Friday, November 6, 2009

Candy Break Time

I’m having a moment. Just me and a Nestlē Baby Ruth bar. I’m at work sitting in my corporate-issued cubicle with people buzzing around me, but when I close my eyes and fade for a moment, I’m at home curled up in my comfy chair with a soft blanket and a good read, AND I’m enjoying every tantalizing morsel of this chocolatey delight.

Never mind that I am consuming 7 Weight Watchers points to get a quick fix. Don't lecture me. Yes, I know just how many Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches I could be eating instead, but it doesn't matter. This is my first REAL candy bar in a long time, and I’m savoring this decadent pause in the hustle and bustle of life.

This candy break moment was brought to you by Nestlē.


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