Monday, January 4, 2010

Pending Narratives For 2010

Two of my previous pastors used to reference the concept of “story” in their teaching, and it always blew my mind. I love the idea that our lives are part of the greatest narrative, the most incredible ongoing saga or miniseries of all time. I love the Old Testament epics of the Israelites, ancient peoples and kings, etc. Jesus used stories often to illustrate points when HE was here on earth, walking amongst men. And today, I think most of us respond better to a story than to a list of do's and dont's. It’s that human interest piece that gets us. We like to hear about people.

My sister suggested I read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. So I picked it up a couple of months ago and have been slowly digesting the book, chapter by chapter. Those that know me well, know that I devour books. I’m an avid reader. I love staying up late at night to finish a good read. Once I pick up a book, I rarely put it down again. And normally, I read quickly with high comprehension. BUT there are a few authors that compel me to slow down my rushed pace to fully comprehend and grasp the deeper meaning within, and it appears that Donald Miller is being added to that short list of such authors for me. Authors like Miller, John Ortberg and the late Michael Yaconnelli cause me to question the status quo, engage my mind, and urge me to take another look at something. I hate that. Well, part of me does. But the other part of me aches for more. I say that I like to be challenged, that I like to think outside the box. I do, but I am lazy, and I’ve been on a thinking-hiatus for a while. I haven’t wanted to see things the way they really are because that would compel me to fix them, and that sounds like an awful lot of hard work. SIGH!

So back to the story/narrative idea, my sister also pointed me to Miller’s blog, and his recent post got me thinking and rethinking about how I look at 2010. So here goes...

NEW JOB: Today is my first day on a new job, an exciting fresh start with opportunities abounding. Where will this story line take me, I wonder? So much potential – own it!

COMMUNITY: I’m aching for community and not finding it within my present church. OK, let’s be real here, I’ve been missing that sense of community for over 5 years now. I think it is time to get out there and work for it. I’m not reaching. I need to stretch and stop pretending this is working.

Hmmmmm...maybe I need to make my own community? All right, calm down, people! I’m not going to start preaching from the pulpit come Sunday morning. I just mean that the missing sense of “family” or “community” that I feel I am lacking might be within my grasp, and I’m just not seeing it. Are there opportunities I am missing right in front of me? Or maybe it is time to prayerfully look elsewhere? GULP! Either way, I need to stop ignoring this story line and make it more thrilling, more climactic and less dull and non-responsive. Only one lifetime here! Got to get engaged – not the thing with the ring here, although I’m not opposed to that. AHEM! What I mean is that I need to get engaged in the lives of others again and get them involved in mine! I need to stop living vicariously through others and embrace my own narrative.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: I feel better when I am actively involved in serving others. I think we all do. I guess this goes hand in hand with community. In 2009, I didn’t find an opportunity at my own church, and so I went outside the church to serve with LDM, and it’s been amazing. But I think I need to do more. See a need and fill it. In 2010, that is what I am on the look out for. Now I have that Josh Wilson song (Do You Want to Know) running through my head. Good stuff! Now what am I going to do about it? What needs or gaps can I fill?

SMALLER ME: I had lost 80+ pounds on Weight Watchers, but then came Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the scale is not moving in the right direction any more. So, I’m reining in this story and going to take it back the other direction starting today. My niece Janet is getting married in June, and I’m in the wedding party. Aunt Mel is going to work hard at looking good in that dress. HOLD IT! That sounds totally vain – especially since it will NOT be my day but Janet’s day; however, it is still a good visual for me. It’s something I can own and take responsibility for. I might not be able to do anything about my own personal klutziness, but dog-on-it, I’m going to look good while tripping down that aisle. HA!

Lots of other scenarios running through my head for 2010 now...this is just the beginning! WOOHOO!!

Happy New Year, All! I wish great things for all of you.

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