Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Lately, I've been struggling to enjoy the lulls in my life – the quiet, still moments between the next best thing. I’m restless. I’m fidgety. I’m uncomfortable. But while I fuss and squirm in my present state, I’m missing the magical moments of every day life. I’m failing to acknowledge the beauty and joy of the present while I look ahead to the good stuff – my future adventures and the dreams I have. I'm ungrateful and not realizing how good I have it.

So starting today, I’m gonna try and tackle some be-gratitudes* [pronounced: bee-GRAH-tih-toods] or things I am grateful for that are part of the mundane or average day.

*Disclaimer: someone has probably already coined the term“be-gratitudes.” I confess that I didn’t really research it much. I Googled it and got nothing, and so for now, I’m gonna claim it as a fit of my own creative “genius” and use it. Hee hee!*

Today I am choosing to be grateful for…

Meetings. Yes, I probably have too many of them in a given week. Some of you do as well, I am sure. But whether I agree or disagree with the agenda or content, whether or not I enjoy attending – fact is that in most cases my opinion is being sought, and that is not half bad. It’s nice to have someone seeking out my insight into a particular project area or pulling me in to work as part of the team. It’s a good thing to be needed and to be considered as a contributor to the process. And so today, meetings are something I am thankful for.

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