Friday, September 2, 2005

I'm glad to be single...

But don't quote me when I'm having one of those I'm-sure-I'm-the-last-single-girl-out-there days.This is not one of those days however. Today is a good day. Today I'm overwhelmed with just how good I have it. I feel free...

A couple weekends ago, 2 fellow single girlfriends and I went for an exciting 4-day weekend to St. Louis. OK, maybe some of you are wondering why! Why St. Louis? I know I wasn't sure how it would go or just how entertaining St. Louis could be, but I am now pasionately mad about the city. It was wonderful. So many FREE...yes, I did say F-R-E-E things to do. The Art Museum with it's inviting galleries,the St. Louis Zoo with it's wonderful animals, the Missouri History Museum with its intriguing collections, the breath-taking Cathedral Basilica with its 41.5 million colorful mosaic tiles, and many more freebies! Delightful!!

Our sight-seeing also included ticket price excursions like a tour of the fabulous Fox Theatre, where we were delighted to run into Kelly Clarkson preparing for a concert; or the brilliant and dazzling Missouri Botanical Gardens which reminded me of Europe (yes, Europe--the Europe I've not been to yet, I know, but I can imagine it like Europe, can't I?). It was all wonderful and exciting!

So what all does that have to do with me being glad I'm single? Well, because I could do it. I had the means, the opportunity and the freedom to do it. I could pack my bags and head out for a long weekend without scheduling it with a significant other or without really having to alert anyone. In this case, it was a highly-planned trip that we schemed and budgeted for weeks in advance, but those last-minute plans are highly possible and easier to do in my present state.

It's something that we singles sometimes take for granted. That freedom to move from one thing to another, to consider that job in London, to plan something last minute or on a whim...and so today I'm thankful--thankful I'm right where I am. There's a whole world out there waiting, and I can see it at my leisure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's SO true, Mel. It is good to be free. :) To up and go whenever you please. Just be sure you let somebody know where you're going. :) Love your blog. Great pics. :)