Monday, June 15, 2009

Random Update...

1. I have slowly but surely found myself falling back into a former addictive habit. I know there are worse addictions out there, but still I don’t like having this habit, this need, if you will, in my life. I’ve got to cut myself off somehow and let go of this addictive influence. But the truth is that Diet Mountain Dew is getting me through the day right now, and I’m not ready for rehab or quitting cold turkey quite yet. Hey, do they make a caffeine patch? If not, someone should look into it.

2. I am quite captivated by the John Adams series that HBO made a couple of years ago. A co-worker recommended I try it on Netflix, and I have, and 2 episodes in, I am blown away. The personal sacrifices, the seemingly treasonous acts that our forefathers committed all in the name of freedom has me shocked and humbled. It was only through GOD’s grace that such a rag-taggle bunch of men formed a Continental Congress, built up a Continental Army, debated the issues in secret meetings and then finally agreed on going forward to seek independence from England. WOW! They did not take any step lightly. They weighed the cost, agonized over the decision, and it was only after months of discussion and further hostility by the British that the cause for independence gained ground and the Declaration of Independence was born. Now, I feel the need to do some more research on the subject. I’ll just add it to my list of “things to do.”

3. I went to hear St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Chancel Choir concert yesterday, and it was a fabulous, worship-filled performance. The chancel choir leaves at the end of this week for a European tour, where they will be performing their selections in various cathedrals throughout Austria and the Czech Republic. My friends, Barb and Lee, are in the choir, and I can’t wait to hear all their stories upon their return. Barb is going to scout out some touristy stuff for me, which will hopefully help me and my parents make some decisions for our own European excursion in 2010. We are currently looking into a river cruise down the Danube or the Rhine Rivers, etc. I like the idea of the luggage staying put and NOT having to change hotels every other night. Sounds like a good plan to me!

4. My 2 fellow England travelers are both potentially buying homes this summer. I am excited for them, but it has made for some interesting conversations. Everyone wants to know when I will be doing the same. Is it bad that I don’t have any desire to buy my own home right now? Because I just don’t. I asked my sister if I was crazy not to pursue a mortgage of my very own, and she reminded me that only in America is their a push for buying property. People all over the globe rent or lease space while home ownership is more rare, reserved for the upper class members of society. It was a good reminder for me. I know that renting may not seem like the wisest choice to some, but it is where GOD has me for the present, and hey, maybe it will keep me humble. Let us hope. Hee hee!


Lisa said...

Ooooh, I'm so excited to hear that your mom and dad are getting to go to Europe with you next year. I'm guessing you will be stopping in Holland. I'm so happy for your mom. I know it will mean a lot to her. The river cruise sounds amazing. Can I be the first to ask to hide in your luggage? :-)

Barbara said...

Ooh I'm jealous that you got to hear the choir! And Barb is in it and gets to travel Europe? WOW! How neat is that! I'd love to hear them sometime.