Thursday, April 6, 2006

Do I have a Type?

Part 1

I’ve never known what to say when someone asks me: So who is your type? [Meaning a man, of course!] It’s been a hard question to answer. I mean, I know I’m looking for a male that is looking for a female. I don’t want any confusion on that angle. But other than that, I haven’t really narrowed the field any.

I guess technically you could say that as far as attraction goes, I like tall, well-built men. I like a man who isn’t a skinny string bean, and I’m not naturally attracted to men my height or just over my height either. As a short woman, I’ve always joked about wanting to give my kids a chance at having more height, and I guess I don’t want to lock in those short genes for any possible offspring.

I dated a guy that was about 2 or 3 inches taller than me once. He was also rather a petite build. He was a perfectly nice guy—a bit odd maybe, but not a bad guy. Secretly, I joked with friends and family that I felt I could end his life with a fatal Tae-Bo kick, and so I could never see us together. Guess, I don’t want to be able to beat my date up—-not that I’m looking for a guy who can beat me up. I’m not into that. But somehow there is that female longing inside of me in search of a man who can protect me.

Since I was in junior high, I’ve found men from India very attractive. There is something mysterious about them, and I love their tan skin along with that jet black hair and those dark eyes. But at the same time, a man with a British accent can have me drooling in like 30 seconds flat and hanging onto his every word. Not to mention that if I meet a brilliant man with a high IQ, I tend to start sighing and get that dreamy look in my eyes. There is something very attractive about a man who can carry an intelligent conversation or discuss a variety of topics while keeping his ego in check. Yes, attraction isn’t a bad thing to encounter, but intelligence is vital to me in any relationship.

Part 2

On Saturday, as Kristen and I toured the Princess Di exhibit with our friend Karen and her Mom, we had a rather interesting encounter with a security guard. He walked by us a couple of times, and after he had passed a second time, Kristen said with a smile, “Mmmm…he smells so good.” I had noticed him on an earlier passing, but I had been struck by something else entirely—-the man was hot!! And so at Kristen’s comment, I let out a laugh, and apparently it was a bit loud and obvious because unbeknownst to me, he turned around and gave a little smile after my outburst. Karen’s Mom was sure that he had heard Kristen's comment, too, and maybe he did, but somehow I think he just had an inkling that we were talking about him and was amused by it.

So as we toured the rest of the exhibit, we kept an eye out for him. I think we were both a bit embarrassed. We didn’t want to make eye contact with the guy, but still we couldn’t help being rather curious about him. What was his story? What aftershave or cologne did he use? Was he dating, engaged or what? Ah yes, we were rather intrigued! And he seemed to be everywhere we were. He’d come into the exhibit area because one of the other guards would be pointing out a scratch on the display case or something like that, and he seemed to be in charge of security. So he was also a man with power. I kept teasing Kristen about him—-asking her if she wanted me to talk to him for her, etc. I’m not that bold really, but it was April Fool’s Day, and we were all just in a giddy mood.

Even one of the exhibit workers, teased us about “sicking that cute security guard on us” when Karen almost forgot to turn in her audio headset as we headed into the giftshop. Apparently the man had been noticed by more than just a few of us!

After leaving the exhibit area, I had a serious desire to walk around to the front of the museum building and take some pictures of the Princess Di Exhibit poster draping the front of the building. So I left Kristen on a park bench and headed down a couple of flight of stairs to get to the road for a clear shot.

When I returned from my photographic adventure, Kristen asked me if I had encountered any security guards. I hadn’t, but apparently, one of the security guards (one that we had spotted with “Mr. Smell Good” earlier) came running my direction, and Kristen had wondered what I had gotten myself into or whether I had gotten into some "off limits" area or something like that. Yes, that sounded like me! But the truth was that I never spotted the guard at all. But as she told me the story, we had a good laugh and started speculating what had been going on.

As we walked back to my car to head back to Indy, we spotted him again. This time he was outside the museum chatting with someone in the parking lot. I threatened to go over and talk to him once again, but as before, I didn’t.

So why am I sharing this...besides the fact that he was so hot and smelled good!?!? Well… as we were discussing our fun day at the museum on our drive home later that evening, I said something I don’t think I’ve ever said before.

I said: “He’s totally my type.” So now I know. Maybe it’s not a permanent thing…after all, I doubt I’d turn down a date with a brilliant man from India with a British accent. But as for right now I’m wondering if I should make a 2nd trip to Dayton? Yes, I've thought about Dayton more than once or twice this week.

This brings to mind a Sarah Brightman tune on her album Songs that Got Away. The song is called "Dreamers," and the song ends with the following line: 'Cause to dreamers the real world can be unreal. (Sigh!)

1 comment:

Adrianna said...

Seriously, this once-a-week posting thing really kills me. I look for a daily dose of Melanie, and have to come away disappointed. Is there really anything more important than feeding my selfish desires?
