Friday, March 6, 2009

Practicing England Hair

Today, I’m rehearsing England hair. I wasn’t planning to do so. It just sorta happened.

I collected a bunch of good packing boxes to take up to my sister’s place this weekend, and my cohort Jennifer and I ran outside this morning to pack up my car. It was so muggy out there. WOW! Totally balmy. No sign of rain, but I felt like I needed a yellow slicker and galoshes anyway. [Don’t you just love that word galoshes? It’s such a strange word.]

Anyway, so I came back inside and a couple of people quickly commented on my appearance. Are you feeling all right? I could tell I was flushed.

What’s the weather like out there? I figured I was probably all windblown, and I had just rushed around outside. You all know how I am. I’m short, and to keep up with all the giants among us, I tend to scurry. I just don’t have a slow speed when it comes to getting from point A to point B. I’m working on it, and trying to slow my pace down, but it’s a hard habit to break.

Incidentally, I blame it all on those 4 years at BJU. Four steady years of RUNNING to class, RUNNING to chapel, RUNNING to Sunday morning services, RUNNING to my job at the dining common. And why was I running, you may ask? Because you got demerits if you were late for class, late to chapel, late to Sunday services, late to your job, etc. OK, I need to save that for another therapy session. Let’s move on...

So finally after feeling like there had to be something wrong, I ran to the restroom to check it out for myself, and I literally laughed at my reflection. My hair had grown about 3 inches bigger due to the humidity and perhaps some help from the wind. Some of you may not known, but this girl has thick, naturally wavy hair that she pulls straight every day. There is a good reason for the daily straightening. I don’t like the wave in my hair. One side is wavier than the other, and it’s getting frizzier with each passing year. URGH! So after running around outdoors, my hair was completely out of control again, and like I had suspected my cheeks were nice and rosy.

And now I’m just picturing me in England later this spring (in 67 days to be exact). My two dear friends will have the joy of watching me transform into someone else as the days go on. I'll be like Monica in that awesome Friends episode where her hair keeps getting bigger and bigger in the humidity on Barbados. Now I don’t know how England’s humidity compares to the USA, and so maybe it won’t be quite that bad. All I know is that we’re being told NOT to expect warm weather in the UK and that their springs are often quite wet. In fact, when I tell people I’m going to England for 2 weeks, they almost always talk about the rain or remind me to take several umbrellas.

So...I’m just calling this a practice-run for England hair, and it’s kinda scary, my friend. There may not be any photos to proudly display or prove that Melanie Sue was ever in England. Well, those photos may exist, but they might not get shared. HA!

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