Monday, October 4, 2010

I Sing a New Song

I’m extremely grateful for my new church choir family. I am. I can’t quite express enough what a difference the last few weeks have made in my life.

I feel loved, accepted and wanted. I feel like I belong.

REHEARSALS: I actually look forward to choir rehearsal on Thursday nights. Seriously, that’s amazing. Thursdays are my last work day of the week, and by Thursday late afternoon, I’m usually pretty tired and ready to crash. My 10-hour work days are catching up with me, and exhaustion is ready to claim me. And yet, I find myself psyched about going to choir and the chance to sing for a couple of hours. I head out the door eager to get there and see my new friends. I feel real joy in singing again.

CO-CHAIR: My co-chair responsibilities for one of our fundraiser teams are going pretty well. Of course, I feel like I’m bumbling along most of the time, but I’m having fun, and I love the spirited personalities around me. I’ve discovered someone who likes details even more than I do, and I love that. I’m in an environment where I can serve, and I can get as active as I feel called to be. I’m a Martha, a doer. I am at my happiest when I can act out my faith in love and service.

RETREAT: We had our annual choir retreat this past Saturday, and it was an incredible experience for this first-timer. I loved singing through the upcoming Christmas program repertoire for the first time. Sure, there is admittedly a lot of work for us over the next couple of months, but it was also exciting to hear and sing new music. Plus, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting more of the choir members and socializing with them. And then at the end of the day, we had a time of worship and communion, which was an incredible way to end our special time together. It was awesome to hear the hearts of my fellow singing family as we shared a time of community around the bread and cup.

All in all, I’m making friends and stepping out of my comfort zone once again. Seriously, I was laughing at myself the other night on my drive home. I was mentally noting how I’m gradually coming out of my shell and letting the real Mel emerge and come out to play. Starting over in a new place isn’t easy, but it’s been much easier than the months before I made this decision and switched churches. Yes, I truly believe that GOD paved the way ahead of time and brought me to St. Luke’s at just the right moment, and HE’s been with me every step of the way – guiding me, coaxing me and, yes, kicking me in the butt just when I needed it the most. HE has me in HIS hands.


Susan said...

Aren't choir retreats the best thing ever? Glad to see you're blooming in the new place you've been planted.

Melanie said...

Yes, they really are, Susan. Thanks!

Skipper Lou said...

So happy for you!