Thursday, February 5, 2009

Visiting the BMV

This week I headed to the local BMV to renew my driver’s license. Yes, it’s that time again--time for another totally unflattering photo to keep in my wallet for years to come. I can't wait!

The clerk started off my visit with the basic questions: was my address still the same? could I confirm my date of birth? etc. But then the questions got a bit more personal.
Her: Is your height still 5 foot 1 inch?

Me: No, I’m actually just a hair over 5 foot now. I lost almost an inch.

Her: (She smiled and waved it off.) That’s close enough. We’ll leave it. (I was elated. Think tall! Think tall!)

Her: And is your weight current here? (She asked handing me my old license to review.)

Me: Yes, it really is, and it should be less next week.
Inside I was laughing at the irony. Why?--you may ask. Well, because my driver’s license listed weight is correct for the first time in 6 years or so. Come on. BE HAPPY FOR ME! I’m no longer living a lie. And no, I’m not going to tell you what my driver’s license says or show you my license either. Please! Some things a woman ALWAYS likes to keep private.

As for the photo, it's not great, but it's far better than the old one. Hee hee!


Oh, and I just have to say visit to the BMV this year was the best I've had in Indiana. The clerks were friendly, their service was quick, and my visit was relatively painless. Kudos to the hard-working employees at the BMV off of Michigan and 86th Streets! You're awesome!

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