Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday Thanksgivings

I'm just feeling particularly thankful today for some things I often take for granted...

Car Heaters: I love heat lately. Somehow the thermal girl who is always burning up has found herself chilled lately. Not sure if it is age, loss of body fat or the fact that the temps have been below freezing since before New Years, but no matter why, I have been chilled more often. So I am extra thankful for a car heater that heats up before I get too far from home. I love it.

Cell Minutes: I’ve never used all of my cell minutes in any given month. Hmmmm...maybe I should try that some month. Anyway, I had a 100+ minute late-night phone conversation with my sister last night, and I love that we can do that without it costing extra, especially now that I am not calling from England. Hee hee!

Car Ports: I know I have to pay extra rent every month on my lease to have a covered parking spot, but I am so glad I do. No scraping of windows. Less shoveling of snow. Just start up your car and drive. I love that.

Christmas Music: I can’t stop listening. I got addicted to Relient K’s Christmas album from 2008. OK, so it's "old news" to some of you, but I am getting slightly more caught up on my tunes. Anyway, I just discovered this album on Amazon this past holiday season, and I love the whole album, especially their song I Celebrate the Day. It is so good. Don't judge me. I just can't bear to remove my Christmas play list for a few more weeks yet.

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