Monday, April 5, 2010

Road Tripping Part I

THURSDAY: I headed to Michigan for a long Easter weekend spent with my parents and my 94-year-old Grandma. Nothing quite like going home, is there? It felt so good to be in my home state again.

I spent a few hours with my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neal on Thursday afternoon. These dear family friends are not blood relatives, but they have been like second parents to me for as long as I can remember. I showed them my England pictures slideshow and got caught up on all their news.

After dinner, my Mom and I drove to Lexington and walked the pier together. It was a beautiful night, and the water was as clear and lovely as I remember. So much for global warming though, the water levels are way down again this year. AHEM!

FRIDAY: My Mom and I headed to Port Huron for a girl’s day out. We visited the Port Huron lighthouse. There is a story here. Somehow, I didn’t know that this lighthouse existed until 5 or 6 years ago. The lighthouse is only about 25 miles from my childhood home, and yet we were never properly introduced until I was over 30. Not sure how it escaped my notice until then, but it does exist.

We had lunch at a Mongolian Buffet & Grill, where I introduced my Mom to Mongolian cuisine and taught her how to use chopsticks. She is a quick learner! After lunch, we walked along the Blue Water Bridge for a couple of hours--enjoying the scenery and sun and just getting caught up. It was a busy day.

SATURDAY: After lunch, Dad, Mom, Grandma and I headed North up Michigan’s thumb and visited exciting destinations along Lake Huron like Port Sanilac, Granite City and Bad Axe. OK, so those places aren’t all that thrilling in themselves. AHEM! But I enjoy rediscovering Michigan’s coastline, and somehow, I don’t tire of that amazing blue and green water or the shore scenery. I’m a Great Lakes girl for life, I guess.

SUNDAY: I enjoyed getting caught up with some of my dear friends in the church where I grew up. We might not see eye-to-eye on some issues, but I am still blessed to know these amazing brothers and sisters in Christ.

After a fabulous home-cooked ham lunch, I packed up and headed back to Indianapolis. It’s always fun to get away for a few days, but I also enjoy getting back home and enjoying the comforts of life as I know it.

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