Thursday, January 26, 2006

Desperately Needing More Sleep...

I’m feeling really tired lately. Don’t quite know why, but I am. I leave work each night just exhausted. Things have been busy this month, and so that’s the only thing I can account for regarding this change, but I’ve been going to bed about 10 every night, and some nights I've been making myself stay up THAT long. That’s completely unlike me. I’m a night owl. The type that normally struggles with making herself crawl into bed at 11 or 11:30 on a week night. Sure, I usually suffer for it the next morning, but my body gets used to the lack of sleep eventually, and then on weekends I make up for it by sleeping in!

But with this new system, I’ve been getting about 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and this has been going on for about 2 weeks now. I’m starting to wonder if my new medication is affecting me. I guess it can cause drowsiness, but I take it right before I go to bed, and so unless it has a major 18-20 hour delay in affect, I can’t quite point a finger to it yet.

Maybe my body has finally purged the last drop of caffeine from my system, and so now I’m lagging. HA! I mean I have been off of the caffeine now for nearly 3 months. But I don’t feel less energetic necessarily. I’ve been getting ready in record time and getting to work early, too. And I haven’t really started to slow down at all. I just find myself ready for bed earlier.

Well, today a new thought crossed my mind...I’m starting to wonder if this means that I’m officially all grown up now? Does that mean that I will no longer have any fun? Am I soon going to be the type of person that starts to shut down now around 8 PM? I’m concerned...

Stay tuned for further developments!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I am the person who starts shutting down at 8. For real. I used to be the biggest night owl ever! But yes, now if I go to bed later than 10:30 I have to sleep til 11 the next day. Honestly. Or if I have to get up earlier, I have to take a nap. It's really a sad way to live. Going to the movies is hard, even! I mean, most movies end around 9 or 10 and I'm yawning and trying not to fall asleep through the last hour! And New Years was not fun for me. I was sick for the next two days. Dizzy beyond anything I've ever been before- like nearly unable to walk dizzy- and weak, and nauseated. It was sad. And no! I hadn't had anything to drink! lol

Melanie said...

It's hard getting old. I'm just not the same energetic bundle I used to be...sigh! :)