Thursday, April 2, 2009

High On Life

I’m high on life today. It might have something to do with how I spent my morning here in corporate America. I brought my MP3 player to work today just because I could. I woke up exhausted this morning, and I thought that listening to some tunes while I worked might boost my dragging energy levels. I mean, it worked for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, didn’t it? WAIT! That was whistling, wasn’t it? Oh well, you get the point. So anyway, I was plugged in from 7:30 to 10 AM, and it has made all the difference.

There is a certain recording artist that always makes me smile. OK, there are really several that move me, but I have a certain bounce in my step and lightness in my heart when I hear one voice in particular. His music and his lyrics--they just get to me every time. I’m convicted, compelled to keep listening and inspired to carry on. I’m not going to mention his name. I’ve already given him a lot of free press on my blog, and I don’t want to give him a big head because of my excessive compliments and mentions of said brilliance. HA!

Free press indeed! As if I had millions of readers...let's be realistic here. The handful of you that read this regularly have endured my countless complimentary babbling on his musical flair in the past, and so I am trying to refrain from further gratuitous publicity. OOPS! I think I just did again. HA!

Well now, as I said, I’m high on life. I think I hear the birds singing, my heart is soaring, my head is in the clouds, and I’m resisting the urge to run outside and twirl on the grounds here at work belting out: “The hills are alive with the sound of music, with songs they have sung for a thousand years, ahhhhhhhhh…” [Barb and Heidi, you both would join me, right? Come on...]

GOD is good, and I’m grateful for the boundless joy HE has provided. I’d like to capture today’s joy in a bottle and save it like a sweet perfume to savor over and over again. Maybe by blogging about it, I have done just that.

I wish you a day filled with happiness, peace and joy! Embrace it.


Barb said...

Yes,I'd love to join you running through the hills singing....

You are inspirational. Congrats again on your one year mark. I'm soooo proud of you!

Melanie said...

Awwww...shucks! Thanks, Barb!

Oh and meet you outside in 5. :)