On Friday, Lisa surprised my sister and I with special quilts her friend Elayne made for us. Barbara has a thing for flip-flops, though I can’t think why. Those things are just so uncomfortable! I can’t wear them, but she loves them, and we saw a quilt with flip flops on it last year at the Indiana State Fair last year, and she fell in love with it, and her new quilt is similar to that one.

Friday night, we headed to Taco Bell for a cheap dinner with the kids, and 2-year-old Harrison toppled backwards in his chair – hitting his head and biting down hard on his tongue. An hour-long visit to the ER proved that he was fine, not in need of stitches and without a concussion; however, the large quantities of blood lost and the trauma of the event will not soon be forgotten by his Mom (or Aunt Mel, for that matter).
On Saturday, we headed out to Jacob’s mid-day soccer game. His team didn’t win, but the “Kickers” still had fun, and isn’t that the most important part of it all?! Of course, I think the after-game-snack is always the big hit regardless. Who cares if they lost by 5 or 10 points—just look at this awesome juice drink and the cheesy popcorn to snack on! I love that about kids. It doesn’t really take much.
My oldest niece Janet, who was home from North Carolina for a couple of weeks, came over and watched the kids while Lisa, Barbara and I headed out for a girls night on the town, which consisted of some consignment shopping, a trip to Kohl’s and then dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. HA! We are quite the party animals, are we not?
It was a fun weekend, and I’ve been trying to catch up on sleep ever since. Maybe this past weekend in combination of the sleepless weekend before at the retreat, are helping me test my stamina limits. HA! It’s all good.
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