Thursday, July 8, 2010

Letter From a Concerned Citizen

Dear Makers/Packagers of Orbit Gum,

Thank you for your delicious and amazing product! Orbit is my preferred gum of choice and regularly travels with me. Actually, I rarely leave home without a pack. In fact, if there was ever a game show where a random “contestant” could win a million dollars if they had a pack of Orbit gum on their person, I would be a winning candidate.

So yes, I confess, I’ve been an avid user of Orbit for several years now:
• I quickly bonded with Peppermint, and it is still a clear winner as the gotta-have-it variety kept on hand. Fabulous breath freshener, too.

• Raspberry Lemon Dew is my current chew of choice. I love it! The raspberry flavor is awesome in tandem with that crisp, refreshing lemon zing. YUM!

• Citrusmint and Strawberry mint are both tasty and mouthwatering to my lips.

• Bubblemint is pretty great, too.

• Pina Colada appears to have been a mistake, but maybe I just got a bad “batch”? The flavor was decent, but the texture was rubbery and did not afford me any chewing pleasure.

• As for Wintermint and Spearmint, I’m afraid that I would have voted them off the island long ago. OK, fact is, it’s probably not so much them as it is me. I don’t like anything spearminty at all, and so this shouldn’t come as a surprise at all really.

While I am certainly a devoted fan and an investor in this chomp-happy product, I have recently noticed an alarming trend in regards to the packaging of this mouth-watering merchandise, and I feel the need to bring it to your attention. Lately, each piece of Orbit gum seems to have been welded or super-glued into the foil and cardboard packaging. Seriously, have you tried to get into a pack of your product lately? It’s exhausting and tiresome. A great deal of mangling and pulling is required. Brute force or ample creativity is needed to get the gum wrapper removed from the package, and I'm concerned that someone is going to dislocate a shoulder while trying to get to their gum.

Now, I don’t know if there has been a recent onslaught in gum theft or gum terrorism. Honestly, I don’t follow gum-breaking news, and so it could be that I have just missed the recent headlines about an acceleration in gum crime. I’m usually the last to know these things, but I would appreciate some further investigation on your part. Could you please look into this matter for me? Or possibly just have your people ease up a bit on the stick-em in the packaging? Come on. You want Orbit gum-chewers to be happy, right?

Thanks for listening!

A Concerned Citizen of the Gum-Chewing League

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