Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Stepping in her shoes...

I went to see In Her Shoes this weekend. And while I couldn’t identify with all of the elements of the story such as the part where one sister sleeps with her sister’s boyfriend out of spite and just because she can, I did identify with that delicate balance of sisterhood. There is a closeness, a bond that we share that is hard to describe and even harder to understand.

My sister and I haven't been able to swap shoes since I was in 5th grade or so. She's 2 years younger and at least 5 inches taller, but we have had our fair share of growing pains in our relationship. As young girls we fought over dolls, toys and that strategic middle line in the backseat of the car. [You know…that imaginary dividing line between her side and my side.] As young adults, we moved on to disagreements over clothes, boys and time in the bathroom. After college, our heated discussions were about dating and marriage, spiritual things, etc.

We've had our moments of heated debate, but there has always been that delicate thread woven between the two of us that has yet to be broken. It’s been tugged and nearly snapped in two but never frayed beyond repair.

When I look back at those rough periods, I find it interesting how much has transpired and how those spats and fights are so insignificant now when at the time they seemed so huge. GOD has pulled us through some hard times and brought us closer to each other and HIMSELF on the other side. It's amazing how wonderful forgiveness really is. My sister and I don't view each other with those past wrongs in front of our faces every time we talk or get together. She's not remembering the hurtful things I've said and done, and vice versa when I talk with her, those things are far from my mind as well.

And if imperfect sisterly love covers such wrongs, just imagine how incredible GOD's loving forgiveness really is! The fact that a perfect and holy GOD chooses to forget and forgive all of my bad, evil and ugly deeds, words and thoughts is just incomprehensible! That HE sent HIS beloved SON to stand in my shoes, as it were, and bear my punishment for me. All HE requires is a humble and broken heart that is willing to confess those sins, ask for HIS forgiveness and accept HIS gift. It takes my breath away... How can I be less than grateful?

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