Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Final Countdown

This is a short work week for me, and normally, I’m all about that. But this time, as each day and hour slips by, I’m getting a bit more anxious. We’re now at less than 48 hours before D-Day. Yes, on Friday at 9 AM, I will be going in to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled.

YEAH, this is starting to sound like a GOOD FRIDAY, isn’t it?!? AHEM!!! So, I’m not so delighted at the idea of pain (and for all you mothers out there, don’t get all smart with me and tell me that it’s nothing in comparison to childbirth. This is my drama, okay!)

I’m kind of hoping that I’ll just fall asleep and wake up afterwards and be surprised that I have 4 holes in the back of my mouth. Now that would be nice!

I hear that you get nice meds for the pain afterwards. Sounds good to me! WOOHOO!!

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