Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Joys of Autumn

I love fall. (Stop rolling your eyes.) I know I blog about this every year (sometimes more than once), but autumn is just awesome! The cooler temps, the crunchy leaves on the ground, the smell of pumpkins and apples in the air – it’s all good stuff.

This fall has started off with a bang in Indiana.
1. It’s been really cold already, and there has been a chilly wind almost every day. Plus the weather man is threatening snow this weekend. Hey, that reminds me. I need to make sure I can find my snow shovel. YIKES!
2. It’s been super rainy here of late. So those crunchy leaves I was talking about are a bit hard to find. You are more likely to feel a squish as you make your way across the soggy ground, but the trees are still pretty with their brilliant pallet of colors anyway.
3. Someone told me that there was a pumpkin shortage this season, and that if I found pumpkins, I should buy up quickly in bulk. Personally, I don’t usually use all that much pumpkin, but I do like to have a can or two on hand. Now before you make a mad dash to your local grocer, let me state for the record that I have not been able to confirm or negate this alleged pumpkin deficit. Both groceries I have visited this week have had whole pumpkins and canned pumpkin as well. So, it is quite possible that the lack of pumpkins might just be a rumor, but I do like to keep my dear readers informed.

Speaking of Indiana, the other night on the phone my Mom asked me if I was a Hoosier now. I literally gasped in horror at the suggestion, and she laughed at me. I don’t know why I continue to fight the status of becoming a Hoosier. I have been in this state for more than 13 years now, but somehow, I still like telling people that I’m originally from Michigan. After all, I was technically in Michigan for nearly 22 years, and so I guess it is only natural that the Great Lake State still has a piece of me and perhaps always will.

Anyway, back to fall. I’m glad it is here despite the chilly, wet conditions. This is my favorite season – the sights, the smells, the sounds (raking leaves, leaf blowers, rain pinging the window pane) and the tastes.

Even though I am pretty faithful to my Weight Watchers plan, I did nibble on some candy corn recently. I also learned a valuable lesson. Just because you like candy corn, does NOT mean that you will enjoy or appreciate every new candy corn flavor on the market. I tried the caramel apple and the sweet apple flavored candy corn varieties, and I think I’ll just stick to the regular stuff in the future. All candy corn is not created equal. It’s just a fact, my friends. Consider yourself warned!

Enjoy the season and savor some delicious candy corn for me, my friends!

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