Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sharing a Little Twilight Magic

Normally, I confess, I’m not big on hype. If everyone gushes over something, I tend to stand back. I guess I assume if everyone likes it, I won’t. However, when I am told that I should not read a book or see a certain film, it’s gonna be an automatic magnetic draw on my very soul to do the exact opposite. I don’t like dogmatic statements being made without any evidence or someone taking a personal stance against a book or a film WITHOUT having seen it for themselves. I don’t believe in just passing along the same message without actual knowledge for myself. I like to make up my own mind about things.

And so it was that I delved into the Harry Potter series several years ago. Someone bashed the books in my presence and called them pure evil. I pointedly asked if they had read the books for themselves, and they had not. They were just spouting what they had heard second or third-hand. I immediately picked up the first book, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Essentially, the same thing happened with Twilight. I saw the first film on DVD early in 2009 after there was such an outcry against the books and the film from the Christian right. I loved the first film and immediately jumped into the 4-book series by Stephenie Meyer. I was mesmerized with the passionate journey of Bella and Edward from the get-go. I own all of the films and am eagerly awaiting the 4th and 5th film installations, which will split the final book in the series between them. WOOHOO!!

Well, it has been nearly 2 years since my own Twilight infection, and I guess it was time I spread my affliction and corrupted others. About a month ago, my sister Barbara and my friend Lisa came to my place for a girls’ weekend. On Sunday morning, I was in the living room flipping channels, and as luck would have it, the first Twilight film was playing on cable. I watched a few minutes before Lisa and Barbara joined me on the couch. It was one of my favorite scenes, where Bella first spots the Cullen family, and so the 3 of us watched the film for a few moments before dashing off to church. After that brief introduction, both Lisa and Barbara said that they were curious to see the film for themselves, and so we talked about watching it later after church. So, you guessed it. That afternoon we watched the first film, and they liked it.


Barbara had to head home after the first film, but Lisa stayed to watch the 2nd and 3rd films that night before driving back to Cincinnati. And from there, it all began. Both of them eagerly got right into the books and subsequently devoured everything on Twilight within days. They have read the books, have seen all the films (more than once), have bought all the soundtracks, have poked around Twilight sights online, etc.

Yes, I believe they have now surpassed my own obsession. Maybe. I've just had 2 years to work on keeping my cool. HA!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, liked it!!! :-)