Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things Are Pretty Bad Right Now...

Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off. We apologize for the inconvenience.
My friend and colleague, Heidi, sent me an email with that simple message yesterday, and it just made me laugh. Yes, things are difficult right now, and I am not making light of these tight economic times or the hardships so many are facing by chuckling. But I truly believe that we need laughter to survive. We need to find humor even amidst these dire circumstances, perhaps especially during them really.

I'm not always Suzy Sunshine or the girl looking at the rosy side of life. You all know me better than that. I'm a melancholy brooder, a writer, a dreamer. Actually, I'm not sure whether the glass is half full or half empty most of the time, but I do know the FILLER of the glass, and I know HE tends to fill us even when there doesn't appear to be any liquid in sight. HE's the one who multiplied the loaves and the fishes to feed multitudes. HE made water into wine. HE restored sight to the blind. HE made the lame leap for joy. And HE is right here with us now...

LORD, thank you for the gift of laughter. Thank you for the filling joy that only YOU can provide. Keep our hearts tuned to see YOU, to hear YOU even when the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be waning and all appears to be lost and hopeless. Keep us looking to YOU, the ultimate FILLER, the ONE TRUE HOPE!

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