I love LDM SonRise Retreats. I have been participating as a weekend volunteer companion since last October, and it has been an incredible journey, and one I am delighted GOD started me on. [Thanks for the nudge, Barb!]
These weekends are just extraordinary, and I have encountered GOD everywhere – in every face, every laugh, every song, every prayer. HE is there, reminding me of HIS love, HIS patience, HIS kindness. I almost feel guilty that I have such a good time “serving,” when I truly feel that it is my heart GOD is ministering to. HE is meeting my needs through the interaction and blessings of others.
The campers are full of love and joy. These teens and adults with special needs have an overwhelming ABILITY to lift spirits, encourage others and show GOD’s love and grace in new ways. I have learned a great deal from them, and I am starting to believe that a person simply cannot get enough hugs. I feel very loved.
I’ve gained a lot more respect for younger Christian teenagers and adults. I’m older than most of the volunteers, and at first, I confess, it was a little intimidating. OK, it was a LOT intimidating. But once I got over it, I discovered some amazing friends in these brothers and sisters in Christ. We’ve worshiped, sang songs, studied GOD’s Word, cared for the needs of others, laughed to tears, crafted for hours, and shared life together as we’ve served side by side. In short, we’ve bonded.
On a retreat weekend, we all fit in – campers, companions and staff together. For three days, we are a family. On those weekends, I feel we more closely resemble the body of Christ the way GOD intended. There are no misfits. No cliques. No one is shunned or left out. We are a community of believers, brought together in harmony and unity under the precious blood of Christ. Perhaps, it is just a glimmer of the way Heaven will be.
Yes, LDM SonRise Retreats are just the kind of community therapy I have needed these last few months, and the blessings I have received have far outweighed the costs.
FATHER, thank YOU for bringing the gift of LDM into my life. I am grateful.
Not quite like the small, square yellow sticky notes at all really...think legal size post-its!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
I See a Short Stranger in Your Future
My fortune cookie at lunch the other day read:
Later that evening as I went for my daily walk/jog, I spotted a short candidate. OK, the truth is that I spotted his 2 beautiful dogs first. Come on, they were big dogs, and every one knows that I’m a sucker for big dogs. I really wanted to run over and pet them. But then I noticed who the dogs were “pulling,” and so I did take a second nonchalant look as they got closer to me. No, we didn’t meet and fall madly in love on the trail, but I did say hi (probably with a dorky smile on my face), and he said hi back. It wasn’t quite the magic I hoped for, but you know, we were just passing each other going in opposite directions on the path, and so you never know. But for now, I’m keeping my options open. Hee hee!
But getting back to my lunch conversation, I feel the need to relay some new information that I learned at lunch that day...about women who are NOT vertically challenged. You see, I’m short (and obviously THAT is not the breath-taking news you are waiting for here). AHEM! Anyway, what I learned was that tall women struggle to find tall men to date/marry because short women are also on the lookout for tall men. OK, so it’s not mind-blowing here. It kinda makes sense. I just didn’t know it was such an issue, but two of my lunch pals were tall, married women, and they shared stories with me. My eyes were opened to the challenges tall women face.
I didn’t realize that tall women resent short women who pursue the only prospects these taller women can dance with respectively in heels. I had no idea, but I am happy to report on the dancing score that I would be no competition to a tall women in heels -- no competition AT ALL. I am completely unable to move to any kind of rhythm in a less than sporadic manner, and so I would not be an ideal dance partner anyway. HA!
But as a member of the pint-size league, I confess, height is attractive. I mean, just the fact that a guy can reach something on the top shelf is sexy. But as much as I joke about height and needing a tall male in my future, the truth is that I’m just 5 feet tall, and so someone with 5 or 6 inches on me is quite tall to me. So, in reality, I’m not really out to marry a giant or steal the heart of the last tall single male. I’m not. I’m not that girl.
But that being said, I’m also probably not gonna walk away from the love of my life just because he has more than 6 inches on me. HA! Can you just picture it? Me standing on a chair so I can look into his eyes and tell him as gently as I can that I can’t marry him because he is too tall, and I would feel too much guilt because there are far too many single tall females in search of a such a man with height. It would be so sad, and you know I don’t like to see anyone in pain, and so I would do what I’d have to do.
And hopefully, all my tall single girlfriends would still talk to me and come to the wedding!
A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share.My friends and I all laughed, and then the joke for the rest of the day was that we were all scouting for a short stranger for me – a single male, to be more precise.
Later that evening as I went for my daily walk/jog, I spotted a short candidate. OK, the truth is that I spotted his 2 beautiful dogs first. Come on, they were big dogs, and every one knows that I’m a sucker for big dogs. I really wanted to run over and pet them. But then I noticed who the dogs were “pulling,” and so I did take a second nonchalant look as they got closer to me. No, we didn’t meet and fall madly in love on the trail, but I did say hi (probably with a dorky smile on my face), and he said hi back. It wasn’t quite the magic I hoped for, but you know, we were just passing each other going in opposite directions on the path, and so you never know. But for now, I’m keeping my options open. Hee hee!
But getting back to my lunch conversation, I feel the need to relay some new information that I learned at lunch that day...about women who are NOT vertically challenged. You see, I’m short (and obviously THAT is not the breath-taking news you are waiting for here). AHEM! Anyway, what I learned was that tall women struggle to find tall men to date/marry because short women are also on the lookout for tall men. OK, so it’s not mind-blowing here. It kinda makes sense. I just didn’t know it was such an issue, but two of my lunch pals were tall, married women, and they shared stories with me. My eyes were opened to the challenges tall women face.
I didn’t realize that tall women resent short women who pursue the only prospects these taller women can dance with respectively in heels. I had no idea, but I am happy to report on the dancing score that I would be no competition to a tall women in heels -- no competition AT ALL. I am completely unable to move to any kind of rhythm in a less than sporadic manner, and so I would not be an ideal dance partner anyway. HA!
But as a member of the pint-size league, I confess, height is attractive. I mean, just the fact that a guy can reach something on the top shelf is sexy. But as much as I joke about height and needing a tall male in my future, the truth is that I’m just 5 feet tall, and so someone with 5 or 6 inches on me is quite tall to me. So, in reality, I’m not really out to marry a giant or steal the heart of the last tall single male. I’m not. I’m not that girl.
But that being said, I’m also probably not gonna walk away from the love of my life just because he has more than 6 inches on me. HA! Can you just picture it? Me standing on a chair so I can look into his eyes and tell him as gently as I can that I can’t marry him because he is too tall, and I would feel too much guilt because there are far too many single tall females in search of a such a man with height. It would be so sad, and you know I don’t like to see anyone in pain, and so I would do what I’d have to do.
And hopefully, all my tall single girlfriends would still talk to me and come to the wedding!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hello. My Name is Melanie, and I’m Tech-Savvy.
Or rather I would like you to think I am, but I’ll let you in on a not-so-big secret...I’m not. How long can one blame technology for their own personal inadequacies? Just curious. I’d like to see how long I can keep up with my lame and pathetic techno excuses before my friends start pounding on my door, or my family puts out an APB to determine if I am alive or not.
SLEEPING: I overslept on Sunday and missed all 3 of the AM services (AHEM). I didn’t correctly set my alarm on my new Smartphone. I thought I had it all set and went to bed all proud of my accomplishment. Now in my defense, I was really exhausted and probably needed the sleep (see previous post about the crazy hike around the city the day prior, which incidentally really means that this is all Becky’s fault). So when I woke up after 10, I was feeling pretty amazing and then groaned as I saw the clock. I didn’t think I could sleep in that late any more. HA! Just proved myself wrong. Well, lesson learned. I have now figured out the alarm and have gotten up on time at 5 AM every day since. Go, Mel!
VOICEMAIL: It took me a couple of days to figure out how to set-up my voicemail. I kept trying to record a personal message, and it wasn’t working – something about recording issues. It wasn’t picking up my voice. UGH! Where the heck is the microphone on this phone anyway? OK, so I finally found it and then gave a lecture about how things need to be clearly marked. Come on, what happened to all-inclusive user guides that clearly identify everything for you? I miss those days – forget the fact that I can access that very guide online at any moment on the same-said Smartphone. That doesn’t matter. I wanted it in black and white and in my hands, like now.
CALLS: I have missed a couple of calls from friends. I once was accused of screening my calls, but I’m not doing that right now – honest! I just couldn’t figure out how to answer my phone. Oh and while we are talking about calls...how is it possible that the telemarketers have already found me? Seriously. My first 2 calls were from somebody selling something! HA!
Yes, I think my Smartphone and I are going to come to workable terms eventually. He is a bit quirky. Yes, my phone is definitely male. No doubt about it. He doesn’t think or act like a girl at all. He’s all logical and stuff, and he doesn’t seem to read my mind or notice my frustration level, and so I have to totally spell it out for him. DUH! Hee hee! So I guess until he and I team up and learn to more effectively communicate with one another, I might miss a few more telemarketer calls or fail to catch a voicemail promptly. But please don’t despair. There is hope. We’ll get it together sooner or later.
Hey, on the upside, did I mention that I can update my Facebook, MySpace and Twitter all in one fail swoop? I like that option. Makes me feel like I am really communicating. HA!
Gotta run. Must Tweet.
SLEEPING: I overslept on Sunday and missed all 3 of the AM services (AHEM). I didn’t correctly set my alarm on my new Smartphone. I thought I had it all set and went to bed all proud of my accomplishment. Now in my defense, I was really exhausted and probably needed the sleep (see previous post about the crazy hike around the city the day prior, which incidentally really means that this is all Becky’s fault). So when I woke up after 10, I was feeling pretty amazing and then groaned as I saw the clock. I didn’t think I could sleep in that late any more. HA! Just proved myself wrong. Well, lesson learned. I have now figured out the alarm and have gotten up on time at 5 AM every day since. Go, Mel!
VOICEMAIL: It took me a couple of days to figure out how to set-up my voicemail. I kept trying to record a personal message, and it wasn’t working – something about recording issues. It wasn’t picking up my voice. UGH! Where the heck is the microphone on this phone anyway? OK, so I finally found it and then gave a lecture about how things need to be clearly marked. Come on, what happened to all-inclusive user guides that clearly identify everything for you? I miss those days – forget the fact that I can access that very guide online at any moment on the same-said Smartphone. That doesn’t matter. I wanted it in black and white and in my hands, like now.
CALLS: I have missed a couple of calls from friends. I once was accused of screening my calls, but I’m not doing that right now – honest! I just couldn’t figure out how to answer my phone. Oh and while we are talking about calls...how is it possible that the telemarketers have already found me? Seriously. My first 2 calls were from somebody selling something! HA!
Yes, I think my Smartphone and I are going to come to workable terms eventually. He is a bit quirky. Yes, my phone is definitely male. No doubt about it. He doesn’t think or act like a girl at all. He’s all logical and stuff, and he doesn’t seem to read my mind or notice my frustration level, and so I have to totally spell it out for him. DUH! Hee hee! So I guess until he and I team up and learn to more effectively communicate with one another, I might miss a few more telemarketer calls or fail to catch a voicemail promptly. But please don’t despair. There is hope. We’ll get it together sooner or later.
Hey, on the upside, did I mention that I can update my Facebook, MySpace and Twitter all in one fail swoop? I like that option. Makes me feel like I am really communicating. HA!
Gotta run. Must Tweet.
Exploring My City
I've been on a got-to-get-out-of-my-apartment kick this spring, and I think it's a good thing. Lots of exercise and sunshine makes me a happy, albeit slightly sun-burned, girl. I'm really enjoying my 4x10 work week and having Fridays OFF is a real pleasure, and last weekend was especially incredible.
Friday: After a fun lunch with girlfriends, I strolled through the IMA to catch the latest Tara Donovan exhibition and then meandered through the gardens. The IMA is a favorite city haunt for me, and I am there at least once a month. As a bonus, I happened to catch my favorite magnolia tree in bloom, and so I was elated.
Saturday: Becky and I drove downtown and walked through the Indiana War Memorial Plaza Historic District. Did you know that Indianapolis is second only to Washington D.C. in acreage and number of monuments dedicated to veterans? Well, now you do, and it is pretty amazing to see them all. The World War Memorial is probably still my favorite downtown building, and no visit would be complete without a trek up those stairs to the Shrine Room.
We also visited the newly reopened Soldiers and Sailors Monument and opted to take the stairs. Yep, that is not a typo. We chose to take the stairs and walked 331 steps (24 stories or 32 flights of stairs) to the top of the monument for some great views of our state's capital, and then we turned back around and took the 331 stairs back down again. It was quite a workout, but it felt good to do it. We rewarded ourselves with some ice cream afterwards, and I completely feel we earned it. Totally deserved it! OK, I confess that I might have felt slightly guilty about the sugar cone because I headed back out for my "slog" (slog = slow jog) when I got home.
Sunday: I visited Holliday Park and walked along the White River trails for a while and then hit the park highlights. Even though I wish "The Ruins" at Holliday Park were better maintained, I still like them, and I am always drawn to the impressive 19th century Karl Bitter statues called "The Races of Man."
It was a great weekend for photos (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the city, and I only posted a few (considering the number I took) of each venue, and so give me a bit of credit. Hee hee!
We also visited the newly reopened Soldiers and Sailors Monument and opted to take the stairs. Yep, that is not a typo. We chose to take the stairs and walked 331 steps (24 stories or 32 flights of stairs) to the top of the monument for some great views of our state's capital, and then we turned back around and took the 331 stairs back down again. It was quite a workout, but it felt good to do it. We rewarded ourselves with some ice cream afterwards, and I completely feel we earned it. Totally deserved it! OK, I confess that I might have felt slightly guilty about the sugar cone because I headed back out for my "slog" (slog = slow jog) when I got home.
It was a great weekend for photos (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the city, and I only posted a few (considering the number I took) of each venue, and so give me a bit of credit. Hee hee!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Last One Standing
I'm wondering if Donald Miller realized that his blog postings on what women and men really want from the opposite sex would cause such an onlize buzz and flurry of discussion, but I think it's a good thing. A healthy sharing of ideas and experiences can be very helpful. So thank you!
Sometimes, it is so easy like Elijah to think that we are the last man/woman standing. OK, so he wasn't really convinced he was the last singleton out there, but he did think he was the last man of GOD, but he wasn't. GOD revealed that there were others out there and gave him the confidence to stand again, to be the man GOD wanted him to be.
So somehow, reading the stories and discussions that people have shared this week has been a positive and uplifting experience for me. It's been a good reminder that I am not alone. WE are not alone. There are many other singles still surviving out there, making their mark on the world, desiring more perhaps, but still embracing life and finding their way along this journey we call life.
Sometimes, it is so easy like Elijah to think that we are the last man/woman standing. OK, so he wasn't really convinced he was the last singleton out there, but he did think he was the last man of GOD, but he wasn't. GOD revealed that there were others out there and gave him the confidence to stand again, to be the man GOD wanted him to be.
So somehow, reading the stories and discussions that people have shared this week has been a positive and uplifting experience for me. It's been a good reminder that I am not alone. WE are not alone. There are many other singles still surviving out there, making their mark on the world, desiring more perhaps, but still embracing life and finding their way along this journey we call life.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV): "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Catching Up on Tunes
I try to keep up with new music, but somehow I'm still always behind the times. HA! Oh well, just because my "discovery" is late does NOT change the relevancy, right?
Remedy Drive: Check out their 2008 album, Daylight Is Coming. Not sure which song is my favorite since it keeps changing. Yep, I pretty much like the whole album, but I guess "Hope," "Valuable" and "All Along" stand out.
Needtobreathe: The songs on their latest album from 2009, The Outsiders, really have sunk deep into my mind. OK, so I like the whole album. But a "Girl Named Tennessee" makes me smile, and "Looks Like Love" and "The Garden" really move me. I really enjoy their sound!
Matt Maher: He is not to be confused with my musician friend here in Indianapolis with the same name, but he is pretty awesome, too. Alive Again is a pretty incredible album.
Love and Theft: I know I'll get some flack from my sister for going country for a bit here, but I'm eclectic. I like a lot of different styles of music, and apparently, I've still got some country blood left. HA! Anyway, I enjoy their World Wide Open album. Lots of great harmony.
Regina Spektor: OK, I'm completely switching gears here. Not sure how to classify her tunes really. Her sound is unique, all her own, and the lyrics are so wildly out there, and yet I like her stuff. Her latest album Far is my only exposure to her so far.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
On the LDM SonRise weekend retreats, we sing this song quite a bit, and there are lots of motions that go with the song when we sing it. It’s a very active song, and I love it. So now, every time I hear the song on the radio or on my MP3 player, I just have to move and groove. You know, it's rather hard to sit still at work and hear the song these days. Makes me laugh!
I am free to run. (I am free to run.)
I am free to dance. (I am free to dance.)
I am free to live for YOU. (I am free to live for YOU.)
I am FREE. (I am FREE.)
Awesome lyrics when you think about it. Thank you, Newsboys!
I am free to run. (I am free to run.)
I am free to dance. (I am free to dance.)
I am free to live for YOU. (I am free to live for YOU.)
I am FREE. (I am FREE.)
Awesome lyrics when you think about it. Thank you, Newsboys!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
BIG Hair Monday
Yesterday, I went out for a mid-morning slog (*slog = slow jog), and returned with my naturally wavy hair a convoluted mass of sweat and frizz. Sorry to be so graphic, but I was quite a sight. OK, I know women don’t sweat, we glow, right? HA! WHATEVER! This girl sweats, and yesterday I earned every droplet.
I took an extra day off from work to recover from my Easter break in Michigan, and so I was especially thrilled by the gorgeous weather we were having. I showered after the aforementioned slog* and headed right back outdoors again after lunch. After all, it was too beautiful outside, and I wanted to savor every moment of the unseasonably high temperatures and sunshine.
I drove North to Carmel and visited the walking trails in 2 parks that I had yet to fully explore. Camera in tow, I was snap-happy as I toured nature. I whimsically delighted in the fresh air, the colorful flowers and the “new-to-me” scenery. I love discovering new haunts, and I do relish in the rebirth and energy that spring brings.
Yes, when I returned to my car, I could see my BIG hair reflection in the windows immediately and laughed. Spring is here, and the humidity is on the rise, which means BIGGER hair for some of us who normally have BIG hair anyway. HA! It's all good.
*Yes, I coined a new word. Do you like it?
I took an extra day off from work to recover from my Easter break in Michigan, and so I was especially thrilled by the gorgeous weather we were having. I showered after the aforementioned slog* and headed right back outdoors again after lunch. After all, it was too beautiful outside, and I wanted to savor every moment of the unseasonably high temperatures and sunshine.
I drove North to Carmel and visited the walking trails in 2 parks that I had yet to fully explore. Camera in tow, I was snap-happy as I toured nature. I whimsically delighted in the fresh air, the colorful flowers and the “new-to-me” scenery. I love discovering new haunts, and I do relish in the rebirth and energy that spring brings.
Yes, when I returned to my car, I could see my BIG hair reflection in the windows immediately and laughed. Spring is here, and the humidity is on the rise, which means BIGGER hair for some of us who normally have BIG hair anyway. HA! It's all good.
*Yes, I coined a new word. Do you like it?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Road Tripping Part II
I love road trips. I love listening to tunes as I navigate across America’s highways and byways. I seriously doubt I would enjoy regular cross-country driving. So I think we can rule out my becoming a truck driver in my next career, but I do enjoy the occasional jaunt across the open road...
Wind in my hair...that’s not the wind, that’s the AC. You didn’t think I was going to chance a spider getting in my car, did you? Come on. You know me better than that. Besides, wind makes BIG hair BIGGER! Have you seen Bridget Jones’ Diary? HELLO! That is me, minus the Hollywood makeup, snazzy convertible, the English countryside and Hugh Grant on my arm. SIGH!
Talking and catching up...I do a lot of talking on my road trips. A LOT. OK, so it is all with myself, but it is very freeing and there is a liberal amount of ideas and rampant banter. Between me, myself and I, we have figured out the keys to world peace, solved global warming and discovered the secret of success. I’m still in on-going discussions with an agent. AHEM!
Singing...copious amounts of singing and crooning to MP3 player tunes. I love “random” play. Brandon Heath followed by Snow Patrol, the Bangles followed by Sara Evans, Nickleback followed by Chris Rice, Madonna followed by Michael Buble, Sara Groves followed by Evanescence. Good times!
Wind in my hair...that’s not the wind, that’s the AC. You didn’t think I was going to chance a spider getting in my car, did you? Come on. You know me better than that. Besides, wind makes BIG hair BIGGER! Have you seen Bridget Jones’ Diary? HELLO! That is me, minus the Hollywood makeup, snazzy convertible, the English countryside and Hugh Grant on my arm. SIGH!
Talking and catching up...I do a lot of talking on my road trips. A LOT. OK, so it is all with myself, but it is very freeing and there is a liberal amount of ideas and rampant banter. Between me, myself and I, we have figured out the keys to world peace, solved global warming and discovered the secret of success. I’m still in on-going discussions with an agent. AHEM!
Singing...copious amounts of singing and crooning to MP3 player tunes. I love “random” play. Brandon Heath followed by Snow Patrol, the Bangles followed by Sara Evans, Nickleback followed by Chris Rice, Madonna followed by Michael Buble, Sara Groves followed by Evanescence. Good times!
Road Tripping Part I
THURSDAY: I headed to Michigan for a long Easter weekend spent with my parents and my 94-year-old Grandma. Nothing quite like going home, is there? It felt so good to be in my home state again.
I spent a few hours with my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neal on Thursday afternoon. These dear family friends are not blood relatives, but they have been like second parents to me for as long as I can remember. I showed them my England pictures slideshow and got caught up on all their news.
After dinner, my Mom and I drove to Lexington and walked the pier together. It was a beautiful night, and the water was as clear and lovely as I remember. So much for global warming though, the water levels are way down again this year. AHEM!
FRIDAY: My Mom and I headed to Port Huron for a girl’s day out. We visited the Port Huron lighthouse. There is a story here. Somehow, I didn’t know that this lighthouse existed until 5 or 6 years ago. The lighthouse is only about 25 miles from my childhood home, and yet we were never properly introduced until I was over 30. Not sure how it escaped my notice until then, but it does exist.
We had lunch at a Mongolian Buffet & Grill, where I introduced my Mom to Mongolian cuisine and taught her how to use chopsticks. She is a quick learner! After lunch, we walked along the Blue Water Bridge for a couple of hours--enjoying the scenery and sun and just getting caught up. It was a busy day.
SATURDAY: After lunch, Dad, Mom, Grandma and I headed North up Michigan’s thumb and visited exciting destinations along Lake Huron like Port Sanilac, Granite City and Bad Axe. OK, so those places aren’t all that thrilling in themselves. AHEM! But I enjoy rediscovering Michigan’s coastline, and somehow, I don’t tire of that amazing blue and green water or the shore scenery. I’m a Great Lakes girl for life, I guess.
SUNDAY: I enjoyed getting caught up with some of my dear friends in the church where I grew up. We might not see eye-to-eye on some issues, but I am still blessed to know these amazing brothers and sisters in Christ.
After a fabulous home-cooked ham lunch, I packed up and headed back to Indianapolis. It’s always fun to get away for a few days, but I also enjoy getting back home and enjoying the comforts of life as I know it.
I spent a few hours with my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neal on Thursday afternoon. These dear family friends are not blood relatives, but they have been like second parents to me for as long as I can remember. I showed them my England pictures slideshow and got caught up on all their news.
After dinner, my Mom and I drove to Lexington and walked the pier together. It was a beautiful night, and the water was as clear and lovely as I remember. So much for global warming though, the water levels are way down again this year. AHEM!
FRIDAY: My Mom and I headed to Port Huron for a girl’s day out. We visited the Port Huron lighthouse. There is a story here. Somehow, I didn’t know that this lighthouse existed until 5 or 6 years ago. The lighthouse is only about 25 miles from my childhood home, and yet we were never properly introduced until I was over 30. Not sure how it escaped my notice until then, but it does exist.

SATURDAY: After lunch, Dad, Mom, Grandma and I headed North up Michigan’s thumb and visited exciting destinations along Lake Huron like Port Sanilac, Granite City and Bad Axe. OK, so those places aren’t all that thrilling in themselves. AHEM! But I enjoy rediscovering Michigan’s coastline, and somehow, I don’t tire of that amazing blue and green water or the shore scenery. I’m a Great Lakes girl for life, I guess.
SUNDAY: I enjoyed getting caught up with some of my dear friends in the church where I grew up. We might not see eye-to-eye on some issues, but I am still blessed to know these amazing brothers and sisters in Christ.
After a fabulous home-cooked ham lunch, I packed up and headed back to Indianapolis. It’s always fun to get away for a few days, but I also enjoy getting back home and enjoying the comforts of life as I know it.
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