Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Good With Naps

Sleep is eluding me tonight. I came home from work early Wednesday afternoon around 2 PM and headed straight for bed. I was feeling achy and awful. So I took a 3-hour nap, and woke up revived and felt much better. I had a quiet evening at home, caught up on Lost, watched some MI-5 courtesy of Netflix and finally headed into bed around 12:45 AM. Now, I knew I was going to have to stay up late to counteract that nap, and so I did. I'm a high energy person, and basically a 30-minute nap can revive me for hours. So just imagine what 3 hours does to me. HA! You guessed it. It's 2 AM, and I'm wide awake still. YIKES!

You know how some people get wimpy and needy when they don't feel well. That's not me. I get feisty when I'm sick. It's actually best if I'm alone. Just ask my sister. No one knows that better than her. If I'm injured or feeling ill, this recluse needs even more space than usual. No babying or special attention. Mel needs to be on her own. I get cranky and the zingers fly. In fact, I joked with a co-worker as I was leaving the building yesterday. I told her I was leaving before I bit someone's head off. She laughed and said half-serious, “Yes, by all means, GO HOME!” She recalls all to well those 10 days that I was on steroids to cure a nasty sinus infection a couple of years ago. Those days when I was convinced that I worked with idiots, and that I was the only person getting any work done in the office. Yes, it was as if I were on speed. NOT that I would know what that feels like, but hey, I've watched a few movies in my time, and I have a vivid imagination. I guess I was quite comical.

Well, here's to you. I hope you are feeling well and ready for another beautiful day! Hmmmm...I think I feel a yawn coming. Maybe I'll try to catch some zzz's now.


Anonymous said...

I hope it wasn't the lunch! Hahahahaha I do remember when we were all idiots. Now, those were the good old days! Hope you are feeling better today.

Melanie said...

I don't think it was the lunch althought I did wonder. Hmmmm...

Yes, those steroid days were fun, weren't they? Remember the ideas I had for change? Like revamping the filed patents log, etc. HA!