Friday, February 20, 2009

Life in Mel’s World Drums On

Sometimes I think my world resembles a Richard Scarry book. Remember those classics? The scenes filled with animals going about their routines in the town aptly named Busytown. I love those books. Every time I flip through them, I see something I had missed before. Lowly Worm was my favorite. He still makes me smile. Cool! I just found this intro clip from the animated series, and it brought back good memories. The books were always better though.

Hmmmm...let’s see. What do I need to update you all on?
1. This week has just flown by. My co-worker is out on vacation for 10 days, and so I’m covering her desk and my own until March. WHEW! [Deep breath] This is a bit of a practice run for what things will be like later this spring when this same co-worker will be out for 2+ months on maternity leave. YIKES! Somehow, things are being managed, and we are all surviving just fine; however, I do head home each night more tired than the night before. But don’t you feel sorry for me. After all, it’s Friday, and this girl is excited about a low-key weekend ahead. My jam-packed weekend routine includes sleeping, breathing, maybe doing some laundry, catching up on my DVR programs, going to church on Sunday—oh and eating. WOOHOO! I like the sounds of that schedule. OK, so I’ll probably get bored and will head out to run errands anyway, but that’s just how I’m wired. I’m meant to be doing something most of the time.

2. Two of the attorneys I work for took me to lunch on Wednesday this week for my birthday. They had desserts brought around for our table, and I confess that I had a ½ cup of French vanilla ice cream. [There. Feels good to get that off my chest.] Let me just say that I had forgotten how wonderful and rich real ice cream tastes. WOW!

3. I’m in a new Bible book study with my friend Heidi and the ladies at her church in Plainfield. We’re working through Bad Girls of the Bible. Catchy title, eh? It’s been interesting so far. My verdict is still out on this book, but I’m working my way through it week-by week. We'll see what I think later on. Like I told my sister recently, I don’t always have to love an author to glean truth from their books. GOD is able to work if we let HIM.

4. I’m crazy about Netflix. One of my other attorneys got me a gift-subscription for Christmas, and I’m loving it. I come home after a busy day at the office, ready to heat up my baked potato and leftover chili. But WAIT! there it is. I have a bright red envelope in my mailbox, and suddenly all is right with the world again. [sigh!] Doesn’t take much to move me apparently. And men say that women are so difficult and hard to please--WHATEVER...

5. And before my sister comments on it, I want to point out that I seem to have a new craze for making numbered lists--even on my blog. I've been sending my sister catch-up emails with a numbered list of items I'm sharing with her, and she has dared to make fun of it. Can you believe that? I know, it's shocking that she would mock yours truly especially since I am overly-sensitive, but she did. I forgave her, but then I'm always good like that. Good at accepting other faults and forgiving them with open arms... [GAG!] You all know I'm kidding, right?
Ok, so this blog post has been rather random and maybe just a bit warped, but then so is your hostess. I wish you all a fabulous weekend! May GOD bless you and keep you!

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