This fall has started off with a bang in Indiana.
1. It’s been really cold already, and there has been a chilly wind almost every day. Plus the weather man is threatening snow this weekend. Hey, that reminds me. I need to make sure I can find my snow shovel. YIKES!
2. It’s been super rainy here of late. So those crunchy leaves I was talking about are a bit hard to find. You are more likely to feel a squish as you make your way across the soggy ground, but the trees are still pretty with their brilliant pallet of colors anyway.
3. Someone told me that there was a pumpkin shortage this season, and that if I found pumpkins, I should buy up quickly in bulk. Personally, I don’t usually use all that much pumpkin, but I do like to have a can or two on hand. Now before you make a mad dash to your local grocer, let me state for the record that I have not been able to confirm or negate this alleged pumpkin deficit. Both groceries I have visited this week have had whole pumpkins and canned pumpkin as well. So, it is quite possible that the lack of pumpkins might just be a rumor, but I do like to keep my dear readers informed.
Speaking of Indiana, the other night on the phone my Mom asked me if I was a Hoosier now. I literally gasped in horror at the suggestion, and she laughed at me. I don’t know why I continue to fight the status of becoming a Hoosier. I have been in this state for more than 13 years now, but somehow, I still like telling people that I’m originally from Michigan. After all, I was technically in Michigan for nearly 22 years, and so I guess it is only natural that the Great Lake State still has a piece of me and perhaps always will.
Anyway, back to fall. I’m glad it is here despite the chilly, wet conditions. This is my favorite season – the sights, the smells, the sounds (raking leaves, leaf blowers, rain pinging the window pane) and the tastes.
Even though I am pretty faithful to my Weight Watchers plan, I did nibble on some candy corn recently. I also learned a valuable lesson. Just because you like candy corn, does NOT mean that you will enjoy or appreciate every new candy corn flavor on the market. I tried the caramel apple and the sweet apple flavored candy corn varieties, and I think I’ll just stick to the regular stuff in the future. All candy corn is not created equal. It’s just a fact, my friends. Consider yourself warned!
Enjoy the season and savor some delicious candy corn for me, my friends!
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