Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Still Hoping for Howard!

My friend Jessica, one of my close girlfriends, got a phone call recently from another friend, Jeff. He was calling to tell her about a guy that he met at a singles gathering on the South side of the city.

Jeff and this guy--we’ll call him Jim...because that’s his name--started a conversation about their churches, the single life, etc. When Jeff specifically mentioned the name of his church, Jim asked Jeff if he knew my friend Jessica. Of course, Jeff, who was active in the same singles Bible study that Jessica and I attended for a few years, knew Jessica personally and told Jim that. Jim’s interest was piqued, and he asked more about her.

As the story goes, Jim had sat next to Jessica at a Christian concert 2 years ago, and he remembered her name and their encounter. Jim and Jessica had a conversation or two while at this concert, and apparently Jessica had made quite a favorable impression. So much so that 2 years later, this guy still remembered her by name and asked about her!

Curiously, shy Jeff, who rarely initiates a conversation with a woman, decided to play a bit of a matchmaker role and offered to introduce Jim and Jessica at his Sunday school class the next week. Jim thought that was a good idea. So, Jeff called Jessica and told her about the arrangement. Jessica was very intrigued. She vaguely remembered meeting a nice guy at a concert, but she couldn’t remember much more than that. However, she agreed to meet Jeff and Jim the next Sunday morning.

That Sunday arrived and Jessica went to the early Sunday AM class, but there was no sign of Jeff or Jim that morning. She was a bit disappointed, but she laughed it off and decided to go to the class again the next Sunday. After all, maybe Jim had to cancel at the last minute or something. The next week she went to the class again, but like the week before, there was no sign of Jeff or Jim that week either. Jessica tried to determine how to get a hold of Jeff, but none of us had his phone number. Eventually she joked that she must have dreamed it all up or gotten the details mixed up somehow. She had actually been home sick that day when she had taken that call from Jeff, and so she started imagining that she’d misunderstood or something.

Then she got a 2nd call from Jeff. Turns out that Jeff had been sick that first Sunday morning, and so he had to cancel on his plans with Jim. However, Jim had gone on to the class with a friend that first morning, but somehow, he didn’t spot Jessica, and she didn't spot him either. So there in a crowded room, they both were looking for the other, but their paths didn’t cross that morning.

After talking with Jessica, Jeff passed along her contact information to Jim, and Jim and Jessica arranged to meet up at the State Fair this past Sunday night at another Christian concert. Kristen and Jessica had planned to go the State Fair that evening anyway, and so they went and met up with Jim, and apparently it was a memorable evening. They talked and laughed and had a good time.

At the end of the evening, Jim asked Jessica if he could call her later in the week, she said that he could. He told her that he had to work late on Monday evening, and so he’d probably call her later in the week. Well, ever a surprise, Jim called her on Monday evening after all, and they have made arrangements for a 2nd date for this Friday evening.

I can’t tell you how excited and delighted I am for my friend Jessica. Two years ago, she had a conversation with a man at a concert, and somehow she made such an impression on him, that after 2 years he had not forgotten her, and when a chance encounter provided him with an opportunity to ask about Jessica, he took it.

Truth is that I really don’t believe in chance or accidents. I believe in design! Now, of course, I don’t really know how things will turn out here for Jessica and Jim. Only GOD knows! But I can honestly say that Jessica’s delightful story has given me hope. Hope that my Howard** still might be out there—unattached and free! I think it’s the romantic in me that despite my lack of personal experience with love, I still believe in it. I still seek it and want to give it!

Howard, if you are reading this, I don’t mean to rush you, but I’m ready when you are!

**For those of you who don’t already know, Howard is the only man in my life right now. He came into my life in my junior year of college (1994-95) and has been here ever since. He’s the ideal man! OK, so he’s an imaginary guy that my roommates and I created that year, but he’s very devoted and faithful to me. Plus, he never talks back and I never have to clean up after him. How beautiful is that!!

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