Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy 68th, Mom!

Today is my Mom’s 68th birthday, and I just can’t let the day pass without stating for the record just how amazing she is.

My Mom is loving. She gives the best hugs, and you just don’t want to let go. She loves keeping in touch with people with phone calls and especially her well-written letters. I treasure her hand-written letters.

My Mom is warm, probably the warmest person I have ever encountered. She doesn’t know a stranger and can make conversation with just about anyone at any time. I love that about her. She is able to reach out to others and draw them in.

My Mom is brave. When she met my Dad 37+ years ago, she chose to date him even after discovering he was a widower with 3 young sons. WOW! That sure was gutsy! I’m not sure I would have been that brave under similar circumstances. But I’m glad she went on more dates and eventually married him, or my sister and I would not exist. It was not always easy raising 5 children, but she managed beautifully.

My Mom is compassionate. She tries to put herself in the other person’s shoes and does not jump in and take a side. As a child and teenager, I did not always appreciate her knack for seeing the other person’s side of an issue or topic, but as almost always, Mom was right. It was the best way.

My Mom is kind. You won’t hear my Mom say a mean thing about or to anyone. She prefers to think the best of people and would prefer not to hear gossip.

My Mom is positive. She is always energetically upbeat about life and able to see a glimmer of hope along the horizon.

My Mom has an incredible sense of humor. She is always able to laugh at her self and see humor even under some of the worst circumstances. Her laugh is real and is easy to pick out in a crowd. I love her laugh.

My Mom is frugal. She has always been able to stretch a dollar farther than I ever thought possible, and as an adult, I have grown to appreciate her skills even more. I love how she likes to get creative with leftovers and reinvent meals.

My Mom is a hard worker. She started a home day care and took on piano students to help pay for her children’s education, and even now, though she is “retired,” she still teaches piano and is rarely idle for more than 5 minutes a year.

My Mom is organized. She plans out monthly menus and shops well in advance. She also never forgets a birthday or an anniversary.

My Mom is hospitable. She and my Dad often host people in their home. She is a perfect hostess and strives to meet each guest’s needs.

My Mom loves GOD and points others to HIM. She is not afraid to share her faith and introduce others to her SAVIOR. She truly has a servant’s heart and attempts to make her Christian walk and talk match.
I realize that my Mom is not perfect, and she would blush to read all of this, I know she would. But I think she is amazing, and I’ve only scratched the surface. I am so grateful that I get to call her my Mom.

I love you, Mom! Enjoy your day and have some cake and ice cream for me!
Proverbs 31:28a “Her children rise up and call her blessed…”

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