Friday, February 12, 2010

Pre-Valentine's Day Party

I’m having several girlfriends over tonight for a pre-Valentine’s Day party, and I’m excited. I love playing hostess. I really do. I enjoy opening my home to friends and family. I just wish I had more space. But all in good time, and hey, I think I’m finally learning to relax a bit more about it and just enjoy the evening. You know, be less a Martha and more a Mary...

CLEAN: I still cleaned, but I opted not to over-do it. In other words, don’t look behind the couch or under furniture because you just might find a dust bunny or two.

FOOD: I prepared some food items ahead of time, but I tried to keep it all low-key. I cut up vegetables and fruit, but I didn’t go all Martha Stewart and create flower strawberries or anything like that. I forgot to look for chocolate wine at the store this week, which kinda bums me out, but it’s all good. We'll have other drink options.

FLOWERS: I bought flowers for my table because gosh-darn-it, I wanted flowers for Valentine’s Day even if I had to buy them for myself. Don't judge me! It was so worth it. I opted for a non-traditional V-Day bouquet with orange and white flowers, and I love it. It’s totally me, maybe more spring or fallish rather than V-Day, but it makes me happy.

PLANS: I'm not over-planning every second. I'm winging it. No really, I am. We are making homemade pizzas with all the toppings and having some other goodies to go along with it, and that's all I've got planned. I'm sure there will be lots of conversation and laughs, a debate over which movie to watch, and hopefully a picture or two to capture the memory, but this detail-girl is attempting to keep it simple.

Go, Mel! You can do it.

1 comment:

Kate S. said...

I bought myself flowers yesterday! Pretty variegated pink tulips!