Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moving On Up...

The boxes arrived in my cubicle this morning. It’s official. My move date is a week from today, and so it is really time to pack up and move, take on new responsibilities, spread my wings, meet new people, and do some writing for a living. I’m rather excited about that last part. Elated, in fact. OK, so writing and editing will only be a portion of my job (maybe 40-50%), but I’m still psyched. It’s a start in the right direction, a new beginning and a welcome challenge allowing me to utilize my college degree. I’m in. ALL in.

I think I have always had a writer’s heart and soul, and so whether I get paid to write or not, I AM A WRITER. Just a fact.
Random Question: What do you do for a living?
Answer: Who me? I’m Melanie, and I’m a writer.

But I will miss my current colleagues in the legal department. These past 5 years have been good ones. I’ve gotten to know some incredible people. Attorneys are quite different from my previous misconceptions. I’ve had a lot of fun in my current job. There has been a lot of hard work, some long hours and plenty of stress as well, but there never seemed to be a shortage of laughs either. While realizing the knowledge that I’ve gained is only the tip of the iceberg, I still have learned a great deal about the world of patents and legal processes. I’ve developed relationships with internal colleagues and outside counsel and made a few friends in the process.

I feel blessed to be where I am now, and as I will soon step away into another role, I feel my current role has been a great preparation for the next phase of my career. I will miss my patent co-horts, but I will only be one floor away from them, and so I’m quite confident that we’ll keep in touch. I’ll need their expertise, their advice and their friendship, too.

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