Well, I had some errands to run and a few last-minute dinner supplies to pick up, and so I headed out of my apartment only to stop dead in my tracks. There was a beautiful gift bag with bright pink tissue paper on the welcome mat just outside my door. Naturally, my first thought was that there was some mistake. It surely wasn’t for me. I wasn’t expecting anything. I'd already gotten valentines from my younger nieces and nephews, and from my Mom and my sister. So maybe this gift bag was for my super model girlfriend across the hall or the sweet, talkative retiree Doris who lives next-door? Or maybe it got delivered to the wrong floor somehow?
I picked up the bag and peaked inside, and my heart skipped a beat. There was something blue inside: a smurf. Hold everything! THIS COULD BE FOR ME! I love the Smurfs, and while I don’t admittedly share that fact with everyone, I have on occasion told a few select individuals about my sweet Saturday morning memories of the 3-apple-high friends of the forest. Well, I searched in the bag for a card, and found a Spider-man valentine and what do you know...it was addressed to "My Dearest Melanie." WOW! This was good. It WAS for me, and it was from the Earl of Pembroke (aka Stumpy)...it's a really long story that I won’t go into here, but I immediately knew exactly who it was from.
The whole scenario reminded me of a Chris Rice song. STOP LAUGHING! I know, I’ve been quoting Chris a lot out here. Yes, he’s been producing music for years, and I’m way behind the times since I’m just now discovering all these amazing lyrics that the man has written. Oh well! Better late than never, right. He’s a gifted artist, a brilliant musician, a stunning lyricist--and all with the soul of a poet. It moves me. So, there it is. I’ve become a fan. And no, I'm not being paid for my endorsement of his music, but you really should check it out for yourself.
Anyway back to the rambling at hand, the song that came to mind is SO MUCH FOR MY SAD SONG, and it pretty much described my day. I was prepared for some escalating melodrama on Valentine’s Day. I was sure that tears were just around the corner or a chocolate-gorging incident would overtake me, but instead, I had a marvelous day and ate relatively healthy the whole day. My evening with my fellow single girlfriends was wonderful. Becky, Jessica and I selected a British period drama, North & South, to watch together. We thought it was fitting since our British trip is less than 3 months away now. WOOHOO!! Our friend Lise came over and joined us for the movie. It was fun introducing her to North & South, which has, I believe, the best film ending EVER. Yes, you have to wait 4 hours to get to it, but that ending is well-worth the dramatic delay...it is magical, delightful and so romantic. [sigh!] It takes my breath away. It’s a must-see.
So all in all, I think this was probably my best Valentine’s Day ever. GOD reminded me again of HIS unfailing love through my friendships, a special delivery from my friend, a sweet call from my sister Barbara, and just HIS presence throughout the day. The day had potential for disaster, but HE had other plans, and I’m so glad. Thank you, LORD, for turning it all around.
by Chris Rice
The first thought through my sleepy head when I fell outta my bed is I
Hope the sky is grey I'm gonna write a sad song today.
So I make up my mind, slip on my shoes,
I'm gonna pick up a paper and read the news
Cause I'm sure to find enough blues to write my sad song
But when I open the door and the sun spills through
Takes away my breath and I think of you and the only blues to hit my eyes are those beautiful blues in the clear blue sky
So much for my sad song
So much for my sorry attitude
Let's make this a love song instead
Cause I'm so in love with you
Come on let's go out and play
Save the sad song for another day
No time for tears
I'm wearing a smile
So much for my sad song
So much for my sad song
So I pick up the news like I said I would
Drop my jaw right where I stood
Cause the headline reads 'all the news is good because love is on the way'
And love floods the world right before my eyes
Everybody is dancing and slapping hi fives
And such beautiful music fills the sky and we all sing along
And now I snap out of my daydream
And I can't believe how real it seems
But I keep on dancing anyway
It's turning out to be a beautiful day
Sometimes I measure my day by how many things go my way
And when things go wrong I usually get mad
But this time I'm glad my song didn't turn out sad
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