Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Yesterday was my first year anniversary for Weight Watchers. WOW! That is hard to believe, but it is a fact, a true and honest reality. Diet Girl has been on the WW flex point plan now for a full 12 months, leaving 78 pounds behind her. Truly exciting!

Let me sum it up in Weight Watcher terms for you: that is over 9 gallons of milk OR nearly 64 medium cantaloupes OR 15 sacks of potatoes OR 312 sticks of butter. YIKES! I don't miss that extra baggage on my frame, and before too long, I hope to send more pounds away in the same fashion, but I certainly couldn't have done this on my own.

GOD has been so gracious, and I am thankful for the stamina and endurance HE has sent my way. Thank you, LORD, for helping me work through this addiction to food!

I am grateful that my sister Barbara talked me into giving Weight Watchers a try. We started this journey together, and we've lost a lot of weight along the way. Together we've struggled, celebrated and encouraged one another on this momentous journey, and together, we plan to continue along this path. Thank you, Sis!

To celebrate my big or should I say getting-littler-by-the-week day (hee hee!), I thought about buying just 1 long john donut. I don't know if they call them long johns here in Indiana, but that's what we called them in Michigan where I grew up. They are wonderful long rectangular donuts with a smooth white cream or yellow custard filling and a delectable chocolate icing on top. Now I only said that I THOUGHT about purchasing the said deep-fried concoction, and honestly, that was all I did. It was just a thought, and so I kept my record going: 377 days donut-free and counting. And instead of gulping down a fresh donut, I had a 1-point chocolate treat courtesy of my co-worker and fellow WW member. To help me celebrate, she left the tasty snack on my desk complete with 1 pink birthday candle stuck in the center. It totally made me chuckle! I'm blessed with such supportive friends. Thanks, all!

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