Friday, September 30, 2005

Amidst all the mischief and mayhem this week...

There have been bright spots…

Like enjoying sweets and other treats as we celebrated one of my attorney’s birthdays in the office! There is always an abundance of goodies to munch on all day, and while the singing of “happy birthday” was a bit painful for all to hear, I still think the birthday boy liked the attention! Many happy returns of the day, Carl!

Like spending an evening with girlfriends and watching yet another chic flick! No one likes goodbyes really, but sharing pizza and a little wine while enjoying a good movie made our “goodbye to Denae” party easier! We’ll miss you, Denae!

Like having my former boss treat me to lunch at Macaroni Grill. He had a stroke this past March just 3 weeks after his retirement, and so it was so great to see him as active as ever and regaining use of his faculties. And nothing beats a steaming plate of Pasta Milano with bowtie pasta, chicken, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and a creamy garlic alfredo sauce along with some tasty bread! Wonderful! I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Bob J.!

Like laughing with a co-worker as we both struggled to figure out how to get my new windshield wiper blades on in the wind this afternoon. From an earlier conversation this morning, I misunderstood and thought that she had done it before. She hadn’t, but she had watched it being done and thought we could handle it. SHE did! While I chased the cardboard trash around and tried to locate my car manual, she played around with the contraption and got the new wipers on and working beautifully. She can’t wait to share the news with her husband. He will be so proud. Thanks, Barb!

Yes, even in the midst of this week, there are high points and special moments to celebrate—for which I am grateful! Thank you, LORD!

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