Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No More Michelanie...

For the last few months, I have been working 2 different jobs in the same department while my colleague was out of the office on maternity leave. And since I've been doing my job and Michele's job, my nickname has been Michelanie. HA! (Like I need any more nicknames...)

1. The hours have been long. TOO LONG! I don’t recommend 12 hour work days. I like my job, and I'm thankful to have a job, but I don't think your job should become your life. There has to be a balance there, and I lost the battle with that one for a while.

2. The stress has been building. I actually started feeling a tic in my eye a few weeks back. Drama girl emerged from the shadows, and I was sure I was coming down with Bell’s palsy or had Tourette’s syndrome. AHEM! Fortunately, no additional symptoms developed, and I think it was just the stress.

3. The exhaustion has threatened to undo me at times. I would often get home around 8 or 8:30 PM at night and just sit there on my couch, drained of all energy and not wanting to move.

4. I haven’t been eating right. Even though I haven't gained weight, Diet Girl was disappointed to lose some momentum. I’ve been exercising less than I should be as well.

5. And don’t even get me started on the state of my apartment. To the casual eye, it may look clean, but this girl knows how long it’s been since those floors have been vacuumed. It’s truly shameful.

So while I certainly struggled under the heavy load, GOD got me through it, and HE kept me going. It was all HIS doing, not mine. There were days when I considered running away, but HE was my rock. There were moments when I was sure the sky was falling, but HE would always bring me some comic relief and make me laugh at myself.

Now I always knew this wasn’t a permanent situation, and that eventually my schedule would return to more regular business hours like before. Well, my friends (drum roll please...thank you!) THAT DAY has arrived. WOOHOO!!

Today I handed off the 2nd job back to my co-worker, who returned to the office last week and has now completed her new systems training. This afternoon, I got to move projects from my desk over to her desk. I started spring cleaning my space--rearranging piles, going through some paperwork, getting organized to do the tasks at hand, etc. I got out the Mr. Clean disinfecting wipes and tidied up my office, too. WHAT A FEELING! I’m elated. I’m relieved. I’m blissed out. [BIG SIGH!]

I only have one more work day this week, and then I’m off for the week. I’ll return back into the office next Monday. I know there will be plenty of projects waiting for me at my own desk: legal documents to prepare, inventors to meet with, drafts to finish, databases to update, etc.; but I’m actually looking forward to a fresh start, to a new beginning for July. It will be wonderful to fully concentrate on my own job and do it to the best of my ability!

Thank you, LORD! Thank you for seeing me through these past few months. Thank you for letting me lean on YOU and in your strength! YOU are awesome!

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