Friday, March 27, 2009

For the Record: I Am Alive

I just wanted to get that out there. People tend to get a little nervous about me when I don’t blog for a full week or more these days, but I am happy to report that I do have a pulse or did when last I checked.

For about 2 weeks, I have been pretending that I did not have a sinus infection. I figured if I just ignored the symptoms, sooner or later the infection would just call it quits and leave me be. Surprisingly, that never seems to work for me, and it failed again. [sigh!] So earlier this week, I dropped the sham and headed to the doctor. Yep, it was speedily confirmed. I had a doozie of a sinus infection and am now heavily medicated with antibiotics and watching the clock. When you have to take 1 pill every 12 hours, another pill 3 times a day, and still another pill 5 times a day, I’ve found it easier to just make a schedule to follow. Come on, this is me we’re talking about. Organization is the name of the game, and so of course, I’d come up with some way to maintain this strict medication regimen. Hee hee!

There is not much else to report really. Remember, I’ve been medicated, and so the week has been a bit of a blur anyway. HA!

In funny news, my sister Barbara posted the original portraits that her 2 eldest children drew of their Aunt Mel. I'm still not sure if I should feel flattered or not by these unique caricatures that Jacob and Grace drew. HA! But they sure make me laugh. Check them out.

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