Thursday, February 5, 2009

Diet Girl Continues Making Changes

Diet Girl keeps plugging along on this non-diet called Weight Watchers. I’ve been told to stop calling this a diet since Weight Watchers doesn’t refer to their plan as a diet but rather a lifestyle change. It is that, BUT for all practical purposes this plan is helping me adjust my diet. Thus, it’s a diet. Plus, I just like the idea of being Diet Girl. So I’m keeping the title and wearing my cape with pride. So there. Hmmmm…I wonder what color cape I should invest in—orange, green or purple? Or maybe I should just stick with the classic red or blue? Such dilemmas…[sigh!]

Well, let me update you on my lifestyle changes, and just to clarify here, I’m referring to my changes in dietary habits not something more significant here.
1. I’m down a total of 72.6 pounds as of this week. WOOHOO!!

2. I had my measurements taken for the 2nd time in 5 months a couple of weeks back, and I had lost a total of 18 inches in those 5 months. I was very excited. The scale doesn’t always tell the full story. Sometimes, I can tell I have lost inches even when my weight hasn’t changed much, just by the way clothes are fitting, etc. It was extra nice to hear about those inches disappearing to give me a boost.

3. I’m finding that I’m getting full faster especially during meals. For example, I had a delicious Lean Cuisine frozen entrée for lunch today along with a Dole fruit cup, and afterwards, I was feeling a bit too full. See, I shouldn’t have added that fruit cup. Now three months ago, a frozen entrée wouldn’t have filled me up at all. But I’m discovering with most things that the recommended serving size is adequate for my needs. Who knew that you didn’t need to eat half of a big bag of chips to get enough? Hee hee!

4. Fruit and vegetables are delicious. I’ve always like fruit, but lately, I can’t seem to get enough. I think fresh grapes are still my favorite, but I enjoy a good orange, a handful of cherries or blueberries, a not-too-ripe banana, a crunchy Fuji apple, or a juicy peach or nectarine most days as well. As for the veggies, I’m still eating a lot of them. I love corn, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes (regular and sweet)--just to name a few. Some days, I eat very little meat at all. No, I’m not a vegetarian. I still eat chicken, pork and beef, but I just don't eat it quite as much as I used to. However, acouple of times a month, I'll just get a serious craving for a steak, and since I eat out less and less, when I do get out, I love splurging on a medium-well done steak. YUM!

5. I’m still doing Tae-Bo throughout the week. I’m not quite ready to be on Billy Blank’s next DVD series, but my workout is coming along just fine.
Yes, these last 10 months have brought about a lot of changes in my life, and I’m thankful for the progress made thus far. My friends and family have been so invigorating to me, and I’m grateful for their continued patience. My sister has been my stalwart companion, my inspiration and avid encourager. Thanks again, Sis, for giving me the needed nudge to start down this path. Our one-year anniversary will soon be here. We'll have to celebrate!

Thank you, LORD, for the continued strength, motivation and endurance you have provided. YOU have blessed my efforts, and I am grateful. Thank YOU!

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