Monday, June 25, 2007

I just have to laugh...

For the last couple of months now, I’ve been talking about my upcoming trip to the Dayton Art Institute. It was to be my last viewing of the beautiful man that worked there as a security guard. I wanted to just visit, see him one last time and forget my silly crush of the fair Adonis. My friends were plotting and planning what they were going to say to him to find out his status—i.e. married, single, etc. And another friend had been rehearsing the potential conversation she planned to have with him, in the hopes of obtaining a picture of him.

Well as luck, fate, karma or divine intervention would have it--he was NOT there on Saturday. There were no sightings, no conversations, no pictures of random security guards, and no mayhem. And I for one, found it absolutely hilarious! I think it makes for a better story, don’t you?

I mean for over a year now, I’ve been crushing about this guy I saw on only those two prior occasions. For me, he summed up everything I hadn’t been able to define before--my type. [And of course, by type here, we are going with the shallow ATTRACTION type and not looking at any other qualifications.] If someone asked me to describe my ideal, I’d tell them to go to Dayton and look this man up. Now, I didn’t talk about him constantly. In fact there were periods when I didn’t even think about him at all. This wasn’t an obsession or an unhealthy fantasy. It was a little memory that made me smile when I recalled it.

And my friends have been totally supportive of it. They’ve talked about him, offered to go to Dayton with me, and planned their weekend around this daytrip. I think they were just as excited if not more so than I was.

All that anticipation and planning, all the daydreaming and waiting, and GUESS WHAT--he’s not there! Of course, there were several schools of thought on the fact that he was MIA: 1. He doesn’t work there anymore; 2. Maybe he was just an employee during the big Princess Diana exhibit last year; 3. He had the day off, etc.

But all I wanted to do was LAUGH...laugh because I’d been imagining how it would be to see him one more time and because all the planning and forethought in the world can’t make life turn out exactly as we imagine it will. Laugh because I am blessed to have such great friends who were willing to give up most of their daylight hours to travel 5 miles roundtrip to Dayton, OH, just in hopes of seeing a man that made me smile. Laugh because of the irony of the situation and how I think it’s a better story because we did NOT see him.

Why is it a better story because there was no sighting of this dreamy man? Because it’s a funny story that I convinced my friends to drive 2.5 hours away from their homes on a Saturday just on the chance that we might see him, and when we got there, he wasn’t there. That has to make you chuckle. But we still had fun! We had a great day--enjoying the peaceful ride as Jessica drove us to Dayton, having a leisurely lunch complete with yummy homemade pies, touring the art institute and introducing Becky to another one of Monet’s waterlilly pieces, watching Sara and Kristen sketch faces in the kids’ center, etc. Yes, it was an awesome day despite the missing man!

And maybe the truth is...that the dream of him is better than the man himself! I mean, maybe if we had talked to him, we would have encountered another JERK OR then again, he might have been like the nicest guy in the world! Maybe we would have discovered that he was married, engaged or dating a beautiful Amazonian model goddess OR then again, he might have been desperately searching our globe for a short, overweight, Anglophile female who loves long walks in the shade! [sigh!] No matter, I think it turned out for the best, and for now, I'm not planning any further trips to Dayton. Well, not right away at least...

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