Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I'm signed up for a sleep study, per my doctor. This all came about because my roommate at a weekend girls' get-away to St. Louis commented one morning that I seemed to have trouble breathing in my sleep. In fact, I'd stop breathing for a minute, and then it was as if I'd suddenly revive and start wheezing and gasping for air and all this when I was apparently sleeping. I mean, I woke up the next morning and didn't know a thing about it. And goodness, since I live alone with my plants (and they'd never mention it since I'm the real conversationalist, and they usually don't talk back), I had no idea that I was struggling for air in my sleep.

So, after discussing it with my doctor yesterday, she seemed to think it quite possible that I have some kind of sleep apnea disorder. Interesting! My family has thought for years that my oldest brother Mike has sleep apnea, but I don't think he's ever been diagnosed. I just know that when we are all sleeping in the same house, it's rather noticeable when Mike stops breathing. The whole household anxiously waits for him to take a breath. It's rather scary.

On November 30th at 10:15 PM, I will be checking myself into a local hospital for the night. I'll be hooked up to various electrodes and stuff to measure my activity. I'm basically picturing Frankenstein's monster know with cables going everywhere and this leather strap tying me down to a table. HA! I'm supposed to just fall asleep with all this stuff on? We'll see.

Seriously, my real anxiety is that I won't be able to fall asleep at all. My Doctor assured me that every one of her patients have gone to sleep during the study, but leave it to me, I'll be the freak! HA!


Lisa said...

I totally have the same problem. Every once in a while, I will wake up unable to breathe. I have to sit up and gasp for air. It doesn't happen very often though so I've done nothing about it. I've noticed that it happens much more when I'm really stressed out at work. You'll have to keep me updated. Maybe I can self-diagnose myself. :-) And, your plants have no excuse for not sharing what they know. :-)

Anonymous said...

Well it would be like you to be the first patient ever to NOT fall asleep. :) But seriously, I hope they figure this all out.