Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Google: Sometimes Too Much Information

MENTAL NOTE: Do not Google random medical symptoms unless you are in need of having more to worry about and starting a personal panic attack. [Bring on the paper bag!]

I have what I think is just an allergic reaction rash on my ears. It is not visible to the naked eye. I can’t even see it in the mirror, but I can feel tiny little bumps on the back of my ears that were not there earlier. So I innocently checked Google and was stunned due to the wide range of possible scenarios: from HIV to measles, from cancer to eczema, from Syphillis to dry skin and a bunch of other things I can’t even pronounce. YIKES!

So I’m gonna stick with my first uneducated, unresearched medical theory. It’s an allergic reaction of some kind, and I am a survivor!

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