Sunday, April 25, 2010

Practicing Community

I love LDM SonRise Retreats. I have been participating as a weekend volunteer companion since last October, and it has been an incredible journey, and one I am delighted GOD started me on. [Thanks for the nudge, Barb!]

These weekends are just extraordinary, and I have encountered GOD everywhere – in every face, every laugh, every song, every prayer. HE is there, reminding me of HIS love, HIS patience, HIS kindness. I almost feel guilty that I have such a good time “serving,” when I truly feel that it is my heart GOD is ministering to. HE is meeting my needs through the interaction and blessings of others.

The campers are full of love and joy. These teens and adults with special needs have an overwhelming ABILITY to lift spirits, encourage others and show GOD’s love and grace in new ways. I have learned a great deal from them, and I am starting to believe that a person simply cannot get enough hugs. I feel very loved.

I’ve gained a lot more respect for younger Christian teenagers and adults. I’m older than most of the volunteers, and at first, I confess, it was a little intimidating. OK, it was a LOT intimidating. But once I got over it, I discovered some amazing friends in these brothers and sisters in Christ. We’ve worshiped, sang songs, studied GOD’s Word, cared for the needs of others, laughed to tears, crafted for hours, and shared life together as we’ve served side by side. In short, we’ve bonded.

On a retreat weekend, we all fit in – campers, companions and staff together. For three days, we are a family. On those weekends, I feel we more closely resemble the body of Christ the way GOD intended. There are no misfits. No cliques. No one is shunned or left out. We are a community of believers, brought together in harmony and unity under the precious blood of Christ. Perhaps, it is just a glimmer of the way Heaven will be.

Yes, LDM SonRise Retreats are just the kind of community therapy I have needed these last few months, and the blessings I have received have far outweighed the costs.

FATHER, thank YOU for bringing the gift of LDM into my life. I am grateful.

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