Friday, April 23, 2010

I See a Short Stranger in Your Future

My fortune cookie at lunch the other day read:
A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share.
My friends and I all laughed, and then the joke for the rest of the day was that we were all scouting for a short stranger for me – a single male, to be more precise.

Later that evening as I went for my daily walk/jog, I spotted a short candidate. OK, the truth is that I spotted his 2 beautiful dogs first. Come on, they were big dogs, and every one knows that I’m a sucker for big dogs. I really wanted to run over and pet them. But then I noticed who the dogs were “pulling,” and so I did take a second nonchalant look as they got closer to me. No, we didn’t meet and fall madly in love on the trail, but I did say hi (probably with a dorky smile on my face), and he said hi back. It wasn’t quite the magic I hoped for, but you know, we were just passing each other going in opposite directions on the path, and so you never know. But for now, I’m keeping my options open. Hee hee!

But getting back to my lunch conversation, I feel the need to relay some new information that I learned at lunch that day...about women who are NOT vertically challenged. You see, I’m short (and obviously THAT is not the breath-taking news you are waiting for here). AHEM! Anyway, what I learned was that tall women struggle to find tall men to date/marry because short women are also on the lookout for tall men. OK, so it’s not mind-blowing here. It kinda makes sense. I just didn’t know it was such an issue, but two of my lunch pals were tall, married women, and they shared stories with me. My eyes were opened to the challenges tall women face.

I didn’t realize that tall women resent short women who pursue the only prospects these taller women can dance with respectively in heels. I had no idea, but I am happy to report on the dancing score that I would be no competition to a tall women in heels -- no competition AT ALL. I am completely unable to move to any kind of rhythm in a less than sporadic manner, and so I would not be an ideal dance partner anyway. HA!

But as a member of the pint-size league, I confess, height is attractive. I mean, just the fact that a guy can reach something on the top shelf is sexy. But as much as I joke about height and needing a tall male in my future, the truth is that I’m just 5 feet tall, and so someone with 5 or 6 inches on me is quite tall to me. So, in reality, I’m not really out to marry a giant or steal the heart of the last tall single male. I’m not. I’m not that girl.

But that being said, I’m also probably not gonna walk away from the love of my life just because he has more than 6 inches on me. HA! Can you just picture it? Me standing on a chair so I can look into his eyes and tell him as gently as I can that I can’t marry him because he is too tall, and I would feel too much guilt because there are far too many single tall females in search of a such a man with height. It would be so sad, and you know I don’t like to see anyone in pain, and so I would do what I’d have to do.

And hopefully, all my tall single girlfriends would still talk to me and come to the wedding!

1 comment:

Kate S. said...

haha Girls at college were mad at me b/c Steve is 6'1" i.e. 11" taller than me! :) I didn't choose him b/c he was tall! It was b/c he was wonderful and all that gushy stuff.