candle with heart shaped wax pieces inside, and an adorable plush Smurf. It totally made my day. So you remember that scale I described about how my day could go either way? Well, that fun-filled bag put me over the edge and straight into joy. It was amazing! I was like a little kid again.
The whole scenario reminded me of a Chris Rice song. STOP LAUGHING! I know, I’ve been quoting Chris a lot out here. Yes, he’s been producing music for years, and I’m way behind the times since I’m just now discovering all these amazing lyrics that the man has written. Oh well! Better late than never, right. He’s a gifted artist, a brilliant musician, a stunning lyricist--and all with the soul of a poet. It moves me. So, there it is. I’ve become a fan. And no, I'm not being paid for my endorsement of his music, but you really should check it out for yourself.
Anyway back to the rambling at hand, the song that came to mind is SO MUCH FOR MY SAD SONG, and it pretty much described my day. I was prepared for some escalating melodrama on Valentine’s Day. I was sure that tears were just around the corner or a chocolate-gorging incident would overtake me, but instead, I had a marvelous day and ate relatively healthy the whole day. My evening with my fellow single girlfriends was wonderful. Becky, Jessica and I selected a British period drama, North & South, to watch together. We thought it was fitting since our British trip is less than 3 months away now. WOOHOO!! Our friend Lise came over and joined us for the movie. It was fun introducing her to North & South, which has, I believe, the best film ending EVER. Yes, you have to wait 4 hours to get to it, but that ending is well-worth the dramatic is magical, delightful and so romantic. [sigh!] It takes my breath away. It’s a must-see.
So all in all, I think this was probably my best Valentine’s Day ever. GOD reminded me again of HIS unfailing love through my friendships, a special delivery from my friend, a sweet call from my sister Barbara, and just HIS presence throughout the day. The day had potential for disaster, but HE had other plans, and I’m so glad. Thank you, LORD, for turning it all around.
Well, I had some errands to run and a few last-minute dinner supplies to pick up, and so I headed out of my apartment only to stop dead in my tracks. There was a beautiful gift bag with bright pink tissue paper on the welcome mat just outside my door. Naturally, my first thought was that there was some mistake. It surely wasn’t for me. I wasn’t expecting anything. I'd already gotten valentines from my younger nieces and nephews, and from my Mom and my sister. So maybe this gift bag was for my super model girlfriend across the hall or the sweet, talkative retiree Doris who lives next-door? Or maybe it got delivered to the wrong floor somehow?
I picked up the bag and peaked inside, and my heart skipped a beat. There was something blue inside: a smurf. Hold everything! THIS COULD BE FOR ME! I love the Smurfs, and while I don’t admittedly share that fact with everyone, I have on occasion told a few select individuals about my sweet Saturday morning memories of the 3-apple-high friends of the forest. Well, I searched in the bag for a card, and found a Spider-man valentine and what do you was addressed to "My Dearest Melanie." WOW! This was good. It WAS for me, and it was from the Earl of Pembroke (aka Stumpy)'s a really long story that I won’t go into here, but I immediately knew exactly who it was from.
The whole scenario reminded me of a Chris Rice song. STOP LAUGHING! I know, I’ve been quoting Chris a lot out here. Yes, he’s been producing music for years, and I’m way behind the times since I’m just now discovering all these amazing lyrics that the man has written. Oh well! Better late than never, right. He’s a gifted artist, a brilliant musician, a stunning lyricist--and all with the soul of a poet. It moves me. So, there it is. I’ve become a fan. And no, I'm not being paid for my endorsement of his music, but you really should check it out for yourself.
Anyway back to the rambling at hand, the song that came to mind is SO MUCH FOR MY SAD SONG, and it pretty much described my day. I was prepared for some escalating melodrama on Valentine’s Day. I was sure that tears were just around the corner or a chocolate-gorging incident would overtake me, but instead, I had a marvelous day and ate relatively healthy the whole day. My evening with my fellow single girlfriends was wonderful. Becky, Jessica and I selected a British period drama, North & South, to watch together. We thought it was fitting since our British trip is less than 3 months away now. WOOHOO!! Our friend Lise came over and joined us for the movie. It was fun introducing her to North & South, which has, I believe, the best film ending EVER. Yes, you have to wait 4 hours to get to it, but that ending is well-worth the dramatic is magical, delightful and so romantic. [sigh!] It takes my breath away. It’s a must-see.
So all in all, I think this was probably my best Valentine’s Day ever. GOD reminded me again of HIS unfailing love through my friendships, a special delivery from my friend, a sweet call from my sister Barbara, and just HIS presence throughout the day. The day had potential for disaster, but HE had other plans, and I’m so glad. Thank you, LORD, for turning it all around.
by Chris Rice
The first thought through my sleepy head when I fell outta my bed is I
Hope the sky is grey I'm gonna write a sad song today.
So I make up my mind, slip on my shoes,
I'm gonna pick up a paper and read the news
Cause I'm sure to find enough blues to write my sad song
But when I open the door and the sun spills through
Takes away my breath and I think of you and the only blues to hit my eyes are those beautiful blues in the clear blue sky
So much for my sad song
So much for my sorry attitude
Let's make this a love song instead
Cause I'm so in love with you
Come on let's go out and play
Save the sad song for another day
No time for tears
I'm wearing a smile
So much for my sad song
So much for my sad song
So I pick up the news like I said I would
Drop my jaw right where I stood
Cause the headline reads 'all the news is good because love is on the way'
And love floods the world right before my eyes
Everybody is dancing and slapping hi fives
And such beautiful music fills the sky and we all sing along
And now I snap out of my daydream
And I can't believe how real it seems
But I keep on dancing anyway
It's turning out to be a beautiful day
Sometimes I measure my day by how many things go my way
And when things go wrong I usually get mad
But this time I'm glad my song didn't turn out sad
Friday, February 13, 2009
Embracing V-Day
Normally when Valentine’s Day rolls around each year, I get a bit cynical. [I know, you all are shocked to hear it. AHEM!] Typically, I tend to scoff at the idea of love and romance for a few hours. I recluse away. My sarcastic genes come out to play. You know like last year, when I blogged about how I especially enjoy watching horror films on V-Day. I mean I do like scary movies, and yes, a lot of them involve a darling cute couple being chased around by a psychotic crazed man in a mask, who I am sure is only like he is because he’s got a broken heart, and so I don’t judge him. But, it’s not as if I like watching adorable couples get the axe all the time.
Those that know me well, know that I’m actually a romantic at heart. [sigh!] I love romantic poetry. The Brownings are 2 of my favorite poets, and I marvel at their story and their blossoming creativity as love crept into their lives. I love reading other people’s love letters. No, I’m not talking about stealing mail from people mailboxes. I don’t do that. I just like reading published love letters or those passed down through the generations. I bought a couple of love letter anthologies a few years ago, and I love reading through them--laughing at the raw honesty, tearing up at the depth of emotion and feeling, enjoying the vivid language of the heart. I'm crazy about romantic music. Just check my MP3 player, it is full of love songs: Michael Buble, Sarah Brightman, Chris Rice--just to name a couple. One look at my movie collection and most people can see a theme emerging. I'm in love with love.
But in a way I’m a romantic without any romance. And I guess those that can’t find a love of their own, write about it, sing about it, dream about it, and occasionally turn cynical and ooze sarcasm from every pore about this very thing. The latter is usually what happens to me about this time every year, but in short order I recover and return to my normal dream-like state but not without a few hours or more of bitter cynicism where I smash my rose-colored glasses and brood away.
However, I've determined already that this year will be different. OK, so I'm already a bit sentimental, and so it's been a bit of a rough start, but being sappy is not the same thing as being bitter, now is it! Truly, I'm going to try and embrace Valentine’s Day. For starter, I'm going to stop referring to Valentine's Day as Single Awareness Day (or S.A.D) this year. I'm going to put away my banners, my S.A.D. pins. I'm going to attempt to avoid hysterics or spiteful lectures to all who cross my path about the discrimination of singles on this most unholy day. Yes, it is is a day celebrating love, which many may feel I am lacking. But while I might not have a ring on my finger or George Clooney on my arm, I still have love. I have lots of it.
Without love, I wouldn’t be here. True LOVE bought and redeemed me on the cross. And love was definitely involved in my creation, and my parents love me still. I have 4 siblings that I love and mostly have their love in return. I say mostly because, come on, 3 of my siblings are my older brothers, and they don’t do the mushy stuff well, but I think they love me, and I know my younger sister loves me. [Sis, you do, right?] I have amazing co-workers that brought in Valentine's Day treats for everyone today including a special plate made just for me with a Weight Watchers muffin and a sugar free pudding cup. I have delightful girlfriends that always get together at my place on Valentine's Day for food and a movie marathon, and we're all getting together tomorrow like usual for a fun evening.
See, Valentine's Day isn't all that bad. I'm warming up to it already. OK, V-Day, come on over here and give me a squdge. Yep, this is me embracing the day. It'll all be good.
Wherever you are, whether you are alone or in a crowded room, whether you are with your other half or still in search of that connection--you are loved. There is one, THE ONE, that loves each of us with a fervent love beyond comprehension. HIS love continues to change the world, and it will change your world, too, if you let it. I can introduce you if you like...
Those that know me well, know that I’m actually a romantic at heart. [sigh!] I love romantic poetry. The Brownings are 2 of my favorite poets, and I marvel at their story and their blossoming creativity as love crept into their lives. I love reading other people’s love letters. No, I’m not talking about stealing mail from people mailboxes. I don’t do that. I just like reading published love letters or those passed down through the generations. I bought a couple of love letter anthologies a few years ago, and I love reading through them--laughing at the raw honesty, tearing up at the depth of emotion and feeling, enjoying the vivid language of the heart. I'm crazy about romantic music. Just check my MP3 player, it is full of love songs: Michael Buble, Sarah Brightman, Chris Rice--just to name a couple. One look at my movie collection and most people can see a theme emerging. I'm in love with love.
But in a way I’m a romantic without any romance. And I guess those that can’t find a love of their own, write about it, sing about it, dream about it, and occasionally turn cynical and ooze sarcasm from every pore about this very thing. The latter is usually what happens to me about this time every year, but in short order I recover and return to my normal dream-like state but not without a few hours or more of bitter cynicism where I smash my rose-colored glasses and brood away.
However, I've determined already that this year will be different. OK, so I'm already a bit sentimental, and so it's been a bit of a rough start, but being sappy is not the same thing as being bitter, now is it! Truly, I'm going to try and embrace Valentine’s Day. For starter, I'm going to stop referring to Valentine's Day as Single Awareness Day (or S.A.D) this year. I'm going to put away my banners, my S.A.D. pins. I'm going to attempt to avoid hysterics or spiteful lectures to all who cross my path about the discrimination of singles on this most unholy day. Yes, it is is a day celebrating love, which many may feel I am lacking. But while I might not have a ring on my finger or George Clooney on my arm, I still have love. I have lots of it.
Without love, I wouldn’t be here. True LOVE bought and redeemed me on the cross. And love was definitely involved in my creation, and my parents love me still. I have 4 siblings that I love and mostly have their love in return. I say mostly because, come on, 3 of my siblings are my older brothers, and they don’t do the mushy stuff well, but I think they love me, and I know my younger sister loves me. [Sis, you do, right?] I have amazing co-workers that brought in Valentine's Day treats for everyone today including a special plate made just for me with a Weight Watchers muffin and a sugar free pudding cup. I have delightful girlfriends that always get together at my place on Valentine's Day for food and a movie marathon, and we're all getting together tomorrow like usual for a fun evening.
See, Valentine's Day isn't all that bad. I'm warming up to it already. OK, V-Day, come on over here and give me a squdge. Yep, this is me embracing the day. It'll all be good.
Wherever you are, whether you are alone or in a crowded room, whether you are with your other half or still in search of that connection--you are loved. There is one, THE ONE, that loves each of us with a fervent love beyond comprehension. HIS love continues to change the world, and it will change your world, too, if you let it. I can introduce you if you like...
The Thinking Male: Fact or Fiction
I really liked this week’s single article on Christianity Today. I teared up as I was reading it. Give me a break. I’m sappy today. Plus it’s Friday the 13th, which makes things a bit weird anyway, only to be followed by tomorrow which is Valentine’s Day, normally referred to as Single Awareness Day (or S.A.D) by yours truly. I’m in a great mood. I really am, but for some reason, I’m a bit sentimental. And somehow reading this well-written short article, reminded me again about that I am not alone, which made me think perhaps a bit too much...
1. The title fooled me. I wasn’t sure what this one was going to be about, but it was a lot deeper than I had presumed.**And as for the the thinking male thing, you all know I'm kidding, right? I am blessed and privileged to know MANY men who think regularly, and many of them are more analytical than I am. So I know the thinking man exists.
2. I’m glad to hear that there are single men out there that think and dream about their future spouse. Some of the married women I have met have indicated that men don’t think at all, and so I’ve been told that I need to stop setting the bar so high. AHEM! Now, I had thought that those comments might have been a bit one-sided, but I kept hearing them. So you can imagine my delight to find out that there are men that exist and are quite capable of thinking.** And not only that, there are men who actually dream. This makes me happy. Doesn’t change the status quo, but it gives one reason to hope. [sigh!]
3. It is so easy to get consumed with play-by-play scenarios or imagining what it will be like to meet the right one, the things you will want to ask that person, the stories you'll need to tell them, the lifetime you're eager to share. I’ve been there before. OK, let’s face, I live THERE. So I think this CT author hit the nail right on the head with pondering the idea that perhaps we do set up our future spouse as an idol by placing thoughts of that special person above GOD. It does happen. I’ve questioned myself on this point more than once, and it is still something this perpetual dreamer struggles with from time to time. Quite honestly, I’m glad to know that others are working this area out in their lives as well.
4. I forget so often that I am loved, loved beyond measure. I'm not forsaken because I have an empty ring finger. I am loved by THE ONE. THE ONE who created me. THE ONE who took the trouble to work out the details of my coloring, eyes, hair, and frame. THE ONE who feeds me, clothes me, provides shelter for me, and meets my every need. THE ONE who brought my sister and brother-in-law together, my parents together, my grandparents together, my great-grandparents together. And if HE has another one out there designed for me in mind, HE will work it out and bring us together. If not, I am already part of the bride of CHRIST. I’m already chosen, hand-selected by the ULTIMATE GROOM in all HIS RADIANCE to join HIM in the most amazing wedding feast ever. Yes, I am loved by THE ONE, and HIS love will never fail me and never leaves me lonely. I am lonely only when I forget what certainty awaits me...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
You Know You Are Tired When...
Your co-worker sends you a meeting notice with the subject line: "How about lunch toady?" You accept the meeting notice and start thinking about what to eat for lunch. So it's 7:40 AM and you just finished your breakfast. One meal down it's time to plan for lunch. HA!
A few minutes later, this same co-worker sends you an instant message telling you about the slip-up of "toady" rather than "today." It is then you realize that you were insulted and hadn't even noticed.
Hmmmm...Mel-Belle, you might want to get some extra sleep tonight! Hee hee!
A few minutes later, this same co-worker sends you an instant message telling you about the slip-up of "toady" rather than "today." It is then you realize that you were insulted and hadn't even noticed.
Hmmmm...Mel-Belle, you might want to get some extra sleep tonight! Hee hee!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Elusive Will of GOD
I've been struggling lately with the concept of true Christian service. I've been wanting to do more, be more active, feel like I'm making a difference. So I waited on GOD's leadership for a couple of months, praying about it, reading about it, and eventually drumming my fingers on the table with impatience. Come on, LORD, where are you? What do you want me to do? I'm just waiting here, waiting for you to move me, waiting for you to tell me what you want from me.
As the weeks went by, I got more frustrated, irritated and disheartened. LORD, I've got this burning desire to be actively serving you. Why aren't you guiding me? Where are you? I need your direction. No answer.
So finally, I decided to be proactive and look for opportunities myself. I followed up on a local ministry through another church that I've been curious about for years now. I sent out an email to a leader at my church asking how I could help. I got up and got moving--thinking at the time that I was probably being too hasty and rushing in without consulting HIM. Seriously, I actually was expecting HIM to slap my hands and put me in time out.
But now, looking back over the last few weeks, I think that was GOD's plan all along. HE was waiting for me to jump in. I was the one stalling the entire time. It wasn't HIM holding me back. I was holding myself back. HE wanted me to stop whining about unanswered prayers, stop making excuses for my lack of involvement, stop waiting for some big sign in the sky about where and what to do, and just find a place of need and fill it. That's what I'm supposed to be doing.
I still have plenty of misconceptions in my head about the call of GOD in my life that I'm still working through. There have been numerous times lately where GOD has brought opportunities my way, and I hesitated just waiting for HIM to direct me forward. HE was directing. HIS fingerprints were all over those moments, those chances HE had orchestrated, and there I was wanting some bold neon signs to follow. I wouldn't budge without HIM signing my permission slip.
I think I have been carrying around this idea in my head that unless I was miserable I couldn't truly be serving HIM. Unless I was off in the Amazon jungle fighting off mosquitoes and spiders the size of dinner plates to spread the love of CHRIST, I couldn't truly be serving GOD. Unless I was making incredible larger-than-life sacrifices, I wasn't really in Christian service at all. When will I learn that GOD doesn't work in each of us the same way? HE doesn't call all of us to be a George Mueller, an Amy Carmichael, or an Elisabeth Elliott. HIS will for my life and your life is unique, one-of-a-kind as well.
I love to edit and write, and I love to take photos and document events, but I didn't think that GOD would give me an opportunity like that because I'd enjoy it too much. And yet, those are some of the opportunities GOD has brought my way lately. When I should have been excited about them and jumping at the chances, there I was stumbling along, sure that there had to be a mistake because it just seemed too perfect. But why wouldn't GOD use the abilities HE has given me? Why am I surprised when HE chooses to use them for HIS service?
LORD, I marvel at the way you choose to work. Forgive me for hesitating, for wavering when these opportunities have clearly been designed by YOUR hand. Forgive my childish ideas about your will. Broaden my scope, LORD. Help me to see with your eyes and to move forward trusting in the hand holding my own.
As the weeks went by, I got more frustrated, irritated and disheartened. LORD, I've got this burning desire to be actively serving you. Why aren't you guiding me? Where are you? I need your direction. No answer.
So finally, I decided to be proactive and look for opportunities myself. I followed up on a local ministry through another church that I've been curious about for years now. I sent out an email to a leader at my church asking how I could help. I got up and got moving--thinking at the time that I was probably being too hasty and rushing in without consulting HIM. Seriously, I actually was expecting HIM to slap my hands and put me in time out.
But now, looking back over the last few weeks, I think that was GOD's plan all along. HE was waiting for me to jump in. I was the one stalling the entire time. It wasn't HIM holding me back. I was holding myself back. HE wanted me to stop whining about unanswered prayers, stop making excuses for my lack of involvement, stop waiting for some big sign in the sky about where and what to do, and just find a place of need and fill it. That's what I'm supposed to be doing.
I still have plenty of misconceptions in my head about the call of GOD in my life that I'm still working through. There have been numerous times lately where GOD has brought opportunities my way, and I hesitated just waiting for HIM to direct me forward. HE was directing. HIS fingerprints were all over those moments, those chances HE had orchestrated, and there I was wanting some bold neon signs to follow. I wouldn't budge without HIM signing my permission slip.
I think I have been carrying around this idea in my head that unless I was miserable I couldn't truly be serving HIM. Unless I was off in the Amazon jungle fighting off mosquitoes and spiders the size of dinner plates to spread the love of CHRIST, I couldn't truly be serving GOD. Unless I was making incredible larger-than-life sacrifices, I wasn't really in Christian service at all. When will I learn that GOD doesn't work in each of us the same way? HE doesn't call all of us to be a George Mueller, an Amy Carmichael, or an Elisabeth Elliott. HIS will for my life and your life is unique, one-of-a-kind as well.
I love to edit and write, and I love to take photos and document events, but I didn't think that GOD would give me an opportunity like that because I'd enjoy it too much. And yet, those are some of the opportunities GOD has brought my way lately. When I should have been excited about them and jumping at the chances, there I was stumbling along, sure that there had to be a mistake because it just seemed too perfect. But why wouldn't GOD use the abilities HE has given me? Why am I surprised when HE chooses to use them for HIS service?
LORD, I marvel at the way you choose to work. Forgive me for hesitating, for wavering when these opportunities have clearly been designed by YOUR hand. Forgive my childish ideas about your will. Broaden my scope, LORD. Help me to see with your eyes and to move forward trusting in the hand holding my own.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Visiting the BMV
This week I headed to the local BMV to renew my driver’s license. Yes, it’s that time again--time for another totally unflattering photo to keep in my wallet for years to come. I can't wait!
The clerk started off my visit with the basic questions: was my address still the same? could I confirm my date of birth? etc. But then the questions got a bit more personal.
As for the photo, it's not great, but it's far better than the old one. Hee hee!
Oh, and I just have to say visit to the BMV this year was the best I've had in Indiana. The clerks were friendly, their service was quick, and my visit was relatively painless. Kudos to the hard-working employees at the BMV off of Michigan and 86th Streets! You're awesome!
The clerk started off my visit with the basic questions: was my address still the same? could I confirm my date of birth? etc. But then the questions got a bit more personal.
Her: Is your height still 5 foot 1 inch?Inside I was laughing at the irony. Why?--you may ask. Well, because my driver’s license listed weight is correct for the first time in 6 years or so. Come on. BE HAPPY FOR ME! I’m no longer living a lie. And no, I’m not going to tell you what my driver’s license says or show you my license either. Please! Some things a woman ALWAYS likes to keep private.
Me: No, I’m actually just a hair over 5 foot now. I lost almost an inch.
Her: (She smiled and waved it off.) That’s close enough. We’ll leave it. (I was elated. Think tall! Think tall!)
Her: And is your weight current here? (She asked handing me my old license to review.)
Me: Yes, it really is, and it should be less next week.
As for the photo, it's not great, but it's far better than the old one. Hee hee!
Oh, and I just have to say visit to the BMV this year was the best I've had in Indiana. The clerks were friendly, their service was quick, and my visit was relatively painless. Kudos to the hard-working employees at the BMV off of Michigan and 86th Streets! You're awesome!
Diet Girl Continues Making Changes
Diet Girl keeps plugging along on this non-diet called Weight Watchers. I’ve been told to stop calling this a diet since Weight Watchers doesn’t refer to their plan as a diet but rather a lifestyle change. It is that, BUT for all practical purposes this plan is helping me adjust my diet. Thus, it’s a diet. Plus, I just like the idea of being Diet Girl. So I’m keeping the title and wearing my cape with pride. So there. Hmmmm…I wonder what color cape I should invest in—orange, green or purple? Or maybe I should just stick with the classic red or blue? Such dilemmas…[sigh!]
Well, let me update you on my lifestyle changes, and just to clarify here, I’m referring to my changes in dietary habits not something more significant here.
Thank you, LORD, for the continued strength, motivation and endurance you have provided. YOU have blessed my efforts, and I am grateful. Thank YOU!
Well, let me update you on my lifestyle changes, and just to clarify here, I’m referring to my changes in dietary habits not something more significant here.
1. I’m down a total of 72.6 pounds as of this week. WOOHOO!!Yes, these last 10 months have brought about a lot of changes in my life, and I’m thankful for the progress made thus far. My friends and family have been so invigorating to me, and I’m grateful for their continued patience. My sister has been my stalwart companion, my inspiration and avid encourager. Thanks again, Sis, for giving me the needed nudge to start down this path. Our one-year anniversary will soon be here. We'll have to celebrate!
2. I had my measurements taken for the 2nd time in 5 months a couple of weeks back, and I had lost a total of 18 inches in those 5 months. I was very excited. The scale doesn’t always tell the full story. Sometimes, I can tell I have lost inches even when my weight hasn’t changed much, just by the way clothes are fitting, etc. It was extra nice to hear about those inches disappearing to give me a boost.
3. I’m finding that I’m getting full faster especially during meals. For example, I had a delicious Lean Cuisine frozen entrée for lunch today along with a Dole fruit cup, and afterwards, I was feeling a bit too full. See, I shouldn’t have added that fruit cup. Now three months ago, a frozen entrée wouldn’t have filled me up at all. But I’m discovering with most things that the recommended serving size is adequate for my needs. Who knew that you didn’t need to eat half of a big bag of chips to get enough? Hee hee!
4. Fruit and vegetables are delicious. I’ve always like fruit, but lately, I can’t seem to get enough. I think fresh grapes are still my favorite, but I enjoy a good orange, a handful of cherries or blueberries, a not-too-ripe banana, a crunchy Fuji apple, or a juicy peach or nectarine most days as well. As for the veggies, I’m still eating a lot of them. I love corn, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes (regular and sweet)--just to name a few. Some days, I eat very little meat at all. No, I’m not a vegetarian. I still eat chicken, pork and beef, but I just don't eat it quite as much as I used to. However, acouple of times a month, I'll just get a serious craving for a steak, and since I eat out less and less, when I do get out, I love splurging on a medium-well done steak. YUM!
5. I’m still doing Tae-Bo throughout the week. I’m not quite ready to be on Billy Blank’s next DVD series, but my workout is coming along just fine.
Thank you, LORD, for the continued strength, motivation and endurance you have provided. YOU have blessed my efforts, and I am grateful. Thank YOU!
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