Monday, March 16, 2009

Do You Know What Tomorrow Is?

No? Well, let me fill you in. Tomorrow will mark 8 weeks before our departure for England. Can I get a whopping big WOOHOO please? Come on, do it for me. Pretty please?

I know some of you may be tiring of my ongoing obsession with everything British, but this is a trip that I have been dreaming of my whole life. And as the money leaves my bank account to pre-pay for things and as the days tick by, it is becoming more and more a reality: Melanie Sue is really going to England, my friends.

Here at work, I get asked about my travel plans at least 3 times a day, and we’ve started discussing deadlines and project in terms of my British rendezvous.

Mel, is that patent filing due P.E. or A.E.?

Translation: Is that patent application due to be filed PRE-England or AFTER-England.
My co-workers, friends and family have all been so supportive. I think some of them are just as excited as I am. Everyone wants a copy of the itinerary so they know exactly what I will be seeing and doing each day. Don’t roll your eyes! Of course, we have an itinerary. This is me we're talking about, and I need to account for every moment of every day. It’s a necessity. Doesn’t everyone travel with a typed-up schedule of what they will be doing each moment on their dream vacation? No? much you all miss. I'm rather sad for you actually. Hee hee!

1 comment:

Lisa said...
