Friday, September 4, 2009

Mel’s World Update

I held a snake again for the first time in 5+ years. He was about a 10 inch garter snake, and he was pretty cute. WAIT! Maybe cute is not the right word. Snakes aren’t actually cute; bunny rabbits are cute. Anyway, I held the slick snake for just a couple of minutes when we all noted an odd smell and then the presence of slime on my hands. Yes, the snake opted to poop on my hands, which was quite interesting and generally excited my niece, nephew and the neighbor boy who were with me. They all thought it was cool, and while I didn’t freak out or anything, I confess that it wasn’t altogether pleasant either. I’ve not had it happen before, but I can now check that experience off my list. WOOHOO!!

I taught my youngest nephew (19 months) ring-around-the-rosy last weekend. He was adorable and constantly requesting that we go around in circles again. He really started getting into the whole and “we all fall down” thing. Almost 4-year-old Grace and I also tried to teach him London Bridges as well, but it might be a bit too soon for that.

I’m getting psyched about my Tennessee trip with my Dad next weekend. Just the two of us are heading to the Smoky Mountains to visit my Dad’s sister, my Aunt Laura. Naturally, I’m hoping that we can visit Cades Cove again and drive through the Smoky Mountains National Park and explore a bit. I love it there. Of course, I’m hoping we can also swing South a bit and visit my oldest niece Janet and her fiance in the Carolinas, but we’ll see how it all works out. I’m thrilled to just have this father-daughter bonding time, too. I don’t often get time with just my Dad, but I’m looking forward to it. The sarcasm will definitely be free-flowing. My Dad has a dry sense of humor, and I confess that his eldest daughter is a lot like him in that regard, and then of course, we’ll be visiting my Dad’s sister, and she has those sarcastic genes as well. Hee hee! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hope you and your Dad have a fantastic time!!! I cherish the time I get to spend with my Dad.