Monday, March 22, 2010

Struggling with My Own Insignificance

Sometimes, just sometimes--mind you, I struggle with my own insignificance. I want to be doing more. There are so many things I want to take on. I want my life to mean something, and I start to compare where I am in my life to where others are. I start to ponder how small my life is, weigh how insignificant my contributions to society are, question my own value, etc.

Now I used to think that only single people struggled with this. After all, a married person has someone ALL the time who needs them or would notice if they came up missing, right? Spouses have each other, parents have their children, but as a singleton I didn’t have that buddy system. But I think my earlier thoughts on this subject were more than a bit tainted. I think MOST of us (if we are honest with ourselves) struggle with validation from time to time. We would like an attaboy or attagirl, a bit of affirmation, recognition for a job well done, a thank you for our contributions, or just a plain acknowledgement that we matter. We WANT someone to tell us that we matter, that our existence is not random, that we have a purpose we were placed here for. We seek validation, and unfortunately, we often turn away from GOD to get it.

We throw ourselves into relationships, hoping that it will give us a more meaningful life. We become problem solvers and try to fix everything that needs fixing around us. We drive ourselves to betterment in our careers or hobbies. We become doers, always seeking out the next best project to get involved with.

All of these things can be wonderful, challenging opportunities that GOD can bless and use in our lives. These things are not bad in themselves, but if we are seeking validation through our projects or through other people, we are missing out on the real satisfaction that comes from knowing that we are not insignificant to GOD. Our existence is relevant to GOD. We matter to HIM.

Yes, YOU matter. And I matter.

I am not just another face to HIM. I am unique. I am special in HIS eyes. I am noticed by my MAKER. And it is through the sacrifice of HIS only SON, that I am validated. Through the cross, I became a legitimate member of the Family of GOD, and I belong. I may not be worthy of HIS love, and yet I have it all the same.

I did not earn my significance, my relevance to GOD. No amount of accomplishments or good works could bolster my own significance before HIM. HE simply chose to love me and to draw me to HIMSELF, and it is my response to that overwhelming love that continues to plot my path.

This is better than a fairy tale. I didn’t need a fairy godmother to transform me from the wretched Cinderella into a lovely princess just to catch the eye of prince charming. No, this story is even more remarkable. The PRINCE saw me in the gutter from the first. No need for a magic slipper or a pumpkin couch to make me relevant to HIM. HE saw me, wanted me as HIS own just as I was, and even now continues to transform me with HIS neverending love.
Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
GOD loves us! What could be more significant than that?

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