Monday, March 14, 2011

Red Riding Hood

I made it to see Red Riding Hood this weekend and found the scenery, setting and storyline familiar like an old friend. This is not the fairy tale I grew up with; although cleverly, there were scenes and dialogue thrown in for that nostalgia affect. It wasn’t completely brand new.
This was a fresh take on an old story, and yet it was familiar somehow, like catching up with an old friend. A lot of that has to do with the director. This is after all a Catherine Hardwicke film, who is best-known as the director of Twilight. And this her latest film also left me breathless.
Red Riding Hood is not Twilight, but it has a similar style, landscape and even a lover’s triangle. It is not an Oscar contender. It is not perfect and was more than slightly predictable, and yet, I liked it frivolous though it may be. I loved seeing a familiar actor in quite a different father role this time around. Oh yes, I enjoyed the ride, the intensity and chemistry between characters! And the end left me wishing for more because I knew the story was really just beginning.
No, fairy tales aren’t just for Disney any more...I'm glad.


Jeanette said...

I just read a review on the movie the other day. The critic did not give it a good review!

Melanie said...

I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? :)

Barbara said...

I love the trailer, so now I want to see it. I'm not crazy about the lead actress...she bored me in "Letters to Juliet" but I guess I should keep an open mind, eh? And I like Hardwicke--she did a great job on Twilight!! :)